摘要(英) |
Like other advanced countries, Taiwan’s pension system is facing the impact of an aging society and declining birthrate. In the past, there was a retirement boom of baby boomers after the war. Under the influence of the new policy, postponing retirement has become a new trend. The discussion on retirement is becoming more and more important. Besides the objective factors caused by pension system reform, how will individual subjective factors affect their retirement behaviors?
This study used the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan’ s“manpower utilization surveys”. In order to observe the influence of family factors of different family types, the data were classified into six different family types.
The empirical results show that there is only one respondent in a single-person family, so other family factors don’t need to take into account. When the respondent invests more in work and earns more, the possibility of retirement decreases. Respondents from single-parent families, child-related factors were the most important factors when considering retirement. In addition to supporting the economy, respondents in single-parent families may also need to take care of their parents. Older parents or parents in poor health may increase the chances of retirement. Such family respondents may bear more pressure than the first two types of families. In couple′s families and nuclear families, the couple′s retirement behavior may influence each other. Empirical results show that in couple′s families, the husband tends to retire with his wife, but the wife doesn’t. In nuclear families, the husband and wife share the household expenses because they have children to take care of. When the children become independent, the couple will retire together. |
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