摘要(英) |
Under the influence of global competitiveness, one way for companies to stay competitive is through merge and acquisition (M&A). However, most companies doing M&A focused solely on the pros and cons of the financial side during the process of M&A. Without proper management guidance, employees from merged company may feel insecure and unstable, which would interfere their work performance, lower job satisfaction, hamper organizational commitments, and may result in a loss of talents. The objective of this research was to investigate the impact of X company’s M&A case on organizational culture, work environment, and organizational commitments.
A total of 101 valid questionnaires from the merged company’s employees were collected by convenience sampling method via online survey. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were employed to analyze data. Research results showed the respondents were satisfied with the new company’s compensation and benefits practices, but they also experienced higher level of work stress. Work resource, job security and development, and supportive organizational culture are found to be positive correlated to organizational commitment.
With above research results in mind, suggestions to the management team and decision makers include to create a better communication channel with employees, to understand employee mindset and establish proper work adjustment and resource distribution, to create equal opportunities for all employees, to increase job security and opportunities. This will enhance employees’ trust and cohesiveness to the company, which will lead to higher organizational commitment and achieve the anticipated goal for M&A.
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