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姓名 弗琳娜(Afrilina Sinaga)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生命科學系
(Regulation of Heat Stress Induced CAF1H Promoter Expression in Rice)
★ 水稻CAF1基因之功能分析-水稻CAF1基因的選殖、定性及表現★ 水稻OsDEADl-1基因的功能性探討
★ 利用水稻細胞之懸浮培養建立蛋白質高效率分泌系統★ 水稻CCR4基因之功能分析- 水稻CCR4基因的選殖、定性及表現
★ 阿拉伯芥 AtMYBS 基因功能性探討★ 水稻OsMYBS2基因的功能性分析
★ 水稻CCR4基因的功能分析- 繁衍大量表現和靜默表現的基因轉殖水稻★ 水稻OsVALs基因的功能性分析- 水稻OsVALs基因的選殖、定性及表現
★ 分析水稻T-DNA插入突變株: M0022150, M0023563, M0023580, M0037352及M0032079★ 以水稻懸浮培養細胞蛋白質生產系統生產mGMCSF
★ 建立表現耐熱澱粉普魯南糖酶基因之轉植甘藷★ 阿拉伯芥AtMYBSs基因參與在糖訊息及離層酸訊息傳遞之研究
★ I. II.★ 探討αAmy3、OsCIN1與Os33KD信號肽在水稻懸浮培養細胞中的功能及特性
★ 水稻CAF1基因在水稻懸浮培養細胞之研究★ 探討阿拉伯芥兩個MYB-related轉錄因子在糖訊息傳遞中所扮演的角色
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摘要(中) 中文摘要

高等植物生長、發育與產量受環境影響極大,植物演化出能夠因應外在環境變化透過準確地調控體內基因表現,藉此改變胞內狀態適應環境變化。在真核生物中Poly(A) tail縮短又稱為deadenylation是mRNA降解的速率決定步驟,而CCR4-associated factor 1s(CAF1s)為真核生物中催化deadenylation的主要酵素之一。在我們實驗室先前的研究中指出,OsCAF1H為水稻中受到熱逆境誘導的基因。在45˚C熱處理一小時中,我們可以發現OsCAF1H 基因在水稻根部與地上部分別被快速誘導 9.9倍與4.2倍,並且當將植物移回室溫此基因表現會快速的下降。而在啟動子DNA序列分析中發現,OsCAF1H啟動子具有一個典型與非典型的熱休克片段,因此我們建立了OsCAF1H啟動子接上glucuronidase (GUS)報導基因的轉殖株。在GUS染色實驗中,我們發現在三天大的小苗經過熱處理(45˚C) 1到4小時,皆可在幼苗、芽、根、胚乳和胚中檢測到GUS活性。綜合以上結果,熱逆境可以直接調控OsCAF1H的啟動子。

Various environmental stresses affect different growth stage and yield of the plants. Therefore, plants regulate the expression level of genes for adjusting cellular status in response to variable environment. Poly(A) tail shortening, also termed as deadenylation, is the rate-limiting step of mRNA degradation in eukaryotic cells. CCR4-associated factor 1 (CAF1) proteins are important enzymes for catalysis of mRNA deadenylation in the eukaryotes. This study investigated the role of a rice heat-induced CAF1, OsCAF1H, in the adaptation of rice plants to heat stress. Expression of OsCAF1H was closely linked with the high-temperature exposure. The expression level of OsCAF1H was increased 9.9-fold in roots and 4.2-fold in shoots after shifting to 45˚C for 1 hour, and dramatically decreased to the basal level after 3 hours of recovery at room temperature. The OsCAF1H promoter contains one canonical palindromic and one atypical Heat Shock Element. In order to investigate the OsCAF1H promoter activity, the transgenic seedlings of OsCAF1H promoter drive glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene were generated and analysed. GUS staining was detected inshoots, roots, endosperm and embryos under heat treatment (45˚C) for 1h, 2h, 3h, and 4hours. Our data revealed that CAF1H promoter was positively regulated by heat stress in rice.
關鍵字(中) ★ Heat Stress
★  OsCAF1Hpromoter
★  Oryza sativa
★  GUS reporter gene
★  Luciferase
關鍵字(英) ★ Heat Stress
★  OsCAF1Hpromoter
★  Oryza sativa
★  GUS reporter gene
★  Luciferase

FIGURE LIST...……………………………………………………………………………...vi
SUPPLEMENTARY LIST……………………………………………………………...…viii
1.1 OsCAF1H Promoter 2
1.2 CCR4 and CAF1-required for Deadenylation 4
1.3 Plants Defense Responses (Heat Stress)……………………...…………….………5
1.4 Study Goal…………………………………...………………….…...…….…………8
2.1. Plant materials, growth conditions and heat treatment……………..……………9
2.2. Primers…………………………………………………………………...….…….....9
2.3. Genotyping Analysis…………………………………………………….………….10
2.4. Plasmid Constructions…………………………………………….…..……...……10
2.5. RT-PCR………………………………………………………….……………...…..10
2.6. Plant Transformation………………………………………………………....…....11
2.7. Rice Embryo Transient Expression Assay………………………………….…….12
2.7.1. The fluorogenic assay for GUS activity………………………………………12
2.7.2. Luciferase assay……………………………………………..………………...12
3.1 OsCAF1H is induced by heat stress 14
3.2 OsCAF1H promoter contains heat shock elements (HSEs) 14
3.3 Generation of transgenic lines harboring the chimeric OsCAF1H Promoter/β-Glucuronidase reporter gene 15
3.4 The putative OsCAF1H::GUS transgenic plants show normal phenotype under normal growth conditions 17
3.5 GUS activity was induced by heat stress in germination seeds of OsCAF1H::GUS transgenic lines 17
3.6 Testing of the heat response sequences in the OsCAF1H Promoter 18

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指導教授 陸重安(Chung-An Lu) 審核日期 2020-7-31
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