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陳昱宇(Yu-Yu Chen)
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企業管理學系在職專班 |
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從公司治理角度探討北宋王朝衰敗的原因 (Insight into the Fall of Northern Song Dynasty from the Perspective of Modern Corporate Governance)
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摘要(中) |
(1) 組織的用人策略決定組織的走向,北宋過於重文輕武的用人決策,讓其在國防戰力上嘗盡了苦果。
(2) 決策核心幕僚在組織中扮演絕對強勢的角色,若沒有發揮功能將造成組織快速腐化與衰敗。
(3) 期望決策核心組織發揮功能的同時,也必須重視原則的建立,強化原則的建立能夠加強決策組織發揮其功能。
(4) 統治者的治理風格對於組織的發展具有絕對的影響力。領導者善於帶領方向、開拓新局;管理者熱衷解決難題、偏安一隅,兩種不同的治理風格會將組織導向完全不同的境地。 |
摘要(英) |
This study, based on the theory of modern corporate governance, examines the demise of Northern Song Dynasty from the five aspects - financial situation, national defense, HR decision, leadership and management. A modern enterprise that failed is used as a comparison. The findings show that
(1) The weak national defense power of Northern Song Dynasty resulted from its Shigebun Policy, implying the importance of HR strategy.
(2) The decision-making team plays a crucial role in governing a country. Its malfunction will undermine the prosperity and even endanger the survival of a country.
(3) To ensure a well-functioning decision-making team, the government has to establish solid and clear principles.
The governance style of the leader has a decisive influence on the organization. A leader gives directions and opens up a new prospect for an organization while a manager is dedicated to administering the organization and held accountable for solving problems. The two characters must work together properly to make the organization move forward smoothly. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 公司治理 ★ 北宋衰敗 ★ 決策核心 ★ 領導與管理 ★ 用人 ★ 治理風格 ★ 失能 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Corporate Governance ★ Fall of Northern Song Dynasty ★ Decision-making team ★ Leadership and Management ★ HR strategy ★ Governance style |
論文目次 |
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
表目錄 v
第壹章 緒論 1
1-1研究動機與目的 1
1-2 研究流程 2
第貳章 文獻探討 3
2-1 人力資源功能 3
2-2 決策核心幕僚(董事會)的功能與影響 4
2-3 強化董事會(決策組織)功能 5
2-4 領導與管理 7
第參章 研究方法 10
3-1 研究架構 10
3-2 研究對象 10
3-3 研究工具 10
第肆章 個案分析 12
4-1北宋朝代沿革,各皇帝時期簡史描述 12
4-2經濟繁榮與衰敗情況描述 16
4-2-1繁榮興盛面 16
4-2-2衰弱敗退面 17
4-3國防戰力興衰分析 20
4-4 組織用人,人資決策分析 23
4-5 決策核心幕僚的影響 24
4-6 北宋的管理與領導 31
4-7 現代企業對比 35
第伍章 結論 42
5-1 研究結論與建議 42
5-2 研究限制 44
參考文獻 46 |
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
洪榮華(Jung-Hua Hung)
審核日期 |
2020-6-20 |
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