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郭維勳(Wei-Xun Kuo)
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通訊工程學系 |
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蒐集直播串流資訊之自動化爬蟲系統 (Automatic Crawling System for Collecting Live Streaming Information)
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摘要(中) |
自 2016 年來,直播產業逐漸興盛,不論人在哪裡都可透過直播即時與直播主互動,有許多商家透過直播販賣商品,更成為「電商直播」新興產業,可見直播呈現爆炸式的發展趨勢。
本研究提出之爬蟲系統分為三種爬蟲類型,分別為API爬蟲、AJAX爬蟲、DOM爬蟲。系統會依據平台的網頁架構找到最適合的爬蟲類型來進行資料的蒐集。API爬蟲視直播平台有無提供API服務,再依據API文件撰寫爬蟲程式,此部分為人工處理。AJAX爬蟲則擷取直播平台載入資料的HTTP Request,再進行過濾及參數判斷,得到動態內容的Request URL。DOM爬蟲抓取直播平台網頁後將網頁轉換成DOM Tree架構,判斷重複出現的直播區塊,再從區塊中提取直播頻道資訊。
三種爬蟲以API及AJAX爬蟲的效能最佳,每次取得資料只需傳送輕量的HTTP Request,DOM爬蟲通用性最高,需要執行瀏覽器再透過操作瀏覽器取得直播資訊,因此效能最差,但DOM爬蟲可成功爬取大部分直播平台的資訊。 |
摘要(英) |
With the development of computer network and radio access technologies, the bandwidth is sufficient to support multimedia applications. Today, people are accustomed to using 3C products to watch video and access the media. The market of the cable TV and traditional TV has gradually declined. The traditional live streaming can only obtain from radio or TV, but with the development of technology, live streaming is already one of the ways for everyone to spread information.
Since 2016, the live streaming industry has gradually flourished. No matter where people are, they can interact with the live streaming host in real time through live streaming platform. Many merchants sell products through live streaming, and it has become an emerging industry of "e-commerce over live streaming ". Live streaming shows an explosive development trend.
“Wayback Machine” keeps hundreds of millions of historical records for global webpages. Many webpages may close due to poor management or other reasons. With the development of webpage technology, most websites have used dynamic content technology to design websites, so “Wayback Machine” can only capture a small amount of content.
In the face of the popularity of live streaming, there is no historical database to collect information on the live streaming platform completely, so this study proposes an automated content crawler system for the live streaming platform. To collect the channel information of the live streaming platform completely, a crawler engineer must design a dedicated crawler program for each live streaming platform. The larger economic market of the live streaming industry means that there are more new platforms want to share a slice of the cake. New live streaming platforms will be born all the time, and old platforms will constantly update to improve user experience. Based on the problems above, this study wants to design an automated information crawler system of live streaming platform, which can automate the operation of the crawler program in response to the new platform and the revision of the existing platform.
The automated crawler system proposed in this study divide into three types of crawlers, namely API crawler, AJAX crawler, and DOM crawler. The system will find the most suitable type of crawler according to the webpage structure of the platform to collect data. The API crawler depends on whether the live streaming platform provides API services, and then writes the crawler program according to the API document. This part processed manually. The AJAX crawler captures the HTTP Request of the data loaded by the live streaming platform, and then performs filtering and parameter judgment to obtain the Request URL for dynamic content. The DOM crawler crawls the webpage of the live streaming platform and converts the webpage into a DOM Tree structure, judges the repeated live streaming blocks, and then extracts live streaming channel information from the blocks.
The API crawler and AJAX crawler have the best performance. Each time data is retrieved, only a light HTTP request is sent. The DOM crawler has the highest versatility. It needs to execute the browser and then obtain the live streaming information through the browser, so the performance is the worst, but the DOM crawler can successfully crawl the information of most live streaming platforms. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 動態網頁爬蟲 ★ 直播爬蟲 ★ DOM爬蟲 ★ AJAX爬蟲 ★ 直播平台爬蟲 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Dynamic Web Crawler ★ Live Streaming Crawler ★ DOM Crawler ★ AJAX Crawler ★ Live Streaming Platform Crawler |
論文目次 |
中文摘要 i
2-1 Deep Web 5
2-2 Web Crawler 5
2-3 Document Object Model 9
2-4 Web Browser Driver 10
2-5 Selenium 13
4-1 API Crawler 18
4-2 AJAX Crawler 19
4-2-1 HTTP Request Capture 20
4-2-2 HTTP Request Filter 22
4-2-3 Web Crawling Action Recognition 25
4-2-4 AJAX crawler 26
4-3 DOM crawler 26
4-3-1 Generate Parameter File 28
4-3-2 Handling of update of live streaming web 30
5-1 AJAX Crawler Method results 31
5-1-1 AJAX URL filter results 31
5-1-2 Web crawling action recognition 33
5-2 DOM Crawler Method results 34
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
許獻聰(Shiann-Tsong Sheu)
審核日期 |
2020-7-30 |
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