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姓名 黃裕庭(Yu-Ting Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 最近特徵線嵌入網路之影像物件辨識系統
(Image Object Recognition System Based on Nearest Feature Line Embedding Network)
★ MFNet:基於點雲與RGB影像的多層級特徵融合神經網路之3D車輛偵測★ 使用bag-of-word特徵進行人臉與行為分析
★ Multi-Proxy Loss:基於度量學習提出之損失函數用於細粒度圖像檢索★ 基於神經正切核實現點雲部件切割之旋轉強健性
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摘要(中) 科技日新月異,隨著電腦硬體技術不斷提升,影像辨識的技術也不斷精進,對於電腦來說,分辨一張圖片的內容是一隻狗或一隻貓,已經是一件非常簡單的事情。然而,要達到高精準度的辨識,需要的條件也有許多:具有良好運算能力的GPU、多至數千與數萬筆的資料、訓練與調整參數優化的時間。在人工智慧技術不斷普及的現在,各個不同領域皆需要利用機器學習與深度學習的技術,達到各個領域所需求的效果,但在學術以外或是較為冷門的領域需要結合人工智慧時,資料量不足首當其衝的浮現了。除此之外,許多產業擁有的機器並不需求運算效能優異的GPU輔助訓練。
摘要(英) With the continuous improvement of computer hardware technology, the technology of image recognition is also constantly improving. For computers, it is a very simple matter to distinguish the content of a picture as a dog or a cat. However, to achieve high-accuracy identification, there are many conditions required: GPUs with good computing power, up to tens of thousands of training data, time of training. Nowadays, with the increasing popularity of artificial intelligence technology, different industries need to use machine learning and deep learning to achieve the desired target. However, when there is a need to combine artificial intelligence in areas other than academic or relatively unpopular, the amount of data is insufficient. In addition, many industry-owned machines do not have GPU-assisted training with superior computing performance.
At present, the mainstream image recognition method with high precision is still CNN-based architecture. It requires good GPU computing power and a certain training time to be successfully trained. Although there are also traditional feature extraction methods combined with PCANet based on neural networks. However, there is still big space for improvement in this section. This paper will use a similar architecture to PCANet, but replace the PCA part with the nearest feature line embedding(NFL). The NFL features a very good accuracy when the amount of data is small, and uses a similar architecture to PCANet for image analysis. It is the core of this paper to deal with and use the NFL to extract the necessary features and to use the SVM method to classify the images.
According to the analysis results, NFLENet can obtain 5%~10% higher recognition accuracy than PCANet when the amount of data is small, about 500 pieces of data training, and the training time is greatly reduced because of the reduced amount of data.
關鍵字(中) ★ 圖片物件辨識
★ 特徵提取
★ 最近特徵線嵌入
論文目次 摘要........i
第一章 緒論........................................................................1
1.1 研究動機.........................................................................1
1.2 研究目的..........................................................................4
1.3 論文架構.................................................................5
第二章 相關文獻...................6
2.1 相關研究.........................6
2.2 主成分分析.....................8
2.3 卷積.................................11
2.4 PCANet..........................12
2.5 線性判別分析..............14
2.6 LDANet & RandNet.............15
2.7 支援向量機.............................................16
2.8 二值化雜湊函式編碼.......................................................17
第三章 研究方法................................................................18
3.1 NFLENet架構.....................................................................18
3.2 Input Layer輸入層..............................................................19
3.3 First Stage 第一次NFL編碼卷積...................................21
3.3.1 取圖片Patch..............................................................21
3.3.2 最近特徵線編碼NFL.....................................................23
3.3.3 卷積Convolution.................................................25
3.4 Second Stage 第二次NFL編碼卷積.....................................25
3.5 Output Layer 特徵輸出層..................................................26
3.5.1 Binary Hashing Encoding & Block-wise Histogram......27
3.5.2 支援向量機SVM..........................................28
第四章 實驗結果..........................................29
4.1 實驗建置環境與資料集介紹...................................29
4.1.1 MNIST手寫資料集.....................................29
4.1.2 CIFAR-10物件辨識資料集.............................30
4.1.3 Extended Yale B人臉資料集..............................32
4.1.4 PubFig人臉資料集.......................33
4.2 實驗說明..................................................35
4.3 實驗數據...........................................................36
4.4 實驗結論........................................................39
第五章 結論與未來展望..............................40
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指導教授 范國清 韓欽銓(Kuo-Chin Fan Chin-Chuan Han) 審核日期 2019-12-26
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