博碩士論文 106383002 詳細資訊

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姓名 程雲豪(Yun-Hao Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 切線雙貝茲齒形之諧波齒輪設計與剛輪之動力刮削刀具設計
(Design of Harmonic Drive of Tangential Double Bezier Tooth Profile and Design of Power Skiving Tool of Circular Spline)
★ G10液晶玻璃基板之機械手臂牙叉結構改良與最佳化設計★ 線性齒頂修整對正齒輪之傳動誤差與嚙合頻能量影響分析
★ 沖床齒輪分析與改善★ 以互補型盤狀圓弧刀具創成之曲線齒齒輪有限元素應力分析
★ 修整型曲線齒輪對齒面接觸應力與負載下傳動誤差之研究★ 衛載遙測取像儀反射鏡加工缺陷檢測與最佳光學成像品質之運動學裝配設計
★ 應用經驗模態分解法於正齒輪對之傳動誤差分析★ 小軸交角之修整型正齒輪與凹面錐形齒輪組設計與負載下齒面接觸分析
★ 修整型正齒輪對動態模擬與實驗★ 應用繞射光學元件之齒輪量測系統開發
★ 漸開線與切線雙圓弧齒形之諧波齒輪有限元素分析與齒形設計★ 創成螺旋鉋齒刀之砂輪輪廓設計與最佳化
★ 動力刮削創成內正齒輪之刀具齒形輪廓最佳化設計★ 非接觸式章動減速電機結構設計與模擬
★ Helipoid齒輪接觸特性研究與最佳化分析★ 高轉速正齒輪之多目標最佳化與動態特性分析
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摘要(中) 本論文旨在進行創新切線雙貝茲齒形之諧波齒輪嚙合特性研究,以及其內齒剛輪之動力刮削刀具設計。現今,諧波齒輪主要運用於小空間、高精度且高減速比的場域,比如:半導體設備、機械手臂關節、醫療設備等機構內,且隨著近年全球智慧化機械的發展,使用於機器手臂之諧波齒輪逐年增加。
摘要(英) The purpose of this thesis is to study the meshing characteristics of harmonic drive with a novel tangential double Bezier tooth profile as well as the cutter design of its inner toothed circular spline. Nowadays, harmonic drives are mainly used in fields with small space, high precision, and high reduction ratio, such as semiconductor equipment, robotic arm joints, medical equipment, and other institutions. With the development of global intelligent machinery in recent years, the number of harmonic drives used in the robotic arm increases year by year.
However, there is currently a lack of systematic design methods and processes for harmonic drives in the country. Therefore, through a series of characteristic analysis, this research tries to explore various tooth profiles and structural designs to find the design parameters with the best meshing characteristics. In addition, the innovation power skiving tool design for generating the optimum circular spline profile is provided. First of all, based on the theory of gearing and enveloping method, the mathematical models of involute and tangential double arc harmonic drives, those are common in the market, and of innovated tangential double Bezier harmonic drive in this paper are developed. Then, the self-developed automatic meshing generation program is used to establishe the two-dimensional and three-dimensional finite element models to conduct the finite element analysis of harmonic drives to obtain the stress distribution, torsional stiffness, number of engagted teeth, hysteresis loss, and transmission error. Based on the finite element analysis, the optimization analysis of two-dimensional tooth profile and that of three-dimensional structure are carried out sequentially, and the design parameters (including tooth profile and FS’s cup structure) of the harmonic drive with the optimal torsional stiffness and number of engaged teeth are obtained.
Subsequently, a general mathematical model for the design of the power skiving tool was developed to derive the tool’s error-free designed cutting edge (for cutting the tooth profile of the optimum circular spline) and the disk-shaped grinding wheel (for grinding the designed cutting edge of the tool). Moreover, the cutting accuracy of gear is calculated according to the ISO accuracy specification to discuss the influence of the resharpening of the power skiving tool on the tooth profile error, maximum absolute error and peak-to-valley value of the circular spline. Finally, the machine compensation angle is added in the machining process to reduce the tooth profile error, caused by regrinding the rake face, to prolong the tool life, and the effective resharpened amounts of the tool before and after the machine compensation are compared.
關鍵字(中) ★ 諧波齒輪
★ 柔輪
★ 剛輪
★ 有限元素分析
★ 扭轉剛性
★ 嚙合齒數
★ 傳動誤差
★ 遲滯損失
★ 最佳化分析
★ 動力刮削刀具
★ 前刀面重磨
★ 機台補償角
★ 有效重磨量
關鍵字(英) ★ harmonic drive
★ flexspline
★ circular spline
★ finite element analysis
★ torsional stiffness
★ number of engaged teeth
★ transmission error
★ hysteresis loss
★ optimization analysis
★ power skiving tool
★ rake face regrinding
★ machine compensation angle
★ effective resharpened amount
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XV
符號對照表 XVII
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 文獻回顧 6
1.2.1 柔、剛輪共軛齒形設計 6
1.2.2 諧波齒輪性能模擬 12
1.2.3 諧波齒輪最佳化設計 18
1.2.4 剛輪加工方法 20
1.3 研究目的與創新性 33
1.4 論文架構 35
第2章 諧波齒輪齒面數學模式 37
2.1 前言 37
2.2創成柔輪齒之假想齒條刀法向剖面數學模式 37
2.2.1 直邊型 37
2.2.2 切線雙圓弧型 40
2.2.3 切線雙貝茲型 43
2.3 三維假想齒條刀齒面數學模式 46
2.4 三維柔輪齒面數學模式 48
2.5 二維餘弦橢圓之波產生器數學模式 50
2.6 二維剛輪齒面數學模式 52
第3章 諧波齒輪最佳化分析 60
3.1 前言 60
3.2 二維有限元素模型 60
3.3 二維齒形最佳化分析 62
3.3.1 最佳化公式 62
3.3.2 結果與討論 65
3.4 切線雙貝茲諧波齒輪之三維有限元素模型 71
3.5 市售產品有限元素分析 75
3.6 三維結構最佳化分析 77
3.6.1 結構設計參數 77
3.6.2 最佳化公式 79
3.6.3 結果與討論 79
3.7 週期應力 84
3.8 傳動誤差 88
第4章 切製剛輪之動力刮削刀具設計 90
4.1動力刮削機制數學模式 90
4.1.1 通用剛輪數學模式 90
4.1.2 動力刮削刀具齒面數學模式 92
4.1.3 動力刮削刀具之設計刃口線數學模式 93
4.1.4 磨輪數學模式 95
4.2動力刮削刀具設計範例 98
4.2.1 剛輪輪廓之曲線擬合 98
4.2.2 動力刮削刀具之設計刃口線 100
4.2.3 磨輪設計 101
4.2.4 磨輪輪廓之曲線擬合 102
4.2.5 錐狀動力刮削刀具設計 103
4.2.6 設計刃口線誤差分析 105
4.3 刀具有效重磨量分析 107
4.3.1 刀具重磨前刀面定義 107
4.3.2 刀具重磨誤差分析 108
4.3.3 機台補償角方法 111
4.3.4 機台補償之刀具重磨誤差分析 113
第5章 結論與未來工作 117
5.1 結論 117
5.2 未來工作 118
參考文獻 120
附錄 128
附錄A 二維齒形最佳化之設計變數的上界和下界 128
附錄B 自動化網格分割程式建立之三維FS齒面網格 129
Publication List 130
Journal Paper 130
Conference Paper 130
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指導教授 陳怡呈(Yi-Cheng Chen) 審核日期 2023-6-27
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