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姓名 王雅婷(Ya-Ting Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 偽造還是不揭露?隱私與利益衝突對意圖之影響研究
(Falsify or Withhold? The Effects of Conflict between Privacy Concern and Perceived Benefit on Disclosure Intention)
★ 製藥業的成本會計評估研究─ 一個ABC成本制度的應用★ 一個保險業的資料採擷應用--業務員的薪酬制度分析
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摘要(中) 在數據分析的浪潮下,越來越多公司傾向蒐集各式各樣使用者的資料,藉此深入了解顧客進行精準行銷。然而對使用者而言,卻有侵犯隱私的疑慮,擔心被公司未經授權利用或是洩露甚至賣給第三方。過往研究著重在使用者基於隱私顧慮是否會自我揭露,然後在現實情況下,即使自我揭露,也可能是使用者偽造的資料。
摘要(英) Following the trends of and “know your customers” and data analytics, more and more enterprises collect all kinds of users related date for in depth analysis. However, users are concerned that personal data could be misused or be unlawfully revealed, even be sold to third parties. Pervious researches focus on user’s intention to disclosure based on privacy concern. However, in reality, user would intentionally choose to disclosure false information.
This study is based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. In the research model, “privacy concern” plays the role of “attitude,” “perceived benefit” is treated as “perceived behavioral control.” Additionally, the “Machiavellianism” trait is added as a moderator. This study attempts to look into the antecedents resulting in falsification and/or withholding intentions when users sign up for new Internet accounts.
Results reveal that “privacy concern” does positively affect both “falsification” and “withholding” intentions; and “perceived benefit” reduces both “falsification” and “withholding” intentions. Additionally, “Machiavellianism” moderates the effect of “privacy concern” on “falsification intention”. Results also show that with higher perceived benefit, users are more likely to sign up and disclosure their personal data. Also, users are likely to withhold or falsify, when they are more concerned about their privacy being used unexpectedly. However, the moderating effect of Machiavellianism is such that users with higher level of Machiavellianism are more likely to falsify. In conclusion, this study suggests that enterprises should collect, process and use personal data for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes.
關鍵字(中) ★ 計畫行為理論
★ 隱私顧慮
★ 馬基維利人格
★ 不揭露
★ 偽造
關鍵字(英) ★ Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
★ Privacy concern
★ Withholding
★ Falsification
★ Machiavellianism
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 1
1-3 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
2-1 計畫行為理論 3
2-2 隱私 4
2-2-1 隱私顧慮 5
2-2-2 感知隱私風險 7
2-2-3 信任 7
2-2-4 個人資料敏感度 9
2-3 感知利益 9
2-4 不揭露意圖及偽造意圖 10
2-5 馬基維利人格 11
第三章 研究方法 13
3-1 研究架構與假說 13
3-1-1 「感知隱私風險」對「隱私顧慮」之影響 13
3-1-2 「信任」對「隱私顧慮」之影響 14
3-1-3 「個人資料敏感度」對「隱私顧慮」之影響 14
3-1-4 「隱私顧慮」對「不揭露意圖」及「偽造意圖」之影響 14
3-1-5 「感知利益」對「不揭露意圖」及「偽造意圖」之影響 15
3-1-6 「馬基維利人格」對「偽造意圖」之影響 15
3-2 變數的操作型定義 16
3-2-1 感知隱私風險 16
3-2-2 信任 16
3-2-3 個人資料敏感度 17
3-2-4 隱私顧慮 19
3-2-5 感知利益 20
3-2-6 馬基維利人格 21
3-2-7 不揭露意圖與偽造意圖 22
3-3 研究設計 22
第四章 資料分析 24
4-1 問卷回收過程 24
4-2 敘述性統計分析 24
4-3 問卷量表之信、效度檢驗 25
4-3-1 效度檢驗 26
4-3-3 信度檢驗 28
4-4 研究假說的實質關係檢定 29
4-4-1 模型適配度 29
4-4-2 研究假說驗證結果 29
4-4-3調節效果 31
4-5 小結 32
第五章 結論與建議 34
5-1 研究結果 34
5-1-1 影響隱私顧慮因素 34
5-1-2 使用者不揭露個人資料意圖 35
5-1-3 使用者偽造個人資料意圖 35
5-1-4 馬基維利人格調節效果 35
5-2 管理意涵 35
5-3 研究限制與未來建議 36
5-3-1 樣本限制 36
5-3-2 填答者之偏誤 36
5-3-3 個人資料敏感度之有效性及程度 37
5-3-4 感知利益之有效性及程度 37
5-3-5 信任之有效性 37
參考文獻 38
附錄一 問卷設計 46
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指導教授 范錚強(C.K. Farn) 審核日期 2020-6-16
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