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姓名 雅斯帝(Tyas Dwi Aprilniadi)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球科學學系
(Internal Structure and Permeability of the Creeping Chihshang Fault, Taiwan)
★ 井測資料於臺灣中央山脈北部地熱區之解釋及應用★ 台灣淺灘沉積物組成與物源分析
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★ 臺灣西南部車瓜林斷層之斷層岩石及變形機制★ The Effect of Fluid Drainage on The Frictional Strength of Water-Saturated Kaolinite During Seismic Slip
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摘要(中) 斷層帶之滲透率與內部結構主要控制上部地殼的流體流動。斷層帶可作為阻水帶或導水帶,其滲透率支配流體穿過或沿著斷層遷移,且能與圍岩之滲透率有很大差距。在此,我們研究池上斷層之滲透率與內部結構,我們利用高圍壓孔隙滲透儀(YOKO2)對立吉混同層及礫石層進行滲透率與孔隙率之量測,實驗條件為室溫、均向圍壓、孔隙流體為氦氣。我們利用萬安二號井的岩心,考慮滲透率異向性,製成垂直和平行斷層面之圓柱試體,及垂直和平行地表之圓柱試體。結果顯示,於低圍壓下,利吉層之滲透率應力敏感度相當高,較礫石層之滲透率低;利吉層孔隙率則明顯低礫石層。此一結果能說明潛移行為的季節性變化。我們亦進行微構造觀察及分析,瞭解微裂隙(microcrack)如何影響滲透率。根據滲透率量測、微構造觀察結果,我們提出池上斷層之內部構造與滲透率構造。
摘要(英) Internal structure and permeability structure of fault zone primarily control on fluid flow in upper crust. It indicates faults as the conduct or barrier, dictates fluid flow along or across faults and can be largely different from those of surrounding country rocks. To consider the relation between internal structure and permeability structure in the Chihshang Fault, we performed permeability and porosity measurements on the Lichi Mélange and the Conglomerate. We measured permeability and porosity with an intra-vessel oil pressure apparatus (YOKO2) at room temperature at isotropic confining pressure, using helium as pore fluid. Cylindrical samples were made from retrieved rock cores in WAN-2 borehole sample which represents a borehole sample near the Chihshang fault. The samples were made in dip and normal direction of fault plane, and also in vertical and horizontal direction to investigate the permeability anisotropy. The results showed the Lichi Mélange is impermeable that may be responsible for seasonal fluctuation on creeping Chihshang fault. We conducted the microfratures analysis, used polarizing microscopy to investigate how microstructures influence the permeability of samples. Based on the microstructures, permeability anisotropy and the fault zone architecture we proposed the permeability structures of Chihshang fault to provide the summary of measured results.
關鍵字(中) ★ 匍匐池上斷層
★ Lichi Mélange
★ 滲透率各向異性
關鍵字(英) ★ Creeping Chihshang Fault
★ LichiMélange
★ permeability anisotropy
摘要 i
Chapter 1
1.1 The permeability in fault zone. 1
1.2 The Chihshang Fault in eastern Taiwan 3
1.3 The pressure-solution creep. 7
1.4 The framework 8
Chapter 2
2.1 Samples Preparation 10
2.2 Permeability and Porosity Measurements 19
2.3 Fracture description 22
2.4 Microstructural observations 22
Chapter 3
3.1 Permeability evolution with confining pressure in laboratory 23
3.2 Porosity evolution with confining pressure in laboratory 26
3.3 Qualitative Fractures Description 27
3.3.1 Fractures description of rock cores 28
3.3.2 Optical photomicrographs of samples from WAN-2 borehole (the fragment in vicinity of the experimental sample) 32
3.3.3 Optical photomicrographs from permeability samples after measurement 42
Chapter 4
4.1 Comparison between laboratory and injection experiments 62
4.2 Effect of stress on permeability in the Chihshang Fault. 63
4.3 The permeability anisotropy in the Chihshang Fault 66
4.4 The relationship between permeability and porosity 69
4.5 Permeability structure along WAN-2 and the correlation with the creeping mechanism 70
Chapter 5


Fig. 1.1. The simplified fault model proposed by Caine et al. (1996) 2
Fig. 1.2. The tectonic setting of Taiwan 4
Fig. 1.3. Tectonic setting of Taiwan and geological region of Coastal Range 6
Fig. 1.4. The illustration of the fracturing and fragmentation process in the fault gouge after an earthquake 8
Fig. 1.5 Drilling boreholes and the rock core 9
Fig. 2.1. The sampling direction for the Lichi Mélange and the Conglomerate 10
Fig. 2.2. YOKO2 used in this study to measure permeability and porosity 19
Fig. 2.3. The illustration of permeability and porosity measurement systems 21
Fig. 3.1. Cycling confining pressure experiment in the Lichi Mélange 23
Fig. 3.2. Permeability data of the Lichi Mélange 24
Fig. 3.3. Permeability data of the Conglomerate 25
Fig. 3.4. Porosity data of the Lichi Mélange. 26
Fig. 3.5. Porosity data of the Conglomerate 27
Fig. 3.6. The sketch of rock cores at 13.4-30.0 m depth. 29
Fig. 3.7. The sketch of rock cores at 44.2-62.0 m depth. 30
Fig. 3.8. The sketch of rock cores at 45.0-47.0 m depth. 31
Fig. 3.9. The thin section of LPe01. 32
Fig. 3.10. The thin section of LPe02. 33
Fig. 3.11. The thin section of LPe04. 34
Fig. 3.12. The thin section of LPa04. 35
Fig. 3.13. The thin section of LPa05. 36
Fig. 3.14. The thin section of LPe05. 37
Fig. 3.15. The thin section of CV13. 38
Fig. 3.16. The thin section of CH13. 39
Fig. 3.17. The thin section of CV14. 40
Fig. 3.18. The thin section of CV15. 41
Fig. 3.19. The thin section of CH15. 42
Fig. 3.20. The thin section of KLPe01. 43
Fig. 3.21. The thin section of KLPe02. 44
Fig. 3.22. The thin section of KLPe04. 45
Fig. 3.23. The thin section of KLPa04. 46
Fig. 3.24. The thin section of KLPa05. 47
Fig. 3.25. The thin section of KLPe05. 48
Fig. 3.26. The thin section of KLV07. 49
Fig. 3.27. The thin section of KLH09. 50
Fig. 3.28. The thin section of KLPa10_1. 51
Fig. 3.29. The thin section of KLPe10 52
Fig. 3.30. The thin section of KLPa10_2 53
Fig. 3.31. The thin section of KLPa11 54
Fig. 3.32. The thin section of KCPe12 55
Fig. 3.33. The thin section of KCPa12 56
Fig. 3.34. The thin section of KCH13 57
Fig. 3.35. The thin section of KCV13. 58
Fig. 3.36. The thin section of KCV15. 59
Fig. 3.37. The thin section of KCH15. 60
Fig. 3.38. The thin section of KCV16. 61
Fig. 4.1. The elastic deformation in the cycling confining pressure experiment 64
Figure 4.2. The stress sensitivity comparison between permeability and porosity of the Lichi Mélange 65
Fig. 4.3. The comparison of the Lichi Mélange in parallel-fault and perpendicular-fault permeability 66
Fig. 4.4. The petrographic analysis which showed unclear foliation in parallel-fault direction 67
Fig. 4.5. The similarity of the microfractures in vertical and horizontal direction 67
Fig. 4.6. The Conglomerate sample in parallel-fault and perpendicular-fault 68
Fig. 4.7. The permeability and porosity relationship 69
Fig. 4.8. The comparison of the petrographic analysis between LPe02 and CH13 70
Fig. 4.9. The permeability structure along the WAN-2 71
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指導教授 郭力維(Li-Wei Kuo) 審核日期 2019-7-17
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