博碩士論文 107453026 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃金松(Chin-Sung Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 航空產業創新票價產品之探索性研究:活動體系圖觀點
(An Exploratory Study on Fare Innovation in the Aviation Industry: Perspectives of Porter’s Activity System Maps)
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摘要(中) 臺灣是一個海島型國家,對外交通高度仰賴海空運輸,根據交通部民用航空局統計,近十年(2010 - 2019)搭乘飛機出國人次年平均為1,200萬人次,近六年臺灣機場進出旅客人數年平均成長率皆高於4%,不論旅次目的皆顯示臺灣航空運輸產業的蓬勃及與日俱增的需求。

因應全球趨勢及消費者需求改變,臺灣三家航空公司相繼導入Amadeus的全新票價產品(Fare Family),票價產品改變航空公司原本的銷售樣貌,改變過去單一艙等單一票價的銷售模式,多元且彈性的票價產品創造更高的品牌價值。

本研究屬於典型的在地性與局部性的知識個案(A local knowledge case),首先回顧臺灣航空產業概況與浮動票價機制的運作,運用麥可·波特(Michael E. Porter)的五力分析模型掌握臺灣航空產業的競爭關係,利用個案研究法與專家的洞察力(Insight)找出產業的價值主張與關鍵活動,繪製航空公司及票價產品的活動體系圖,從中發現航空公司各別的獨特性,並提出票價產品對於航空公司的競爭力影響。

摘要(英) Taiwan is an island nation. Its external connections rely heavily on air and sea transportation. According to statistics from the MOTC Civil Aeronautics Administration for the past decade (2010–2019), an average of 12 million persons traveled abroad by plane each year. Average growth rates over the past six years for travelers accessing airports in Taiwan all exceeded 4%. No matter the purpose of travel, this shows that Taiwan’s air transportation industry is booming with the demand that increases every day.

In response to global trends and changes in consumer demand, three airlines in Taiwan have successively introduced Amadeus’ Fare Family. This has transformed the airlines’ original sales models into the “single fare for a single class” sales model. The diversity and flexibility of Fare Family have created higher brand value.

This study is a typical local knowledge case. The general situation of Taiwan’s aviation industry and the operations of price fluctuation mechanisms were reviewed. Michael E. Porter’s “Five Forces” model was adopted to gain an understanding of competition in Taiwan’s aviation industry. Case research and expert insight were employed to find the industry’s value propositions and key activities. Porter’s activity system maps for the airlines and Fare Family were drawn, and from these maps, the unique characteristics of each airline were found. The impact of Fare Family on airline competitiveness is also given.

The research results show that these three airlines demonstrate unique characteristics, with clear value propositions and key activities. In addition, the introduction of Fare Family has led to effective market demand segmentation and enabled the airlines to see customers, retain customers, and generate revenue.
關鍵字(中) ★ 航空產業
★ 五力分析模型
★ 活動體系圖
★ 競爭策略
★ 創新票價產品
★ 定價
關鍵字(英) ★ Aviation Industry
★ Five Forces Analysis Model
★ Activity System Maps
★ Competition Strategy
★ Fare Family
★ Pricing
論文目次 摘要 i
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 研究重要性 5
1.5 論文架構 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 五力分析模型 7
2.2 價值鏈分析 13
2.3 活動體系圖 16
2.4 浮動票價機制 25
2.4.1 票價基礎 26
2.4.2 稅金及附加費用 34
2.4.3 訂位艙等(Reservation Booking Designator) 35
第三章 研究方法 45
3.1 研究策略:個案研究法 45
3.2 研究對象:個案之選擇 48
3.3 資料蒐集 51
3.4 分析方法 53
3.5 資料品質 54
第四章 臺灣航空產業之票價產品 55
4.1 個案公司介紹 55
4.1.1 長榮航空 56
4.1.2 中華航空 58
4.1.3 星宇航空 60
4.2 臺灣之航空公司票價產品比較 61
第五章 臺灣航空產業之競爭策略 65
5.1 航空產業鏈 65
5.2 航空產業之五力分析模型 67
5.3 航空產業與創新票價產品:活動體系圖觀點 75
5.3.1 臺灣航空產業之分析 75
5.3.2 創新票價產品之分析 91
第六章 結論 94
6.1 研究成果 94
6.2 管理意涵 96
6.3 研究限制與建議 97
參考文獻 99
附錄一 2019年臺灣地區各機場國際及兩岸定期航線班機載客率 103
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指導教授 蘇雅惠(Yea-Huey Su) 審核日期 2020-7-6
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