摘要(英) |
In recent years, after publication and proposal of the new-generation display panel backlight technology sub-micron-level light-emitting diodes (Mini LED), various LED industry media, technology magazines, periodicals and professional information forums have been lively discussed. Taiwan’s display panel industry also has great expectations on Mini LED backlight technology, and hope that Mini LED backlight technology can be compete with organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) before the advent of Micro LED. In addition to the display panel industry fully development Mini LED backlight technology, at the 2020 CES exhibition, Many companies have also added Mini LED design elements into new products. However, Mini LED is a newest technical but LED assembly factory use regular assembly process , knowledge and experience to develop and manufacture Mini LED, it will cause customers cannot use the Mini LED product and cause LED assembly factory have poor production yields.
Therefore, this essay use a LED assembly company as an example. The LED assembly company actively promotes Mini LED products in the market, but the LED factory faces the problem of low Mini LED production yield and customer have many application issue in Surface Mounted Technology(SMT) process lead to first edition of Mini LED products failed, so the LED company decided to implement more scientific methods to increase the success rate of Mini LED development and solve the Mini LED production low yield issue and customer SMT application issue, the LED company decide using the quality function development (QFD) method to development Mini LED products, Voice of customer(VOC) is the core value of the QFD management tool, Majorly purpose of QFD is transform customer request and demand to enterprise actual organization operate, and is divided into four stages of quality function development, from customer demands, product characteristics, process technology and the comprehensive analysis of the process control, lead LED assembly company to understand which items are most important at four stages , Through scientific management and improvements, finally the LED assembly company develop the second edition of Mini LED products, which not only improve the production yield to 95%, customer SMT application problem also solved. The customer decide order the Mini LED products, estimated that second edition Mini LED products sell quantity will reach 10 million pieces per month, it is a great breakthrough for the company’s publicity and company’s revenue. |
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