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姓名 戴子雅(Tzu-Ya Tai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學與工程研究所
論文名稱 飛鼠號立方衛星之飛行軟體及韌體設計
(Flight Software and Firmware Design of IDEASSat/INSPIRESSat-2)
★ 電離層赤道異常區之電子濃度季節性震盪及日變化★ Development and Validation of an Airglow Photometer for Upper Atmospheric Chemistry
★ Tidal Variability Due to the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and Ionospheric Responses★ 自地面觀測氣輝反演氧原子離子光化學模型
★ 福衛三號S4閃爍指數時空變化與潮汐分析★ 飛鼠號立方衛星電力次系統設計
★ 支援飛鼠號立方衛星之S頻段地面站評估及整測★ 福衛五號軌道推算軟體敏感度及飛行資料分析
★ 適用於小型衛星二階段展開太陽能板的鎖定鉸鏈的結構設計,分析以及測試★ 中央大學地面系統設計、整測與驗證
★ 太空飛行器電力次系統硬體迴路測試平台之建立★ 縮裝型小衛星氧原子酬載:實作、功能與環境驗證
★ 應用先進電離層探測儀與類神經網路以建立初步電漿泡預測模型★ IDEASSat任務的經驗教訓:大學立方衛星 的設計、測試、在軌運行和異常分析
★ 以立方衛星與微衛星進行GNSS-R/RO觀測的可行性研究★ Deep Space Radiation Probe 結構與熱控的設計模擬與測試驗證
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摘要(中) 飛鼠號(IDEASSat/INSPIRESSat-2)是一顆3U大小的立方衛星,其任務目的是對地球電離層進行現地量測,以量化全球尺度的電離層變化和小尺度的電離層不規則體。該衛星目前正在太空中運行,已於2020年12月交付,並於2021年1月24日藉由SpaceX的Falcon 9 Block 5(任務名稱:Transporter-1)發射成功,並順利在軌道上啟動並連續自主運作22天。飛行指令已成功上傳至衛星並下傳存放於衛星電腦的飛行資料,驗證了衛星電腦(On Board Computer,OBC)和飛行軟體(Flight Software,FSW)的技術就緒指數(Technological Readiness Level,TRL)達到了9。



摘要(英) The Ionospheric Dynamics Exploration and Attitude Subsystem Satellite (IDEASSat/INSPIRESSat-2) is a 3U CubeSat developed to provide in-situ measurements of the Earth′s ionosphere to quantify both global scale ionospheric variability and small-scale irregularities. The spacecraft is currently on-orbit, with delivery in December 2020, and was successfully launched through SpaceX′s Falcon 9 Block 5 (mission name: Transporter-1) on January 24th, 2021. Commands were uplinked to the spacecraft to replay flight data stored by the on board computer (OBC), which successfully completed this task, verifying that the OBC and flight software (FSW) are Technological Readiness Level (TRL) 9.

IDEASSat has been funded in part by the Taiwan National Space Organization and developed by National Central University (NCU), Taiwan. The spacecraft subsystems are a combination of commercial off the shelf (COTS) components, and self-developed components.

The thesis will mainly introduce and discuss the assessment and design of the flight software of IDEASSat. Key challenges include high precision pointing requirements of science payload, the limited power and downlinkable data volume, reliability of self-developed flight software, and the efficient integration of each subsystem of flight software. We present the concept of software architecture, software logic design, FPGA design, as well as challenges and lessons learned in the development of IDEASSat flight software.

The indigenous development of small satellite design and implementation capacity from the IDEASSat mission is also serving future small satellite missions being developed at National Central University, while also providing people with a better appreciation of the relation between space physics and the spacecraft operational environment.
關鍵字(中) ★ 飛鼠號
★ 立方衛星
★ 飛行軟體
★ 韌體
關鍵字(英) ★ IDEASSat
★ Flight Software
★ Firmware
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xii
一、緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 立方衛星 2
1-3 衛星系統架構 3
1-4 飛鼠號立方衛星(IDEASSat/INSPIRESSat-2) 6
1-5 模式規劃 9
1-6 飛行軟體配置 14
二、IDEASSat操作系統 15
2-1 簡介 15
2-2 設計原理 15
2-3 模式運作與架構 16
2-3-1 系統方程式和參數 16
2-3-2 主架構流程 20
2-4 中斷和例外優先權(Interrupt and Exception Priority) 27
2-5 模組架構(Module Architecture) 37
2-6 時脈(Clock) 43
2-7 緩衝區(Buffer) 44
2-8 儲存空間(Storage Space) 47
2-9 延遲計數器(Delay Counter) 50
2-10 周邊直接記憶體存取(Peripheral Direct Memory Access,PDMA) 54
2-11 即時時鐘(Real-time Clock, RTC) 56
2-12 系統計時器(System Timer) 57
2-13 看門狗計時器(Watchdog Timer) 59
2-14 錯誤檢測與校正(Error Detection and Correction,EDAC) 64
三、次系統與酬載 67
3-1 IDEASSat的次系統與配置 67
3-2 COMM次系統 69
3-3 EPS次系統 75
3-4 ADCS次系統 77
3-5 酬載 79
四、Secure Digital記憶卡 84
4-1 簡介 84
4-2 指令和功能操作 85
4-3方程式及參數 88
五、封包 91
5-1 簡介 91
5-2 信標封包 92
5-2-1 AX.25格式 92
5-2-2 循環冗餘檢查 92
5-2-3 不歸零反轉 94
5-2-4 IDEASSat信標封包 95
5-3 科學封包 100
5-3-1 CCSDS格式 100
5-3-2 IDEASSat科學封包 102
六、指令 109
6-1 簡介 109
6-2 格式 109
6-2 分級 110
6-3 標準指令 111
6-4 進階指令 114
七、地面站通聯測試 117
7-1 信標封包的接收 117
7-2 指令的通聯 121
八、討論與總結 122
參考文獻 127
附錄一、CRC-8 & CRC-16/CCITT-FALSE (C) 133
附錄二、NRZI encoder (Verilog) 135
附錄三、NRZI encoder/decoder (Verilog) 136
附錄四、NRZI encoder/decoder (C) 138
附錄五、G3RUH scrambler/ descrambler for GMSK 9600 (C) 140
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指導教授 張起維(Loren C. Chang) 審核日期 2021-12-14
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