博碩士論文 106450076 詳細資訊

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姓名 張嘉琪(Chia-Chi Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 NB代工業生產基地配置之成本效益分析─以C公司赴越南設廠為例
★ 傳產企業轉型發展自有品牌過程探討─以S公司為例★ 人員離職傾向之存活分析─以融資租賃業之T公司為例
★ A公司ODM Phase Gate系統使用狀況及評價探討★ 表面黏著技術(SMT)自動化取代人力之效益探討─以W公司為例
★ 雙佔廠商研發決策分析:考慮研發外溢與角解★ 女性勞動參與和薪資決定之年群分析
★ 台灣婚姻配對模式及其效率性檢定★ 1978-2004台灣勞動力失業週數之期間分析
★ 家戶內共居行為對所得分配之影響★ 小型開放經濟、人口內生與經濟成長
★ 與配偶認識方式之期間分析:台灣與中國之實證研究★ 工資不均度與流動性之分析:台灣與美國實證結果比較
★ 偏見環境下的婚配市場★ 影響國中學習表現之因素分析
★ 影響參試者努力程度之理論分析★ Duopolistic Comparison Sites of Homogeneous Product
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摘要(中) 電子產業在台灣整體工業產值中佔有相當比重,根據行政院主計總處於2019年所提供的數據,百分比為30.77%。由於過去在大陸設廠生產的低成本競爭優勢不在,台灣的電子產業紛紛進行海外生產基地的佈局,企圖以全球化的完整佈局創造新的競爭優勢。近年來,美國總統川普對全球發動貿易戰的激進作法,全球兩大經濟體之間的緊繃程度上升,越來越多台商已訂出生產移出海外的計畫,或是針對成本較高的新設施制定應變方案。然而企業在選擇生產基地移轉區位時,不單要考慮製造業勞動成本,還需考慮基礎設施、政策環境和文化環境等其他區位因素,即需要考慮產業區位的綜合水平,故需要對產業轉移的區位環境進行綜合評價及成本效益分析。
摘要(英) The electronics industry accounts for a large proportion of Taiwan′s overall industrial output. According to the data provided by the Executive Yuan in 2019, the percentage is 30.77%. Due to the low-cost competitive advantage of setting up factories in the mainland in the past, Taiwan′s electronics industry has been deploying overseas production bases in an attempt to create new competitive advantages with a globally integrated layout. In recent years, US President Trump’s radical approach to global trade wars has increased the tension between the world’s two largest economies. More and more Taiwanese companies have set plans to move overseas, or High new facilities to develop contingency plans. However, when choosing the location of production base transfer, enterprises not only need to consider the labor cost of manufacturing industry, but also need to consider other location factors such as infrastructure, policy environment and cultural environment. That is to say, they need to consider the comprehensive level of industrial location, so they need to make comprehensive evaluation and cost-benefit analysis of the location environment of industrial transfer
In this paper, the company′s manufacturing center is located in Taiwan and mainland China. Mainland China is the focus of product production. However, in recent years, mainland authorities have emphasized labor rights and the cost of labor has increased year by year. Coupled with Sino-US trade issues, China′s production is facing severe challenges. In turn, the plan for the future operation of the company will be planned. In this paper, through case study, through literature review and interviews with Taiwanese businessmen, we discuss the case company′s choice of production base to transfer to Vietnam, and discuss the political and social factors, natural environment factors, industrial and economic factors, implementation facilities factors and cost-benefit analysis through location selection theory.
The conclusions of the study were: Vietnam is a production base under the global layout due to political stability, stable social environment, rapid economic development, government′s adherence to reform and opening up policies, abundant natural resources, relatively low labor wages, and preferential tax policies. Advantage. Based on the research conclusions, the following suggestions are made: The first priority for investing in Vietnam is to understand its own operating mode, operating characteristics and industrial characteristics, and to combine Vietnam′s location advantages to ensure that it can play a comparative advantage.
關鍵字(中) ★ 區位選擇因素
★ 生產基地轉移
★ 工業區位理論
★ 成本效益分析
關鍵字(英) ★ location selection factor
★ production base transfer
★ industrial location theory
★ Cost-benefit analysis
論文目次 第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 企業全球運籌的觀念 4
第二節 生產基地移轉之考量 5
第三節 生產基地轉移區位選擇的理論分析 6
第四節 成本效益分析之概念 9
第三章 研究方法 14
第一節 研究架構 14
第二節 研究方法 15
第三節 研究對象 20
第四章 個案研究 21
第一節 個案公司介紹 21
第二節 個案公司區位選擇之政治與社會因素的考量 25
第三節 個案公司區位選擇之工業經濟因素的考量 39
第四節 個案公司區位選擇之實施設施及環境因素的考量 45
第五章 結論與建議 48
第一節 研究結論與建議 48
第二節 研究限制 50
參考文獻 52
附錄 訪談內容記錄 56
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指導教授 鄭保志 審核日期 2019-7-18
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