摘要(英) |
With the advances in medical technology, patient recovery rates continue to increase; but, while focusing on technological innovation, is any attention paid to the patient′s medical experience? In fact, the medical industry is undergoing changes that emphasize the value of healing, effective communication, and collaboration, all of which have been neglected in the past, and point to new concepts that must begin to focus on the patient′s experience.
The medical industry, with its life-threatening, complex, and serious nature, is more challenging than any other industry when it comes to innovation. However, through the use of Clayton Christensen′s concept of disruptive innovation that was, developed in 1997, and examination of the internal business management models of healthcare units, more effective innovations can be concretely designed.
This paper uses a case study of the Cleveland Clinic, a leader in the medical industry, to explore the resources, processes, and value propositions that companies need to consider when implementing disruptive innovation. |
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李芳齡(譯)(民106)。創新者的修練(原作者:Clayton M. Christensen, Scott D. Anthony, Erik A. Roth)。台灣:天下雜誌。(原著出版年:2004)
李芳齡、李田樹(譯)(民106)。創新者的解答(原作者:Clayton M. Christensen, Michael E. Raynor)。台灣:天下雜誌。(原著出版年:2003)
吳凱琳(譯)(民89)。創新者的兩難(原作者:Clayton M. Christensen)。台灣:商周出版。(原著出版年:1997)
曹嬿恆(譯)(民104)。翻轉吧醫院:高效能協同醫療模式打造4贏照護體系(原作者:Toby Cosgrove)。台灣:美商麥格羅‧希爾。(原著出版年:2014)
蔡承志、許長禮(譯)(民102)。創新者的處方:克里斯汀生破、解醫護體系的破壞型解答(原作者:Clayton M.Christensen, Jerome H.Grossman, and Jason Hwang)。台灣:美商麥格羅‧希爾。(原著出版年:2008) |