博碩士論文 106426007 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃進浩(Jin-Hao Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 以系統模擬探討 陶瓷基板製造之派工法則
(Discussion of Dispatching Rules in Ceramic Substrate Manufacturing by System Simulation)
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摘要(中) 從1970年代起,台灣開始著重於半導體產業的發展,至今,台灣的半導體產值佔了總台股的23%,根據工研院發表指出,在2004年半導體產值已經突破了新台幣一兆元,在2014年突破了新台幣兩兆元的好成績。台灣半導體產業已經發展的相當具有規模,且在全球供應鏈中,扮演了重要的角色,舉例來說,晶圓代工以及IC封裝產業為全球排名第一,IC設計為全球第二。半導體其實就是一些化合物以及元素,可經由一些特性來製造一些電路,進而解決一些較複雜的資訊問題。半導體產業鏈由三個部分組合而成,從IC設計到IC測試,分別在世界上佔有舉足輕重之地位。陶瓷基板就為半導體產業電路的一種,具有良好導熱性及耐熱性,也具有相當強的適應環境能力,所以處理程序也不盡相同,也因為這樣,作業流程相較於一般印刷電路板複雜許多,這時排程就扮演相當重要之角色。
摘要(英) Taiwan has focused on the development of the semiconductors manufacturing since 1970. Up to now, Output value of semiconductors manufacturing for 23% of the total Taiwan stocks. According to the Industrial Technology Research Institute statistics, the semiconductor output value has exceeded NT$1 trillion since 2004. The semiconductor output value has exceeded NT$2 trillion since 2014. Taiwanese semiconductors manufacturing has developed quite large scale and played an important role in the global supply chain. For example, wafer foundry and intergraded circuit package top of ranks in the world, and intergraded circuit design to ranks second in the world. In fact, semiconductor are chemical compositions and elements that can make electric circuit through its property can solve complicated information problems. Industry chain of semiconductors manufacturing consist of three parts. From intergraded circuit design to intergraded circuit testing play an important role in the world. Ceramic substrate is a kind of semiconductors manufacturing, which has good heat conduction, good heat tolerance and good acclimation. Owing to productive process is more complicated than Printed circuit board, scheduling needs to play an important role.
The purpose of the study discusses a study of ceramic substrate manufacturing for job shop scheduling of the case company. Using system simulation to construct a ceramic substrate manufacturing model of the case company. For one thing, different orders are given different weights, and then the data run in the system simulation. Finally, to find out the main bottleneck workstation of the case company. For the bottleneck workstation use the common dispatching rules of the semiconductors manufacturing and combination of dispatching rules while in other non-bottleneck workstations that use the EDD dispatching rules for testing. First of all, the study based on the average flow time output that select two better dispatching rules, and then based on the average tardiness time and the waiting time of the bottleneck workstation that select five better dispatching rules. Finally, Five dispatching rules are ranked. The experimental results show that the first priority of the study is FIFO+EDD dispatching rules, and the second choice is SRPT+EDD dispatching rules. FIFO+EDD dispatching rules is selected, the tardiness time and the average waiting time of the bottleneck station can rank the first, while SRPT+EDD dispatching rules is selected, the tardiness time and the average waiting time of the bottleneck station can rank the second.
關鍵字(中) ★ 派工法則
★ 系統模擬
★ 陶瓷基板製造
關鍵字(英) ★ Dispatching rules
★ System simulation
★ Ceramic substrate manufacturing
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究架構與流程 2
第二章 產業介紹與研究問題 4
2.1 半導體產業介紹 4
2.2 陶瓷基板製造 7
2.3彈性零工式生產 9
2.4研究問題 10
第三章 文獻探討 13
3.1排程 13
3.2排程相關文獻 18
3.3模擬相關文獻 21
第四章 研究方法 23
4.1研究方法與架構 23
4.2 問題描述 23
4.3派工法則介紹 24
4.4系統模型資料設定 25
4.5 Arena模擬模型建構 31
4.6實驗設計 33
第五章 實驗探討 34
5.1實驗結果與討論 34
5.2實驗結果統整 39
第六章 結論與建議 45
參考文獻 46
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指導教授 王啟泰 審核日期 2019-8-19
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