博碩士論文 106323079 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳慶臨(Ching-Lin Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 ITO奈米週期結構提升鈣鈦礦發光二極體光萃取率之模擬研究
(The Simulation Study of Enhancing Light Extraction Efficiency of Perovskite Light Emitting Diodes Via Nano-Periodic Structure of ITO Substrate)
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★ 利用光發射光譜儀監控高功率脈衝磁控濺鍍光學薄膜之研究★ 利用溶劑萃取法結合綠色溶劑製備鈣鈦礦太陽能電池
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摘要(中) 摘要
摘要(英) Abstract
It is a piece of research about the study of enhancing light extraction efficiency of perovskite LED (use CsPbBr3 as active layer) by exposing and etching ITO substrate for Nano-patterned periodic structure. In this article we use optical simulation to simulate plane LED in different CsPbBr3 thickness and periodic patterned LED in different CsPbBr3 thickness and etching depth for best light extraction efficiency, and this method can let us understand the amount of enhancement of light extraction efficiency to save money and time of manufacturing.
By simulating plane LED in different CsPbBr3 thickness, we can understand there is fluctuate difference of light extraction efficiency with changes of thickness. At thickness of 50nm, the light extraction efficiency is 13.9%; at 100nm, it’s 21.94%; at 150nm, it’s 13.88% and at 200nm it’s 23.05%. It’s because optical thickness changes of active layer will produce constructive and destructive interference.
By simulating periodic structure in different CsPbBr3 thickness and etching depths, we can understand there is enhancement of light extraction efficiency with increased etching depth(30/50/80/100nm) at 50nm thickness. At etching depth of 30nm, the light extraction efficiency is 18.65%; at 50nm, it’s 22.65%; at 80nm it’s 27.86% and at 100nm it’s 31.34%. It’s because grating phase difference will produce kirchhoff’s diffraction enhancement. But the efficiency will decrease slightly when the etching depth is beyond 100nm because of the increase of reflectivity of the effective medium grating. When the CsPbBr3 thickness is 100nm, at etching depth of 30nm, the light extraction efficiency is 32.88%; at 50nm, it’s 37.69% and the best number; at 80nm, the number decreased to 33.18%. It’s diffraction efficiency decrease because of the distance between point sources and gratings. When CsPbBr3 thickness is 200nm, at etching depth of 30nm, the light extraction efficiency is 32.25% and the best number. Then the number is decreased with increased etching depth. At etching depth of 50nm, the light extraction efficiency is 31.62% and at 80nm it’s 27.61%. It’s the result of destructive interference produced by inclined side. When we change x axis of point sources we can understand there is less light power extracted at inclined side than at flat side. It can prove the destructive interference produced by inclined side.
關鍵字(中) ★ 鈣鈦礦
★  奈米週期結構
★  光萃取率
★  時域有限差分法
論文目次 目錄
1.1前言………………………………………………………………………… …1
1.2 鈣鈦礦LED發展簡述(CsPbBr3材料)………………………………………2
1.3 LED發光效率介紹……………………………………………………………5
1.3.1 發光效率公式介紹(OLED)........................................................................5
1.3.2 發光效率公式介紹(QLED,Perovskite LED).............................................6
1.4 LED光萃取之出光損失………………………………………………………7
1.5 LED光萃取提升方法及圖案化基板分類……………………………………9
1.6 LED光萃取提升理論與限制……………………….......................................12
1.6.1 單層光柵之克希荷夫繞射(Kirchhoff diffraction theory)........................12
1.6.2 單層光柵之等效介質理論(Effective medium theory).............................14
1.6.3 雙層光柵之破壞性干涉影響....................................................................15
1.7 近年LED模擬實驗研究發展……………………………………………….18
1.7.1 低折射率材料(OLED).……………………………….............................18
1.7.2 低折射率材料(QLED)…………………………………………………..22
1.7.3 高折射率材料(GaN LED)………………………………………………25
1.7.4 高折射率材料(Perovskite LED)………………………………………...28
1.8 研究動機…………………………………………………………………….34
2.1 模擬方法…………………………………………………………………….35
2.2 實驗流程…………………………………………………………………….37
2.2.1 實驗用軟體……………………………………………………………..37
2.2.2 基本參數設定………………………………………..............................38
2.2.3 平面結構繪製………………………………………………………......38
2.2.4 週期結構繪製…………………………………………………………..39
2.2.5 LED點光源設定………………………………………..........................41
2.2.6 模擬環境設定……………………………………………......................41
2.2.7 初始出光值之模擬..................................................................................42
3.1 平面結構模擬結果………………………………………………………….43
3.1.1 平面結構出光率計算與波印亭向量介紹………………......................43
3.1.2 平面結構出光率趨勢探討……………………………………………..44
3.2 週期結構模擬結果………………………………………………………….46
3.2.1 週期結構設計、出光率計算與光場圖探討………………………......46
3.2.2 週期結構各發光層厚度各蝕刻深度出光率趨勢初步探討(出光增益原
3.2.3 等效折射率對於出光率之影響..............................................................53
3.2.4 雙層光柵對於出光率之影響(斜邊厚度變化)………………………...54
3.2.5 週期結構出光趨勢更深入探討(CsPbBr3厚度100,200nm差異)…....57
3.2.6 週期結構點光源X位置變化出光率趨勢探討(斜邊厚度變化)…….58
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指導教授 詹佳樺 審核日期 2019-8-7
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