摘要(英) |
Due to the problem of environmental pollution has become more and more serious in recent years, many countries have advocated the development of green economic policies and have established public bicycle system.With the increase of the usage for public bicycles and occurence of unbalancing trips in different regions, shortage problem of bicycles or parking spaces gradually become serious.Therefore, improving utilization and service quality of public bicycle system has become an important subject in the study of public bicycles.
This research takes the rental stations in Zhongli District, Taoyuan City as the research scope, and analyzes the usage characteristics of public bicycle which occured within the research scope. Than design some bicycle inventory level for each rental station as the basis of reallocation plans, such as based on the station capacity, the demand for rental bicycle or parking space, and historical estimates of the inventory. As well as construct a mathematical planning model to analyze and evaluate the reallocation plans.
This research show that after reallocating bicycles in regions, it can improve the current utilization of public bicycle and reduce the average distance cost generated by reallocation. The plan 1, which is designed from rental station capacity, and plan 2, which is designed from historical estimates of the rental station inventory, result in higher service level but a higher distance cost. Besides, plan 3, which is designed from demand for rental bicycle or parking space, and plan 4, which is designed from disparity between demand of rental bicycle and parking space, compared with plan 1 and plan 2, result in fewer reallocation bicycles and lower distance cost. But, with longer reallocation temporal gap, it happens shortage of bicycle in rental stations more possible as well. |
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