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姓名 秦莫鈞(Mergen Chinbat)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生物醫學工程研究所
(Amylose mediated electricity production of Staphylococcus epidermidis for inhibition of Cutibacterium acnes growth)
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摘要(中) 摘要

痤瘡皮膚炎桿菌(痤瘡丙酸桿菌)Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes),為一種常見的皮膚細菌,其過度生長與尋常痤瘡的發生有關。人的皮膚和腸道細菌可以通過發酵來發電。基於細菌的這種發電能力, 我們測試了利用直鏈澱粉 amylose 發酵的表皮葡萄球菌Staphylococcus epidermidis(S. epi)發酵能否通過發電來抑制痤瘡丙酸桿菌的生長。我們發現,當各種益生元介導的發酵過程中,人的腸道和皮膚細菌可以產生更高的電能。我們選擇了最常見的益生元,葡萄糖和甘油,以測量來自腸道的鼠李糖乳桿菌 Lactobacillus rhamnosus(L. rhamnosus)、大腸桿菌 Escherica coli(E. coli)、肺炎克雷伯菌 Klebseilla pneumoniae(K. pneumoniae)和來自皮膚的痤瘡皮膚炎桿菌、表皮葡萄球菌、金黃色葡萄球菌 Staphylococcus aureus(S. aureus)產生的電。我們已經測試了三種不同的益生元, 椰油酸甘油酯 Glyceryl cocoate(PEG-7)、一水合乳糖乳糖 Alpha lactose monohydrate
(ALM),直鏈澱粉 Amylose(Amy),用於測量益生菌介導的表皮葡萄球菌之發電量。

摘要(英) 3
The overgrowth of Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes), a commensal skin bacterium, has been
associated with the progression of acne vulgaris. Human skin and gut bacteria can produce
electricity by fermentation. Based on this electricity producing ability of bacteria we have tested to
check whether Staphylococcus epidermidis (S. epi) fermentation with Amylose can inhibit the
growth of C. acnes by producing electricity. We found that human gut and skin bacteria can
produce significantly higher electricity when the fermentation mediated by various prebiotics. We
have selected glucose and glycerol which are most common prebiotics for measuring the
production of electricity of bacteria from gut Lactobacillus rhamnosus (L. rhamnosus), Escherica
coli (E. coli), Klebseilla pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae) and bacteria from skin C. acnes, S. epi,
Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). We have tested 3 different prebiotics Glyceryl cocoate (PEG-
7), Alpha lactose monohydrate (ALM), Amylose (Amy) for measuring prebiotic mediated
production of electricity from S. epi. The Amylose mediated fermentation of S. epi has shown the
highest production of electricity. Our results demonstrated that S. epi can mediate fermentation of
Amylose to enhance its inhibitory effects on C. acnes growth by producing electicity in vivo and
in vitro.
Keywords: C. acnes, S. epi, L. rhamnosus, E. coli, K. pneumoniae, S. aureus, PEG-7, ALM, Amy
關鍵字(中) ★ 痤瘡丙酸桿菌
★ 表皮葡萄球菌
★ 鼠李糖乳桿菌
★ 大腸桿菌
★ 肺炎克雷伯菌
★ 金黃色葡萄球菌
★ 椰油酸甘油酯
★ 一水合乳糖乳糖
★ 直鏈澱粉
論文目次 Table of Contents
摘要 II
Abstract III
Acknowledgments IV
Abbreviations I
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Microbiome in general 1
1.2 The human skin microbiome 1
1.3 Host-microbiome interaction 2
1.4 Skin probiotic bacteria 2
1.5 Skin prebiotics 3
1.6 Extracellular electron transfer 3
1.7 S. epi 4
1.8 C. acnes 4
Chapter 2. Methods 5
2.1 Ethics statement. 5
2.2 Bacterial culture. 5
2.3 Fermentation of bacteria. 5
2.4 Detection of bacterial electricity. 6
2.5 The interference of S. epidermidis with the growth of C. acnes in vitro. 6
2.6 S. epi against C. acnes in vivo. 7
2.7 Statistical analysis. 7
Chapter 3. Results 8
3.1 Glucose induces electricity production by L. rhamnosus 8
3.2 Glucose induces electricity production by E. coli. 9
3.3 Glucose induces electricity production by K. pneumoniae. 10
3.4 Glycerol induces electricity production by C. acnes. 11
3.5 Glycerol induces electricity production by S. epi 12
3.6 Glycerol induces electricity production by S. aureus 13
3.7 Different carbon sources for bacterial fermentation and growth. 14
3.8 Fermentation of S.epi with Amy 15
3.9 Amylose induces electricity production by S. epi 15
3.10 Amylose induces electricity production by C. acnes 16
3.11 Different doses of flavin mononucleotide (FMN) 17
3.12 The interference of S. epi with growth of C. acnes in vivo 18
3.13 The interference of S. epi with growth of C. acnes in vivo 19
Chapter 4. Discussion and Conclusion 20
References 22
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指導教授 黃俊銘 陳純娟(Eric Chun-Ming Huang Chun-Chuan Chen) 審核日期 2021-1-28
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