博碩士論文 106256011 詳細資訊

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姓名 李靈(Ling Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 螢幕精準色彩校正模式之研究
(Study of Accurate Calibration Procedure on Color Display)
★ 新型光電生化感測器之分析與研究★ 薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器中視角色偏之優化補償方法
★ 特定色度背光模組零組件之光學特性評估★ 電子紙增亮分析與模擬設計
★ 生物晶片螢光檢測之光源模型探討★ 介電電濕式數位微流體驅動系統之探討
★ 發光二極體照明系統之色彩特性優化設計★ 以EWOD為基礎的長鏈高分子原位合成器
★ 色盲量化測試系統之研究★ 可調式自然日光模擬光源之製作
★ 演色性評估之相關性指標★ 亞精胺影響下DNA構形與DNA碎片分佈之研究
★ 生物晶片之螢光光學檢測★ 生物晶片螢光分析之微光學模組
★ 光學式生化反應即時偵測系統★ 微液滴驅動之研究與探討
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摘要(中) 本論文探討如何改進顯示器的顯色精準度,尋求一有效的校正模
摘要(英) The purpose of this thesis is to explore for an effective calibration
process to highly improve the performance of displays. In such a way, the
calibrated displays can present high quality contents with high accuracy
both in photometric and in chromatic evaluation. Firstly, we have executed
photometric and chromatic measurements on the performance of displays.
After analyzing the measured data, several photometric and chromatic
models between the controlling gray levels and display outputs of
luminance and chromaticity have been established for each one of the
primary color channels. With these photometric and chromatic models, the
high accuracy calibration on a display is approached both in the
photometric and the chromatic performance. Currently, the calibration
process for a display is based on the color mixing among three fixed color
primaries. By a linear transformation, the color difference between the
color mixing prediction and the realistic performance of a display is
expected to be diminished. However, we found a display does not work in
such a simple way. That is why every display has its own exclusive
performance even for the same contents. Here, we propose two effective models for the color mixing in displays. One is the linear superposition
mixing model, and the other is the spectral principal component mixing
model. Both of these two ways can effectively solve the unneglectable
color shiting problems in displays. Accordingly, the leaking primary color
can be well evaluated such as to have accurate calibration. The spectral
principal component mixing model provides with much better accuracy
than the linear superposition mixing model, while with more complicated
關鍵字(中) ★ 螢幕校正
★ 色彩
★ 顯色
★ 色差
★ 傳統混色法
★ 線性疊加混色法
★ 光譜分析混色法
★ 主成份分析
關鍵字(英) ★ Accurate Calibration
★ Monitor
★ Color Difference
★ Traditional
★ Superposition analysis
★ Principal component analysis (PCA)
論文目次 摘要 ...................................................................................................... v
Abstract .................................................................................................... vi
致謝 ................................................................................................... vii
目錄 .................................................................................................. viii
圖目錄 .................................................................................................... xi
表目錄 .................................................................................................... xv
第 1 章 緒論 .............................................................................................. 1
1-1 前言 .............................................................................................. 1
1-2 研究背景 ...................................................................................... 2
1-3 顯示器研究發展 .......................................................................... 4
1-3-1 陰極射線管螢幕 .................................................................... 4
1-3-2 液晶顯示器 ............................................................................ 7
1-3-3 電漿顯示器 .......................................................................... 13
1-3-4 有機發光二極體顯示器 ...................................................... 15
1-3-5 微發光二極體顯示器 .......................................................... 17
1-3-6 色域 ...................................................................................... 18
1-4 研究動機與目的 ........................................................................ 20
第 2 章 基礎理論 .................................................................................... 22
2-1 色彩光學概論 ............................................................................ 22
2-1-1 可見光 .................................................................................. 22
2-1-2 CIE 色度系統 ...................................................................... 25
2-1-3 配色實驗 .............................................................................. 26
2-1-4 L*a*b*色度座標空間 .......................................................... 31
2-1-5 色差 (Color Difference) ...................................................... 32
2-2 混色法 ........................................................................................ 33
2-2-1 加法混色法 .......................................................................... 33
2-2-2 並置混色法 .......................................................................... 33
2-2-3 交替混合法 .......................................................................... 34
2-2-4 混色計算 .............................................................................. 34
2-3 人因 ............................................................................................ 36
2-4 顯示器色彩校正 ........................................................................ 38
第 3 章 線性疊加混色法 ........................................................................ 41
3-1 顯示器量測實驗架構 ................................................................ 41
3-2 量測方法 .................................................................................... 45
3-3 量測結果及數據分析 ................................................................ 45
3-3-1 輝度分析 .............................................................................. 45
3-3-2 色度分析 .............................................................................. 53
3-4 混色模型建立 ............................................................................ 63
3-5 驗證 ............................................................................................ 65
3-6 總結 ............................................................................................ 71
第 4 章 光譜分析混色法 ........................................................................ 73
4-1 光譜量測架構 ............................................................................ 73
4-2 量測結果 .................................................................................... 74
4-3 光譜主成份分析 ........................................................................ 79
4-4 混色模型建立 ............................................................................ 82
4-5 驗證 ............................................................................................ 94
4-6 色差分析 .................................................................................. 100
4-7 總結 .......................................................................................... 102
第 5 章 結論 .......................................................................................... 103
參考文獻................................................................................................. 107
中英文名詞對照表 ................................................................................ 112
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指導教授 楊宗勳 審核日期 2020-8-19
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