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姓名 吳玉惠(Yu-Huei Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
(To see is to believe through social AR: A mechanism from user′s point-of-view (POV) sharing)
★ 心理擁有感對轉蛋抽卡型手機遊戲購買意願: 探討一般自我效能、風險傾向、及賭博成癮之影響★ 虛擬角色認同、遊戲動機與遊戲忠誠度:探討遊戲滿意度之中介
★ 探討經驗開放性、消費者創新性、對促銷之期待與限量優惠商品之購買意願:以戰利品購物為中介
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摘要(中) 擴增實境(augmented reality, AR)逐漸在現代網路購物中受到重視。過去關於AR的研究著重在功能的設計與使用者體驗該科技,較少強調其對消費者行為的影響。換言之,本研究並不探討AR科技本身在相關,而是在乎將社群媒體與AR結合的社群AR對消費者行為的影響。本篇研究主張視角分享、社群充能、心流、及知覺擁有感,可能會影響消費者的購買傾向與APP傳道。除了視角分享與知覺擁有感之連結外,其他所有的研究假說都獲得支持。換言之,不僅是單純的視角分享,創造社群互動有其必要性,來促進購買意願與APP傳道。在設計AR購物網站或APP時,品牌商應考慮加入社群功能,促進社群充能來增強心流與知覺擁有感,進而有較佳的購物體驗與結果。
摘要(英) Augmented reality (AR) is gaining momentum in the contemporary online shopping world. Most of the research about AR shopping primary focused on the function design and user experience associated with the use of such technology, while few discussed its influence on the consumer behavior. In other words, we are not studying the AR technology itself, but interested in the consumer psychology when social media is combined with AR online shopping, known as social AR. The present research explores some important factors such as POV sharing, social empowerment, flow, and perceived ownership, to see whether these determinants may influence purchase intention and APP evangelism, to tell others about the benefits of using AR. Excluding the link between POV sharing and perceived ownership, all of the research hypotheses were supported. In other words, it is essential to create social interaction, rather than POV sharing alone, to promote purchase intention, and APP evangelism. When designing AR online shopping website or APP, brands should consider to incorporate social functions to encourage social empowerment such that flow and perceived ownership may enhance the shopping experience and results.
關鍵字(中) ★ 社群 AR
★ 視角分享
★ 社群充能
★ 心流
★ 知覺擁有感
★ 購買傾向
論文目次 摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Acknowledgements iv
Table of Content iv
List of Figure vii
List of Table viii
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 2: Literature review 7
2-1 AR in online shopping 7
2-2 POV sharing 9
2-3 Social empowerment 11
2-4 Flow 14
2-5 Perceived ownership 18
2-6 Purchase Intention 20
2-7 APP Evangelism 23
Chapter 3: Method 27
3-1 Participants 27
3-2 Research Instrument 28
3-3 Step of Research 31
Chapter 4: Results 36
4-1 Descriptive Statistic 36
4-2 Reliability Analysis 37
4-3 Correlation 38
4-4 Validity Analysis & Test for Goodness-of-Fit 39
4-5 Structural Equations Modeling (SEM) 41
Chapter 5: Discussion 47
5-1 The Summary of Research Result 47
5-2 Managerial Implication 51
5-3 Limitations of Research 53
Chapter 6: References 54
Appendix 77
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指導教授 杜秉叡 鄭明松 審核日期 2021-7-22
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