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姓名 楊智傑(Chih-Chieh Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 反毒小幫手:用於提倡反毒意識的聊天機器人
(Anti-Drug Friend: A Chatbot for advocating the awareness of Anti-Drug)
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摘要(中) 近年來,毒品的傳播和濫用一直是社會關注的焦點。毒品的傳播可能會給我們的社會帶來嚴重的問題,危害公眾的生命,健康和財產安全。儘管在反毒領域已經做了很多的努力,但毒品案件中的犯罪人數仍在增加。因此,有必要找到一種提昇一般民眾反毒意識的方法。
摘要(英) In recent years, the spread and abuse of drugs has always been the focus of social attention. The spread of drugs can cause serious problems in our society and endanger the lives, property and health of the public. Although there have been many efforts in the domain of anti-drug, the number of guilty persons in drug cases is still rising. Therefore, there is a need to find a way to promote anti-drug awareness.
More applications can achieved with an artificial intelligence computer, such as chatbot. There are several advantages to using a chatbot: it can work around the clock, effectively reducing labor costs, can be deployed on social media messaging platforms and easy to use. At present, chatbots on the market cannot be completely applied to the anti-drug domain, so we propose other architectures to improve the anti-drug related QA and to answer more detailed knowledge about drugs. Then, we propose Anti-Drug Friend that utilize chatbot to advocate general knowledge about drugs and deepening anti-drug awareness for people. Currently, our Anti-Drug Friend is already serving on LINE. For an anti-drug domain, our chatbot can answer user: Information about drugs, How to deal with drug problems, Pushing the latest news and information about drugs.
關鍵字(中) ★ 反毒
★ 聊天機器人
★ 自然語言
★ 基於知識庫的系統
關鍵字(英) ★ Anti-Drug
★ Chatbot
★ Natural languages
★ Knowledge based systems
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
Table of Contents IV
List of Figures VI
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation & Proposed Goal 1
1.2 Organization of Thesis 6
2. Related Works 7
3. System Design 10
3.1 Background 10
3.2 System Architecture 12
3.2.1 Response module 18
3.2.2 Modules Analysis 21
4. Implementation 22
4.1 ChatBot Server module 22
4.2 Web Server module 23
4.3 Results and Displays 24
5. Conclusion and Future Works 29
References 30
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指導教授 吳曉光 審核日期 2019-7-24
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