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姓名 徐明慶(Ming-Ching Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 電離層閃爍儀電源系統
(The Power System of Ionosphere Scintillation Package)
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摘要(中) 裝載在多功能型混合式探空火箭上的任務酬載「電離層閃爍儀」(Ionosphere Scintillation Package, ISP),其包含了兩具小型電離層探測儀(Compact Ionosphere Probe, CIP)、一具姿態量測儀(Aspectmeter, ASM)、兩具追星儀(Star Tracker),以及ISP數位控制模組(Digital Control Unit, ISP/DCU)與各項儀器的轉接板(RIO Mezzanine Cards, RMC)。ISP的主要任務在於量測台灣上空電離層E域的電漿不規則體結構,並以此探空火箭平台來驗證CIP的各項功能。ISP的電源系統獨立於火箭本體,供應自身各項科學儀器,故必須考慮各儀器所需的電力需求後,為ISP設計專屬的電力系統。而開發此電力系統亦能為未來自主研發立方衛星時,做為衛星電力系統的開發基礎。此外,各儀器與ISP/DCU之間需要一個整合系統,用於訊號傳遞與電力分送,而設計與開發RMC板。ISP的電力系統將包含有電池管理系統(Battery Management System, BMS)、過電流保護裝置、短路保護裝置。CIP、追星儀的資料傳輸及ASM亦佈局於其上,並利用國家儀器公司所開發的Single Board RIO-9607(sbRIO9607)作為ISP的數位控制單元(ISP/DCU),再透過RMC板與火箭電腦溝通。本文將呈現ISP電源系統的設計及測試結果,包括如何預估ISP消耗的電能、充放電的測試及其結果、ISP對火箭的通訊接腳定義以及ISP的開關機流程規範等。
摘要(英) The Ionosphere Scintillation Package (ISP), which is installed on the multi-function hybrid sounding rocket, includes two Compact Ionosphere Probes (CIP) , one Aspectmeter (ASM), two Star Tracker (STR) , and ISP Digital Control Unit (ISP/DCU) and RIO Mezzanine Cards (RMC). The purpose of the ISP is to measure the plasma irregularities of the ionosphere E region over Taiwan, and use this sounding rocket platform to verify the functions and capabilities of the CIP. The ISP′s power system is independent of the rocket′s body and supplies the various scientific payloads loaded on it. Therefore, it is necessary to design the exclusive power system for the ISP after considering the power requirements for each subsystem. The development of this power system can also be used as the basis for cubic satellite power systems in the future. Before the transmission of the scientific data collected by the various payloads to the ISP/DCU, an integrated system is needed for integration and transmission of data. The above requirements are required to design the RMC board and the ISP′s power system; it includes the battery management system (BMS), CIP to rocket data transmission and ASM integration. ISP/DCU use the Single Board RIO-9607 (sbRIO9607), which developed by National Instruments as the digital control unit of ISP, then communicate with the rocket computer through the RMC board. This article will present the design and test results of the ISP power system, including how to estimate the power consumed by the ISP and the test results of ISP battery package.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電離層閃爍儀
★ 電源系統
★ 電池管理
關鍵字(英) ★ Ionosphere Scintillation Package
★ Power System
★ Battery Management
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vii
1、緒論 1
1.1 多功能型混合式探空火箭 1
1.2 電離層閃爍儀 2
1.3 ISP電源系統研發目的 5
1.4 電池管理系統研發動機 5
2、ISP電源系統 6
2.1 ISP功耗預估 5
2.1.1 CIP功耗預估 6
2.1.2 STR功耗預估 6
2.1.3 ASM功耗預估 7
2.1.4 ISP/DCU功耗預估 8
2.1.5 ISP電池組選用 9
2.2 電池管理系統 10
2.2.1 BMS核心電路 11
2.2.2 ISP開關控制裝置 12
3、ISP測試結果 14
3.1、測試方法與架構 14
3.2、ISP電池組充放電測試及結果 15
3.3、ISP電力測試結果 16
3.3.1 討論 18
4、總結與未來展望 20
參考文獻 21
A、ISP相關資料 22
A.1、ISP對外接腳定義 22
A.2、ISP開關機流程與測試規範 24
A.2.1 ISP功能測試程序(以內部電池組供電) 25
A.2.2 ISP功能測試程序(以外部電力供電) 26
A.2.3 ISP功能測試程序(純粹充電、邊充邊測) 26
A.3、RMC Layout注意事項 27
B、RMC電路設計與Layout 30
參考文獻 曹智涵, 探空十號火箭的姿態重建與分析, 碩士論文, 國立中央大學, 2015.
Texas-Instruments, Datasheet, bq77904, bq77905 3-Series to 20-Series Ultra Low-Power Voltage, Current, Temperature, and Open-Stackable Lithium-Ion Battery Protector.
Honeywell, Datasheet, 3-Axis Digital Compass IC HMC5883L.
ST, Datasheet, L3G4200D: three axis digital output gyroscope.
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Semiconductor-Components-Industries-LLC., Datasheet, MC14043B, MC14044B, CMOSMSI, Quad R-S Latches.
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Montrose, Mark I., Printed Circuit Board Design Techniques for EMC Compliance, Second Edition, 2000.
NSPO, 探空火箭計畫 │ 探空火箭任務, http://www.nspo.narl.org.tw/tw2015/projects/Sounding-Rocket/missions.html.
National-Instruments, User manual, NI sbRIO-9607.
Singer, S. Fred and E. Maple and W. A. Bowen, Jr., Journal of Geophysical Research, Evidence for ionosphere currents from rocket experiments near the geomagnetic equator, 1951.
Kane, J. A. and J. Troim, Journal of Geophysical Research, Rocket Measurements of D-Region Electron Number Densities at Sunrise, 1967.
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指導教授 趙吉光(Chi-Kuang Chao) 審核日期 2019-7-29
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