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姓名 余米藍(Milan Yunidha Wantari)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 非侵入式智慧型手機使用者生物識別機制之行為變化快速適應
(Fast Adapting Behavior Changes in Implicit Behavioral Biometric-Based Authentication for Smartphone User)
★ 以穿戴單一智慧型手錶利用多種建模策略偵測操縱方向盤之手部位置★ 透過特徵排名剔除弱特徵以防止智慧型手機的行為生物身分認證 系統受到模擬攻擊
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摘要(中) 目前傳統的智慧型手機識別機制使用PIN碼、密碼和生物識別方法。問題是已解鎖的智慧型手機會保持解鎖狀態直至再次被鎖定。如此一來,會有一段時間可以使攻擊者竊取未鎖定的手機並竊取手機上的所有資料。連續識別方法需要為智慧型手機提供雙重安全性。非侵入式生物識別機制較好是因為使用者不會對識別有所感覺。然而,使用者行為會隨時間而變化,這會使預測不準確。每隔一段時間重新訓練是一種方法,但會花費許多時間。我們提出三種方法來建立一個能夠適應行為變化而不需重新訓練的模型。第一個方法是條件式領域適應。第二個方法是適應的最近質心分類器。第三個方法是整體學習。
摘要(英) The current traditional smartphone authentication mechanism uses PIN, password, and biometric-based method. The problem is, the smartphones that were unlocked will stay unlock until it is actively locked again. There always exists a time frame when an attacker can steal the unlocked phone and steal all data on the device. The continuous authentication method needs to give double security to the smartphone. Implicit authentication method behavioral biometric-based is more comfortable because the user will not realize the authentication phase. But, human behavior changes over time that will make the prediction not accurate. Retraining over time can be a solution, but it will take much time. We propose three approaches to build a model that can adapt to behavior changes without retraining. The first approach is conditional domain adaptation. The second approach is the adaptive nearest centroid classifier. And the third approach is an ensemble model.
Finally, after we did the experiment, we conclude that all approach in this work effective to handle behavior changes because has better EER than worse baseline (domain adaptation) and shorter training time than best baseline(retraining). The most effective approach was the second approach, adaptive nearest centroid classifier, that have the best EER and shortest training time among the proposed approach in this work with an average EER 2.55%.
關鍵字(中) ★ 隐式认证
★ 行为生物特征识别
★ 行为改变
★ 领域适应
★ 支持向量机
★ 自适应最近质心分类器
關鍵字(英) ★ implicit authentication
★ behavioral biometric
★ behavior changes
★ domain adaptation
★ support vector machine
★ adaptive nearest centroid classifier

摘要 i
Acknowledgment iii
Introduction 1
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Motivation 2
1.3. Research Objective 4
1.4. Limitation of the Study 5
1.5. Thesis Structure 5
Literature Review 7
2.1. Authentication 7
2.2. Biometric Authentication 8
2.3. Support Vector Machine 9
2.4. SVM Retraining 10
2.5. Transfer Learning 10
2.5.1. Domain Adaptation 12
2.6. Previous Research 12
2.6.1. Online learning Approach 12
2.6.2. Domain Adaptation Approach 12
2.7. Centroid Classifier 13
2.8. Euclidean Distance 13
2.9. Ensemble Learning 14
2.10. Equal Error Rate 14
Research Data 17
3.1. Data Collection 17
3.2. Raw Data to Feature Data 18
3.2.1. Touch Feature Set 18
3.2.2. Orientation Feature Set 20
3.3. Histogram 22
Research Method 23
4.1. System Architecture 23
4.2. Shift testing data 26
4.3. Adaptive Nearest Centroid Classifier 26
4.4. Ensemble Model 28
4.5. Training and Testing 29
Experimental Process and Result Analysis 37
5.1. Experiment Setup 37
5.2. Experiment Result 39
5.2.1. EER Comparison 39
5.2.2. Training Time Comparison 43
5.2.3. Testing Time Comparison 47
5.3. Discussion 48
Conclusion 51
6.1. Conclusion 51
6.2. Future Works 51
7. Bibliography 53
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指導教授 梁德容 博士 張欽圳 博士(Dr. Deron Liang Dr. Chin-Chun Chang) 審核日期 2019-7-17
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