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姓名 賴維屏(Wei-Ping Lai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 製造執行系統(MES)的產品生命週期管理
(Product Lifecycle Management of Manufacturing Execution System)
★ 企業流程為核心的食品產業運籌體系規劃:低溫物流部份★ 以企業流程方法規劃整體飛航後勤維修體系之研究
★ 成衣產業導入ERP運籌管理方案之個案研究★ 光電產業試產基地之生產最佳化模式:以光投影機為例
★ TFT LCD產業獲利因素之探討★ 科技事業進行合併/讓售之決策過程與成效之個案探討
★ 企業治理、風險及遵循解決方案導入之個案研究-以職責分離資訊系統為例★ 品質機能展開與多準則決策於設備開發應用
★ ERP導入品質因素對IFRS轉換專案之影響★ ERP投資金額對服務品質及導入後IT治理目標之分析
★ ERP 導入問題對專案的影響★ IFRS轉換對員工退休金計畫影響
★ IFRS轉換問題對IFRS效益的影響★ 電子產業新產品開發參考模式之發展
★ 應用資料科學方法提昇國防裝備可靠度之研究-以防空系統為例★ 企業資訊方案行銷歷程之探討-以MES為例
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摘要(中) 製造執行系統 (MES; Manufacturing Execution System) 已應用於全球製造產業超過30 年,至今依然隨智能製造的趨勢而蓬勃發展。過去MES 軟體開發多以傳統計畫式專案管理,從界定專案範疇與需求分析起始,並終止於產品交付與驗收。此方法固然可滿足單一專案的客戶需求,確保專案時程收斂,卻可能犧牲產品的中長期策略發展,並欠缺在系統上線後對於客戶使用狀況及反饋的關注,因此難以累積在多次專案中所得到的行業經驗與知識。
本研究以個案研究方法,藉由一間MES 系統服務提供商導入產品生命週期管理體系的實務經驗,並透過該廠商的MES 開發團隊試行「敏捷開發方法Scrum」的執行狀況,對上述問題進行探討。本研究對該MES 系統服務提供商原本的開發流程、方法以及痛點進行分析,比較其被併購後採用新公司的產品生命週期管理體系的流程、方法執行狀況。
本研究依據此個案實例的實務經驗,提出MES 系統適用的產品生命週期管理流程模型,將提供給其他新的軟體產品線使用,並持續驗證、調整改善。導入產品管理體系可以完善該MES 的產品工程體系與策略規劃,並透過完整的商業規劃,更有效地在產品銷售的前、中、後期,持續創造產品價值。針對軟體開發的方法,經過深入地探討與評估,雖然該單位因為其產品特性及流程現狀不完全適用Scrum 的敏捷開發方法,但是本研究也提出對應做法,建議在開發團隊中的日常工作中實踐敏捷管理的原則與精神,持續改善。
摘要(英) The application of manufacturing execution system(MES) had been developed for more than 3 decades around the globe, and the market was still growing as the need for digital transformation of factory arise with the trend of smart manufacturing and industrial automation. The purpose of this study was to identify the process and activities in the product lifecylcle of MES product, and proposed an appropriate methodology or practice for MES product development management.
This research conducted a case study on an MES supplier merged into an original design manufacturer (ODM) electronics company. By comparing a project-based MES developed with the object company’s original implementation process, and a product-based, SaaS MES constructed with the ODM company’s product lifecycle management institution, this research investigated the execution and outcome of these two instances. In addition, this research looked into the adaption when the development team adopting Scrum, and discovered the constraints of this method used in MES product development.
Based on the product lifecycle process of object company, this research revised a product lifecycle and development model for MES. The result revealed that it would be impractical for MES development team to fully adopt Scrum method, considering that MES operated across multiple function areas involving multiple departments and heterogeneous systems integration. But this research also advised some ways to carry out agility in MES development
practice, by upholding the guideline of value-driven and lean thinking.
關鍵字(中) ★ 製造執行系統(MES)
★ 產品生命週期管理
★ 客製化資訊系統
★ 軟體工程
★ 敏捷開發
★ 敏捷混合
關鍵字(英) ★ manufacturing execution system (MES),
★ product lifecycle management
★ highly customized information system development
★ software engineering
★ Agile
★ Scrum
論文目次 中文摘要 ..................................................................................................................................... i
Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... ii
誌謝 ........................................................................................................................................... iii
目錄 ........................................................................................................................................... iv
圖目錄 ........................................................................................................................................ v
表目錄 ....................................................................................................................................... vi
第一章、研究動機與目的 ........................................................................................................ 1
1-1 研究動機 ...................................................................................................................... 1
1-2 研究目的 ..................................................................................................................... 2
第二章、相關研究 .................................................................................................................... 3
2-1 製造執行系統MES .................................................................................................... 3
2-1-1 製造執行系統MES 的定義與功能範疇 ........................................................... 3
2-1-2 MES 的種類與架構演進 ..................................................................................... 5
2-2 軟體開發觀念 ............................................................................................................. 8
2-2-1 軟體工程 .............................................................................................................. 8
2-2-2 軟體開發方法與架構 .......................................................................................... 8
2-2-3 Scrum 軟體開發方法 ......................................................................................... 12
2-3 產品生命週期管理 ................................................................................................... 15
2-3-1 產品生命週期管理與方法論 ............................................................................ 15
2-3-2 軟體與系統的產品生命週期管理 .................................................................... 17
第三章、個案探討 .................................................................................................................. 18
3-1 MES 產業介紹 ........................................................................................................... 18
3-2 個案公司背景介紹 ................................................................................................... 20
3-3 個案公司的產品生命週期管理模式 ....................................................................... 27
3-4 實例A:機械設備組裝製造業MES 與相關系統專案導入 ................................. 39
3-5 實例B:機械設備組裝製造業MES 套裝軟體開發 ............................................. 46
3-6 實例分析與比較 ....................................................................................................... 56
第四章、研究討論 .................................................................................................................. 62
4-1 從相關學術研究進行論述 ....................................................................................... 62
4-2 實務應用上的討論與發現 ....................................................................................... 64
第五章、結論與後續研究 ...................................................................................................... 69
5-1 研究結論 .................................................................................................................... 69
5-2 後續研究 ................................................................................................................... 74
5-2-1 研究限制 ............................................................................................................. 74
5-2-2 後續研究 ............................................................................................................ 74
參考文獻 .................................................................................................................................. 75
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指導教授 呂俊德 審核日期 2022-7-12
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