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(Non-anonymity on Social Advertising: The Impact on Impulse Purchase Intentions)
★ 網站設計探討—以國內外連鎖飯店集團為例★ 智慧型手機使用者介面與消費者態度之關聯
★ 零售業全通路策略分析 -以Family Mart為例★ 應用服務藍圖及顧客旅程優化汽車租賃業之服務流程: 以某汽車租賃業為例
★ 顧客對折扣促銷的評價-探討商店定價策略、促銷語意線索與折扣深度對消費者認知的影響★ 網路拍賣中外部線索的一致性:在不同的資訊不對稱程度下,起始價格以及賣方聲譽對於拍賣結果影響之探討。
★ 影響金融服務業之多重通路使用者評估通路整合性的因素★ 影響網路口碑行為意圖之因素分析
★ 在多通路環境中,實體通路的存在如何影響顧客決策★ 混合情緒操控與間接體驗產品途徑對消費者之影響-以創新產品為主
★ 服務業不同廣告型式的效果如何受消費者性別及代言人類型而改變★ 消費者於多通路環境下之跨通路搭便車行為之決定因素
★ 如何撰寫較好的網路口碑★ 探討線上環境中互動與故事對廣告效果之影響
★ 不同決策特質與搜尋時間壓力下部落格設計與使用者滿意度之探討★ 主購社群關係與主購經驗分享對網路合購行為因素影響之探討
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摘要(中) 隨著社群網站的普及,行銷人員利用社交媒體進行產品或服務的推廣。藉由社交平台的協同過濾 (collaborative filtering) 推薦系統及其擁有之廣大用戶的個人資料,供應商可依業務所需,選擇欲投放廣告受眾之條件以觸及目標客群,有效地將個人化廣告適當的推播予現有及潛在顧客,並且運用分析報告以追蹤掌握廣告的成效。
摘要(英) With the popularity of social media websites, marketers promote products or services through social media. With the collaborative filtering recommendation system of the social platform and the personal information of the majority of users, retailers can set the rules and criteria for where their ads are delivered, reach the target audience based on their requirements of the business, displaying personalize advertisements to existing and potential customers effectively, using analysis reports to track and control the effectiveness of advertising.
Some social advertisements mention and display social actions of users, in order to reduce their distrust through the effect of endorsement. This study derives seven hypotheses, including the concept of the integrity and competence of cognitive trust factors, degrees of privacy concerns, and consumers’ impulse shopping intentions. The study would explore the effect on the behavioral reaction and the impulse purchase intention of consumers when they receive the non-anonymous social advertisement. Data were gathered by an experimental design with three scenarios: anonymous; non-anonymous-strong tie; non-anonymous-weak tie.
關鍵字(中) ★ 社交廣告
★ 推薦系統
★ 認知信任
★ 關係強度
★ 衝動購物意願
關鍵字(英) ★ social advertising
★ recommender system
★ cognitive trust
★ impulse purchase intention
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Tables iv
List of Figures iv
1. Introduction 1
2. Theoretical Issues and Hypotheses 3
2.1 Online Personalization 4
2.2 Recommender System 5
2.3 Social Advertising 6
2.4 Gossip Theory and Non-anonymity on Social Advertising 7
2.5 Cognitive Trust 9
2.6 Non-anonymity on Social Advertising and Competence 10
2.7 Non-anonymity on Social Advertising and Integrity 13
2.8 The Mediating Role of Cognitive Trust in Integrity and Competence 14
2.9 Control variables 15
3. Research Method 16
3.1 Procedure 16
3.2 Reliability and Validity 17
3.3 Participants 17
4. Results 19
4.1 Measurement Model 19
4.2 Hypotheses testing 22
5. General Discussion 28
5.1 Theoretical and Practical Contributions 28
5.2 Managerial Implications 31
6. Limitations and suggestions for future research 31
Reference 32
Appendix 41

List of Tables
Table 1. Literature on trust among social advertising 14
Table 2. Demographic Profile of the Sample 22
Table 3. Distribution of scenario 22
Table 4. Measurement constructs reliability and validity 24
Table 5. Correlation Matrix of Constructs 24
Table 6. Summary of Measurement Model Statistics 24
Table 7. Tests of Between-Subjects Effects 27
Table 8. The results of the Scheffe’s post-hoc testing 28
Table 9. Tests of Between-Subjects Effects: Integrity 29
Table 10. Mean of privacy concern and type of social advertising 30
Table 11. The results of the Scheffe’s post-hoc testing: Integrity 30
Table 12. Testing for Mediation 32
Table 13. The results of hypothesis testing 34
List of Figures
Figure 1. Research Model 8
Figure 2. Profile Plots in Integrity 30
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指導教授 謝依靜(Yi-Ching Hsieh) 審核日期 2020-7-6
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