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姓名 方俊皓(Jiun-Hau Fang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 照明與顯示科技研究所 論文名稱 點矩陣式LED交通標誌之光學元件設計與評估
(Optical Lens Design and Evaluation of LED Traffic Signs of Dot Matrix Type)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 現今LED技術日新月異,在生活中各處皆可見到LED產品的應用,LED的低耗電、高流明、使用壽命長等優點使得LED儼然成為照明等相關應用的主流,在交通標誌上也是如此,為了增加夜間行駛的安全性,LED交通標誌也在逐漸增加,但LED標誌優劣仍是需要評估的。在先前研究之四種LED交通標誌結果中,針對各個標誌進行了舒適度、判別度與喜好度三個面向進行主觀感受問卷分析,但分析數據僅在各個面向獨立比較,而本研究利用概化估計方程式,將此三種面向的數據同時納入考量計算出一整合三者之邊際均值作為評估之綜合得分,隨後以各個LED交通標誌進行事後成對比較,其比較結果與先前研究結果相似,且利用這種估計方法可得單一得分作為指標,能更直觀的評估LED交通標誌不同設計的優劣,後續相關實驗可改採用此種方式進行評估。
摘要(英) LED technology is changing with each passing day. LEDs have been widely used in lighting applications, including traffic signs. In order to improve the safety of night driving, more and more traffic signs have utilized LEDs. But these traffic signs need to be evaluated. Our previous studies have evaluated four custom-made LED highway traffic signs with different designs in three aspects, including the legibility, visual comfort and preferences. Each aspect was evaluated independently at the time. The current study uses the generalized estimating equations to calculate the marginal mean as the evaluation score for each sign’s messages when legibility, visual comfort and preferences across all signs are controlled.
The other study in this thesis is modifying the lens design with partial backward lighting in our previous studies to be used on LED traffic signs of dot matrix type. We designed a total of 11 lenses back then, and among them two lenses were more effective and applicable. The lens that we selected for the ergonomic experiment is based on a thin plastic sleeve with one end coated with 90 % highly reflective coating. The lens was designed to be fitted on bullet-shaped LEDs, but the LEDs used on the signs have silicone on the outer layer for waterproof and dustproof. So the lens is larger than the original design. In order to be durable, the lens material is changed from acrylic to polycarbonate. The influence of the above factors increases the illumination area of the backward light, and the intensity decreases. As a result, the power ratio of front-facing light to backward light is 10.38:1, which is still within the acceptable range although it is different from the original expectation.
The ergonomic experiments evaluate the legibility, visual comfort and preferences of each part of the traffic sign at the distance of 75 m and 30 m. The experimental data are estimated by the method of generalized estimation equations described in the previous paragraph. Then the pairwise comparisons on the mean evaluation scores are tested in three ways, including the data of Wan word, Li word and both of them. The results show that the lens with partial backward lighting has no benefit in improving the visual quality of LED traffic signs of the dot matrix type. Nevertheless, future experiments can still try some other lenses and tune the optical design to control the illumination area and intensity of backward lighting, in order to achieve better visual quality of LED traffic signs of dot matrix type.
關鍵字(中) ★ LED交通標誌
★ 套件
★ 背向照明
★ 概化估計方程式關鍵字(英) ★ LED traffic signs
★ Lens
★ Backward lighting
★ Generalized estimating equation論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1.研究背景與動機 1
1.2.研究目的 2
1.3.論文架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1.交通標誌規範與研究 5
2.2.LED套件設計 7
2.3.統計分析 10
第三章研究方法與步驟 16
3.1.反 射套件設計 16
3.2.點矩陣式交通標誌看板 19
3.3.實驗一 25
3.4.實驗二 29
3.5.分析方法 35
第四章 結果與討論 37
4.1.四種LED交通標誌設計之GEE評估 37
4.2.反射套件設計與製作 51
4.3.實驗一實驗結果 54
4.4.實驗二前測實驗結果 64
4.5.實驗二正式實驗結果 69
4.6.萬里比較 71
4.7.實驗小結 72
第五章 結論與未來展望 74
5.1.結論 74
5.2.未來展望 75
參考文獻 77
附錄一 實驗問卷內容 80參考文獻 1.楊明峰,LED路標發亮用路人喊讚,民國 104 年12月2日。
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