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論文名稱 當我們同在一起:從消費者—其他消費者互動觀點探究感染氣候與規範信念之影響
(The more we get together: Exploring the roles of contagious climate and normative belief in SNS-based brand communities)
★ 影響消費者使用冷錢包簽帳卡之研究★ 從預期心理觀點探討線上群眾募資平台之衝動贊助意圖
★ 被忽略的沉默力量:探討瀏覽品質、沉浸體驗、潛水者公民行為之關係★ 對話式服務代理人:探索聊天機器人之服務品質與服務體驗
★ 社群商務之快速信任與快速關係建立: 信號理論觀點★ 由學習轉移理論探索消費者對線上至線下 商業模式之體驗轉移過程
★ 自助服務補救:探討電子商務網站補救措施、知覺公平與補救滿意度之關係★ 運用資料探勘技術優化 次世代防火牆規則之研究
★ 以推敲可能性模式結合賦能理論探討公益性質群眾募資之贊助意圖:自我價值感與間接互惠的中介角色★ 組織數位學習準備度對學習者準備度之影響:資訊系統成功模式的觀點
★ 社會行動團體之社群媒體使用對志工保留之影響:社會資本的觀點★ 探討應用資料增強及改善類別不平衡問題 對不同股票圖形之影響-以台灣股市0050ETF為例
★ 以文字探勘技術分析標籤劫持—以twitter為例★ 探討個人賣家之社群商務能力養成:組織學習理論觀點
★ 您累了嗎?遠距辦公之工作—生活壓力對員工工作表現的影響:組織與個人層級應對策略的調節效果★ 探討顧客購買後之角色內到角色外行為: 社群商務顧客關係管理能力的調節效果
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摘要(中) Web 2.0的發展無疑改變人們傳遞訊息的方式與消費模式的型態。作為與消費者最直接的品牌接觸點,社群媒體平台被視為是企業進行品牌溝通與品牌建立最重要的渠道之一。為了強化品牌形象與消費者對品牌的認知,企業紛紛導入以社群媒體平台為基礎的品牌社群以維持與消費者良好的互動關係,並利用社群影響力凝聚既有顧客,以及將品牌推廣給更多的潛在顧客。在品牌社群內,成員之間藉由彼此互動、分享與交流品牌相關的資訊、知識或經驗,形成屬於該品牌社群的特殊環境氣候與規範信念。而這樣良好的品牌環境與信念有助於將消費者與品牌之間的關係連繫起來,進而在社群成員之間形成品牌群體意向。
本研究採用消費者問卷填答,總樣本數包含375筆參與品牌社群之消費者資料,以統計軟體AMOS 21.0檢測與驗證結構方程模型之假說。研究結果顯示受測者知覺意見領袖之專業性、可靠性以及知覺其他成員之間的互動性,皆正向顯著地影響品牌社群的感染氣候與規範信念,而感染氣候和規範信念與品牌群體意向亦存在顯著的關係。最後,本研究結果亦提供了重要的學術洞見與品牌社群與品牌建議相關之管理意涵。
摘要(英) The introduction of Web 2.0 technologies has changed consumer behaviors, including information consumption. Social networking sites (SNSs) are one of the direct customer touchpoints and thus crucial to firms’ communication of brand value and delivery of brand-related information to their customers. Firms capture potential customers while retaining existing customers by leveraging the social power of SNS-based brand community. Customers share, exchange, and gather distinct brand-specific information, knowledge, and experience from or with other customers within a brand community. Interconnecting personal relationship between customers can jointly form the brand’s environmental climate and normative belief. Thus, a brand-related we-intention among customers is created.
Environmental climate concept has gained increasing scholarly interest. However, studies have focused on physical environments (e.g., organizational and store environment), thus generating a lack of empirical research in the virtual environment. Most people faced with difficult decisions are concerned whether they are making the right decision. With the establishment of a contagious climate and normative belief within SNS-based brand communities, individuals may feel like other customers that they support to make the right decision owing to peer effects. Such affective environment further creates the brand-related we-intention among consumers in the community. Therefore, this study explores the influences of opinion leaders (i.e., perceived expertise and perceived credibility) and other consumers (i.e., perceived interactivity) on brand-related we-intention based on the perspective of consumer–other interaction by considering the important roles of contagious climate and normative belief in SNS-based brand communities.
A survey of 375 respondents reveals that opinion leaders’ perceived expertise and credibility and other members’ perceived community interactivity positively affect the contagious climate and normative belief in a brand community. This impact leads to brand-related we-intention. Furthermore, we conclude managerial and scholarly implications arising from this research.
關鍵字(中) ★ 社群媒體
★ 以社群媒體為基礎的品牌社群
★ 感染氣候
★ 規範信念
★ 品牌群體意向
關鍵字(英) ★ Social networking sites
★ SNS-based brand community
★ Contagious climate
★ Normative belief
★ Brand-related we-intention
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝辭 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 研究流程 5
二、 文獻回顧 6
2-1 以社群媒體為基礎的品牌社群 6
2-2 品牌群體意向 8
2-3 氣候與感染氣候 10
2-4 規範信念 13
2-5 假說推論 14
2-5-1 意見領袖、感染氣候與規範信念 14
2-5-2 其他消費者、感染氣候與規範信念 18
2-5-3 感染氣候、規範信念與品牌群體意向 20
三、 研究方法 22
3-1 研究架構 23
3-2 研究假說 24
3-3 研究變數定義與衡量 25
3-3-1 知覺專業性 25
3-3-2 知覺可靠性 26
3-3-3 知覺互動性 26
3-3-4 感染氣候 27
3-3-5 規範信念 27
3-3-6 品牌群體意向 28
3-4 資料分析方法 29
四、 研究結果 31
4-1 樣本特性分析 31
4-2 衡量模型分析 34
4-2-1 驗證性因素分析 34
4-2-2 信度分析 36
4-2-3 效度分析 37
4-3 線性結構關係模型 42
4-3-1 模型配適度評估 42
4-3-2 假說檢定 44
五、 研究結論與建議 47
5-1 研究貢獻 49
5-2 管理意涵 50
5-3 研究限制與未來展望 51
參考文獻 53
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指導教授 周恩頤 審核日期 2020-7-17
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