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姓名 陳正群(Chen, Jheng-Cyun)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 天文研究所
(ALMA Host galaxy observation of the off-axis Gamma-Ray Burst XRF020903)
★ 用極廣視野望遠鏡WIDGET尋找偶發的光學閃燄★ 昴星團望遠鏡深場中的不尋常亮瞬變天體
★ Fermi LAT detected GRB 160623A with bright Submm afterglow ~Double - Jet component~
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摘要(中) X射線瞬閃 (X-ray flash,簡稱XRF) 因為僅有X射線輻射而普遍被認為觀察者位置偏離噴流方向。因此研究X射線瞬閃及其宿主星系有助於研究伽瑪射線爆離軸模型 (off-axis)。我使用ALMA (阿塔卡瑪大型毫米及次毫米波陣列) 的233 GHz的塵埃連續光譜和CO譜線研究XRF 020903宿主星系的無線電波段特性。透過CO譜線輻射強度與氫分子數量轉換因子推導出宿主星系的分子氣體質量,大致符合了不同紅移伽瑪射線爆宿主星系與恆星質量的整體趨勢。我也估計與伽瑪射線爆宿主星系的潛在關鍵特徵有關的氣體消耗時間尺度,發現X射線瞬閃的宿主星系,其氣體消耗的時間尺度,與相同紅移範圍內的伽 瑪射線爆宿主星系或超亮超新星宿主星系相近。
另外為了確認大質量恆星爆發和噴流是相同起源的論點,我比較XRF 020903和其他伽瑪射線爆的宿主星系的無線電波段特性。XRF 020903宿主星系的ALMA觀測是在Band 3和Band 6執行,目的是檢測塵埃的連續光譜和CO發射譜線。我從無線電波段的連續光譜得出的恆星形成速率與光學波段的恆星形成速率結果可能一致或較小。搜集伽瑪射線報宿主星系文獻並確認檔案數據,我彙編了ALMA觀測到的36個伽瑪射線爆宿主星系的無線電波段光譜的特性。這些伽瑪射線爆的宿主星系氣體質量性質也與XRF 020903的結果大致相同或較大。
摘要(英) I investigated the radio properties of the host galaxy of X-ray flash, XRF 020903, which is the best sample for investigating of the off-axis origin of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Dust continuum at 233 GHz and CO are observed using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. The molecular gas mass derived by applying the metallicity-dependent CO-to-H2 conversion factor matches the global trend along the redshift and stellar mass of the GRB host galaxies. The estimated gas depletion timescale (pertaining to the potential critical characteristics of GRB host galaxies) is equivalent to or rather lower than those of GRBs and super-luminous supernova hosts in the same redshift range.
And toward the unification of massive stellar explosion along with GRB jet viewing angle, I compare the radio properties of the host galaxy of XRF 020903 with that of GRBs. My ALMA observations for the XRF 020903 host galaxy were executed at Band 3 and Band 6 aiming to detect dust continuum and CO line. The star forming rate derived from radio continuum is consistent with optical measurement. By summarizing literatures and measuring archive data, I compiled the radio properties of 36 GRB host galaxies observed by ALMA. The properties of gas mass are also consistent with or rather smaller than those of GRB host galaxies.
關鍵字(中) ★ 伽瑪射線爆
★ X射線瞬閃
★ 伽瑪射線爆宿主星系
關鍵字(英) ★ Gamma-Ray Bursts
★ X-Ray Flashes
★ GRB Host Galaxies
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
Contents vii
List of Figures ....................................... xi
List of Tables ........................................ xvii
1 Introduction ........................................ 1
2 Review .............................................. 5
2.1 Gamma-Ray Burst ................................... 5
2.1.1 Prompt Emission ................................. 5
2.1.2 Afterglow ...................................... 15
2.2 Unification of GRBs and X-Ray Flash .............. 17
2.2.1 Phenomenology of X-Ray Flash ................... 17
2.2.2 Jet Collimation and Viewing Angle .............. 17
2.3 Host Galaxy ...................................... 18
2.3.1 Optical View.................................... 18
2.3.2 Radio View ..................................... 19
2.3.3 Star Formation Rate and Metallicity ............ 20
3 Instrumentation .................................... 21
3.1 ALMA.............................................. 21
4 Observation and Data collection .................... 23
4.1 XRF 020903........................................ 23
4.2 GRB host galaxies................................. 24
5 Result ............................................. 29
5.1 XRF 020903........................................ 29
5.2 Other samples..................................... 30
6 Discussion ......................................... 33
6.1 IR Luminosity and Star Formation Rate (SFR) with GRB host Galaxies ........................................ 33
6.2 Limit of Luminosity of CO and Molecular Gas ...... 34
6.2.1 Molecular Gas Mass ............................. 34
6.2.2 Molecular Gas Mass-SFR, Gas Fraction, Depletion Timescale ............................................ 38
7 Conclusion ......................................... 45
Bibliography ......................................... 47
Appendix A ........................................... 55
A.1 GRB980425......................................... 55
A.2 GRB980703......................................... 56
A.3 GRB020819B........................................ 57
A.4 GRB021004......................................... 58
A.5 GRB021211......................................... 59
A.6 GRB031203......................................... 60
A.7 GRB050401......................................... 61
A.8 GRB050709......................................... 62
A.9 GRB051006......................................... 63
A.10 GRB051022........................................ 64
A.11 GRB051117B....................................... 65
A.12 GRB060814........................................ 66
A.13 GRB070306........................................ 67
A.14 GRB070521........................................ 68
A.15 GRB070802........................................ 69
A.16 GRB071021........................................ 70
A.17 GRB080207........................................ 71
A.18 GRB080607........................................ 72
A.19 GRB081109A....................................... 73
A.20 GRB081221........................................ 74
A.21 GRB090423........................................ 75
A.22 GRB100621A....................................... 76
A.23 GRB110918A....................................... 77
A.24 GRB111123A....................................... 78
A.25 GRB120624B....................................... 79
A.26 GRB130606A....................................... 80
A.27 GRB130925A....................................... 81
Appendix B ........................................... 83
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指導教授 浦田裕次(Urata, Yuji) 審核日期 2021-7-28
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