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李焜堉(KUN-YU LI)
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土木工程學系在職專班 |
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再生粒料導入循環經濟品質管理之研究 -瀝青混凝土挖(刨)除粒料應用於基底層 (Study on Quality Management of Recycled Aggregate In Circular Economy - Applications of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement on Subbase Course and Base Course)
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摘要(中) |
載能力影響主要因素為瀝青混凝土挖(刨)除粒料摻配比例,且CBR 值與摻
及促進基礎建設的永續發展。 |
摘要(英) |
Asphalt pavement mixed from recycled asphalt with varying viscosity lead
to different impacts on the bearing capacity of its base course. The impact
result is obtained by analyzing reclaimed asphalt by their oil content, screen
analysis, and viscosity. A classification of asphalt according to their viscosity
with a dividing line of 100,000 (poise) is performed. The two classes of
recycled aggregate are then each blended with natural gravel grades at ratios
of 40%, 60%, and 80%, respectively. Result from which is applied in the screen
analysis to simulate the base course of multiple grades, and finally go through
compaction and California Bearing Ratio(CBR)tests to achieve the final results.
Results show that viscosity has little effect on the bearing capacity. The main
factor affecting the bearing capacity is the ratio of recycled aggregate. Of which
is inversely proportional to the CBR value.
In addition, this thesis summarizes relevant domestic construction
specifications, and uses the latest reports, construction specifications, services,
and other information provided by the Taoyuan City Circular Economy Platform,
as well as ongoing constructions executed by the current Taoyuan City
Government, and differences in between, to provide a proposal detailing the
supply for reclaimed asphalt for base course applications, in hopes to provide
aid to future constructions and the sustainable development of infrastructure. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 瀝青混凝土挖(刨)除粒料 ★ 再利用粒料 ★ CBR ★ 永續發展 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Reclaimed Asphalt ★ Recycled Aggregate ★ CBR ★ Sustainable Development |
論文目次 |
中文摘要 ................................................................. i
英文摘要 ................................................................ ii
誌謝 ................................................................... iii
目錄 ................................................................. iv、v
圖目錄 .................................................................. vi
表目錄 ........................................................... vii、viii
一、緒論 ................................................................. 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 .................................................. 1
1-2 研究目的 ........................................................ 1
1-3 研究範圍 ........................................................ 2
1-4 研究方法與流程 .................................................. 2
二、文獻回顧 ............................................................. 4
2-1 道路工程循環經濟範圍 ............................................ 4
2-1-1 使用級配粒料基底層之相關主管機關 ............................... 5
2-2 再生粒料循環利用相關法規面探討 .................................. 7
2-3 道路工程再利用粒料級配之定義 .................................... 8
2-4 桃園市政府循環經濟平台之個案及規範探討 .......................... 9
2-4-1 桃園市政府循環經濟平台功能之使用介紹 ........................... 9
2-5 道路工程級配粒料相關試驗與施工規範探討 ......................... 13
三、國內瀝青混凝土挖(刨)除粒料應用於道路基底層品質管理之現況探討 ...... 14
3-1 瀝青混凝土挖(刨)除粒料應用於道路基底層國內再利用現況 ......... 14
3-2 瀝青混凝土挖(刨)除粒料之分級與試驗分析 ....................... 15
3-3 再生級配粒料試驗與分析 ......................................... 18
3-3-1 各別比例再生級配粒料之成果分析 ................................ 22
四、工程案例探討 ........................................................ 24
4-1 桃園市政府已完工之工程 ......................................... 24
4-2 石門大圳案例探討 ............................................... 24
4-2-1 石門大圳案例結論 .............................................. 27
4-3 本實驗與其他案例之比對探討 ..................................... 28
五、工程相關單位使用再生級配粒料於基底層之應注意事項 .................... 33
5-1 桃園市政府之瀝青混凝土挖(刨)除粒料應用於路基之注意事項 ......... 33
5-2 桃園市政府應注意事項之彙整 ..................................... 34
5-3 供料廠商之供料計畫書 ........................................... 39
六、結論與建議 .......................................................... 41
6-1 結論 ........................................................... 41
6-2 建議 ........................................................... 41
參考文獻 ................................................................ 43
附錄一 .................................................................. 44
附錄二 .................................................................. 52 |
參考文獻 |
﹝1﹞ 桃園市政府,桃園市政府循環經濟平台。民國108年,取自
﹝2﹞ 林志棟,「瀝青混凝土刨除粒料循環再利用研討會」,19-20頁,國
﹝3﹞ 內政部營建署,營建事業再生利用之再生資源項目及規範,2009年
﹝4﹞ 行政院公共工程委員會,「施工綱要規範第02722章級配粒料基層
﹝5﹞ 行政院公共工程委員會,「施工綱要規範第02726章級配粒料底層
﹝6﹞ 經濟部標準檢驗局,中華民國國家標準(CNS)。
﹝7﹞ 桃園市政府工務局,「瀝青混凝土刨除粒料為道路路基再生級配料
﹝8﹞ 行政院公共工程委員會,「施工綱要規範第02714章瀝青處理底層
﹝9﹞ 行政院公共工程委員會,「施工綱要規範第02741章瀝青混凝土之一
﹝10﹞ 行政院公共工程委員會,「施工綱要規範第02742章瀝青混凝土鋪面
指導教授 |
林志棟(Jyh-Dong Lin)
審核日期 |
2020-1-21 |
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