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姓名 梁晏彰(Yen-Chang Liang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣科學學系
論文名稱 分析不同微物理參數化之系集預報誤差: SoWMEX-IOP8 對流個案
(Analysis of Ensemble Forecast Error in Different Microphysics Schemes:Thunderstorm during SoWMEX-IOP8)
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摘要(中) 研究中共使用四種微物理參數化方案,兩種單矩量參數化方案:Goddard(GCE)、WRF SM 6-category(WSM6)及兩種雙矩量方案:WRF DM 6-category(WDM6)、Morrison(MOR),四種方案分別進行系集預報,藉此了解不同微物理參數化方案搭配系集預報的特性。研究中利用2008年6月16日台灣北部熱對流個案,探討對流成熟期時,強對流區的模式離散程度和背景誤差協方差,了解透過系集資料同化系統,觀測如何影響相關模式變數。
摘要(英) To understand the characteristics of different microphysics schemes and investigate the forecast error structure in very short-term forecast, four microphysics schemes are used in the study. They include two single-moment schemes: Goddard(GCE)、WRF SM 6-category(WSM6), and two double-moment schemes of WRF DM 6-category(WDM6) and Morrison(MOR). A thunderstorm case in northern Taiwan on June 16, 2008 is selected.
The results show that GCE has the most ice-related mixing ratio, so the reflectivity development is the highest. In the low-level warm rain process, WDM6(MOR) has the most(fewest) rain mixing ratio and the weakest(strongest) reflectivity due to large(small) number of rain total number concentration. It is found that when using the double-moment microphysics scheme, the influence of the total number concentration cannot be ignored.
According to different microphysics scheme settings, the variance also has different characteristics. With the same ensemble members (36), it is found that GCE(WDM6) has more uncertainty in ice-related processes (warm rain processes). Therefore, using combination of these two schemes can effectively increase ensemble spread and improve the benefits of data assimilation.
The error correlation between different variables is also discussed in the study. In the convective zone, the vertical wind and the latent heat release are highly correlated. The possible reason is that the strong vertical wind increases the phase transition between the particles, and the latent heat released enhances the vertical wind again. In addition, the reflectivity auto-correlation in MOR is greatly affected by the number of particles around melting layer.
關鍵字(中) ★ 系集預報
★ 微物理參數化
★ 誤差相關性
★ 方差
關鍵字(英) ★ Ensemble Forecast
★ Microphysics Scheme
★ error correlation
★ variance
論文目次 內容
摘要 v
Abstract vi
第一章 : 緒論 1
1.1 文獻回顧 1
1.2 研究動機 3
第二章 : 個案簡介 5
第三章 : 實驗設計 6
3.1 模式初始場 6
3.2 模式設定 6
3.3 微物理參數化簡介 7
3.3.1 GCE 8
3.3.2 WSM6 8
3.3.3 WDM6 9
3.3.4 MOR 9
3.4 研究方法 10
3.4.1方差 10
3.4.2誤差相關係數 11
第四章 : 結果討論 12
4.1 利用決定性預報討論不同參數化異同 12
4.1.1系統發展與降雨 12
4.1.2各變數垂直結構隨時間變化 12
4.1.3雨滴粒子數量 14
4.2 系集預報表現 15
4.2.1 系集平均狀態及比較 15
4.2.2 回波、混合比、雨滴粒徑至降雨之關係 16
4.2.3 溫度比較 19
4.3 方差結果 20
4.3.1 微物理變數方差 20
4.3.2 動力變數及熱力變數方差 22
4.3.3 水平溫度方差 22
4.3.4 水平風方差 23
4.4 誤差相關性 23
4.4.1 回波之誤差相關性 24
4.4.2 垂直風之誤差相關性 25
4.5 解析度比較 25
4.6 方差及誤差相關性對資料同化效益討論 26
第五章 : 結論 28
5-1總結 28
5-2 未來展望 30
參考文獻 31
附錄 35
PM (Probability Matched mean) 35
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指導教授 鍾高陞(Kao-Shen Chung) 審核日期 2019-7-23
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