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姓名 許惠敏(Hui-Min Xu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 歷史研究所
論文名稱 饑餓、疾病與生存:從《蓮娜·穆希娜日記》看列寧格勒圍城
(Hunger, Disease and Survival: Viewing the Siege of Leningrad from “Diary of Elena Mukhina”)
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摘要(中) 摘要
1941 年 6 月 22 日德軍攻破蘇聯西部軍事防線,同年 9 月 8 日包
872 天的封鎖。德軍的圍城行動,幾乎阻斷了列寧格勒與外界的聯繫,只
因此,本文主要以蓮娜・穆希娜(Elena Mukhina,1924-1991)日記為
摘要(英) Abstract
On June, 22nd, 1941, the armed forces of the German government successfully broke through the defenses at the western part of the Soviet Union. Afterwards, the German authorities besieged the city, Leningrad, which was located between the northwestern part of the Soviet Union and the Baltic Sea. The lockdown had begun from September, 8th and lasted for 872 days.
The victory of this war also caused Leningrad to be isolated from other cities. The supply of the food and other life essentials could only be conducted through Ladoga Lake. Because the granary was destroyed by the German armed forces and the storage of food was not enough before the outbreak of the war, the critical starvation in Leningrad thus happened from the first winter after this military conflict.
This thesis aims at examining citizens’ living conditions under the circumstances of the besiege and the suffering of starvation by referring to the diary written by Elena Mukhina. For instance, what changes had been made to Elena and other residents after the besiege of the city began?
Also, combining with other historical data and information, several questions will be investigated. Firstly, what were the consequences to both Elena and other people who were at the lower social-economic status brought by the problem of famine? Did the governmental authorities provide any essential help?
Secondly, the distribution of food during the period of World War II was through the rationing system in most of the countries in the world, however, why Leningrad was the only city facing the severe famine problem with the highest death toll compared to other states? Lastly, was there any disease or psychological trauma gotten by people after experiencing the issue of starvation for a long period of time? As people belonged to the lower social-economic status were not able to leave Leningrad, what were their spiritual supports?
Collectively, the thesis will analyze the difference between the experiences that Elena faced and the claims made by the Soviet Union about “hero”, “brave”, and “patriotism” through the angles of starvation, diseases, and the conditions of living.
關鍵字(中) ★ 列寧格勒圍城戰
★ 《蓮娜・穆希娜日記》
★ 食物配給
★ 饑餓
★ 疾病
★ 生存
關鍵字(英) ★ Siege of Leningrad
★ “Diary of Elena Mukhina”
★ food ration
★ hunger
★ disease
★ survival
論文目次 目 錄

緒論 .................................................................................................................1
第一章 打破平靜:列寧格勒圍城前的生活變動...............................................17
第一節 列寧格勒圍城背景...............................................................................17
第二節 貧窮與勵志:戰前蓮娜的日常生活...................................................22
第三節 戰爭動員與空襲:戰爭之初的日常變化...........................................27

第二章 匱乏與饑餓:圍城期間配給失衡與饑荒爆發.......................................33
第一節 淘汰弱者:不平等的食物配給...........................................................33
第二節 困苦與絕望:饑荒下的飲食與生活...................................................38
第三節 列寧格勒饑荒的成因探討...................................................................48

第三章 虛弱與病痛:圍城時期的疾病與醫療...................................................51
第一節 營養不良...............................................................................................51
第二節 饑餓引發的疾病...................................................................................56
第三節 圍城內的醫療與救治...........................................................................58

第四章 絕境逢生:圍城時期女性的生存策略...................................................63
第一節 人際關係...............................................................................................64
第二節 替代食物...............................................................................................70
第三節 生存意志 .............................................................................................78
結 論.......................................................................................................................85
參考書目 .............................................................................................................89

圖 錄
圖 1. 列寧格勒地圖................................................................................................18 圖 2. 一名列寧格勒的女人正用雪橇拉著因飢餓而虛弱的男人...........................………37
圖 3. 冬天用雪橇將餓死者帶到「10 月 25 日大道」.............………….................………38
圖 4. 1941 年 9 月 10 日主任抱著寵物於避難所躲避空襲..........................................71

表 錄
表 1. 列寧格勒每日麵包配給..................................................................................36
表 2. 耶誕盛宴食物..................................................................................................43 表 3. 美國租借法案對蘇聯援助..............................................................................47
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〈列寧格勒圍城戰猶太倖存者 德國同意向支付終生賠償〉,《自由時報》,2021年10月6日。https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/breakingnews/3695470(2021年10月25日檢索)
指導教授 蔣竹山 審核日期 2021-10-26
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