摘要(英) |
The rapid development of information and communication technology in recent years has drawn attention to its potential applications. Governments have promoted smart cities to help solve urban problems through the application of information technology (e.g. mobile Internet technology, Internet of Things, big data, and cloud computing) with an emphasis on smart health in issues such as resource allocation, natural resources and environmental pollution control.
Under the guidance of policies, smart hospitals demand and invest in smart medical care. OR policies have guided/demanded/encouraged hospitals to invest in smart medical care, increasing the demand for smart medical care and heightening the attention on the smart medical industry. Taiwan’s software and hardware research and development capabilities are well-known internationally. The sales energy of software and hardware integration should be play the spirit of teamwork to achieve synergy. Therefore, if only soft and hard integrated products are sold, the original software sales or hardware sales are used.
With a basis in service marketing, this study uses case-by-case analysis appropriate for the overall demand for medical services and the current development of smart medical care to formulate an objective service marketing strategy for use by future project managers. The introduction of a reference business management strategy for the smart medical software and hardware integration service program would sustain service quality of such projects. This study qualitatively measures one-to-one marketing of leading companies investing and developing smart city and smart hospital technologies. This research investigates the actual marketing strategy (STP target market segmentation, Golden triangle marketing, 7P′s service marketing strategy, relationship marketing strategy, one-to-one marketing) in a company′s implementation of one-to-one service marketing strategy for medical institutions.
The smart medical industry is still in its infancy, and the research of the marketing strategies is still insufficient. This study aims to provide methods to establish a reasonable and effective marketing strategy for the case companies in the service marketing strategy. The cooperation model can be constructed on the basis of consensus and independent operation of roles in the smart medical service marketing strategy. This model would serve as an appropriate reference for future project managers to introduce marketing strategies for holistic smart medical integration solutions, and enable sustainable marketing quality.
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