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論文名稱 走進社交媒體的黑暗面: 社會比較與孤獨感
(The Dark Side of Engaging With Social Network Service: Social Comparison and Loneliness)
★ 二氧化鈦技術生命週期之研究★ 整體後勤業參與同步工程於產品開發績效關係之研究—以中科院為例
★ 筆記型電腦之IFA/PIFA天線技術生命週期分析★ 國籍航空公司經營績效分析-以資料包絡分析方法分析
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★ 影響企業導入數位學習成功因素之探討-以個案公司為例★ 產品生命週期管理系統導入成功要素之探討--以S科技公司為例--
★ 組織創新能力影響因素研究★ 製 造 業 閒 置 資 產 轉 售 平 台 製造業閒置資產轉售平台-以廣達電腦股份有限公司為例
★ 供應商先行者優勢探討-以宸鴻科技為例★ 團隊領導者創新特質與開放式創新專案關係之研究
★ 從商業生態系統談樞紐者策略-以Apple 與Nokia 為例★ 個人電腦的競爭與發展策略-以台灣電子產業為例
★ 應用兩階段資料包絡分析法評估高級職業學校之經營績效★ ERP導入的促進因素:使用者觀點
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摘要(中) 社交媒體(SNS)的黑暗面指的是使用社交媒體所帶來的負面影響效果。其中,孤獨感是最被受到關注的議題。孤獨感牴觸了社群媒體服務最初想提供人們增強社交的功能,並對於個體產生嚴重的後果。有鑑於SNS領域的文獻過於零散,且對於孤獨感的解釋仍未具一致性,本研究進行系統性的文獻回顧與整合,更全面的釐清影響的脈絡。研究透過兩階段進行模型驗證。第一階段以系統性文獻回顧,運用Meta Analysis - Structural Equation Modeling (MASEM)建構出研究模型。第二階段基於第一階段模型,進行實證調查與分析。研究共計彙整了35篇文獻,並調查了1,144份有效問卷。研究結果顯示,社會比較是影響使用者產生孤獨感與社交焦慮的負向外在行為。且社會比較的加入,有助於提升整體模型解釋力,這將提供社交媒體領域在其生態系建構更有利的文獻。另一方面,本研究也發現錯失恐懼是影響使用者孤獨感與社交媒體疲勞的內在主要的負面情緒反應。社交媒體疲勞對於孤獨感並未有顯著的影響。另外社交媒體的特性所帶來資訊超載,則是影響使用者內在負面情緒的重要前因。本研究結果將提供未來網路心理學領域的學者作為參考方向及建議。
摘要(英) The dark side of Social network service (SNS) refers to the negative effects of using SNS. One of the effects that have received the most attention is loneliness. Loneliness contradicts what SNS services are supposed to do, that is, to enhance social interaction, causing serious consequences for individuals. Since literature in the SNS field is too fragmented and there are still a lot of gaps in the understanding of loneliness, systematic literature review and integration can help clarify the context of loneliness more comprehensively. Therefore, this study carried out a model verification to construct the research model through two stages: systematic literature review and meta-analysis structural equation modeling (MASEM). Based on the first-stage model, empirical investigation and analysis were carried out again. A total of 35 articles were reviewed and 1,144 valid questionnaires were included. The results showed that social comparison is a negative external behavior that affects users′ loneliness and social anxiety. Moreover, the addition of social comparison helped improve the explanatory power of the overall model, which could provide more favorable literature for the construction of the SNS ecosystem. On the other hand, this study found that fear of missing out was the main internal negative emotional response that affects users′ loneliness and SNS fatigue. SNS fatigue did not significantly affect loneliness. In addition, information overload caused by the characteristics of SNS is an important antecedent that affects users′ internal negative emotions. The results and suggestions stipulated in this study could serve as a reference for future scholars in the field of network psychology.
關鍵字(中) ★ 社交媒體
★ 黑暗面
★ 社會比較
★ 孤獨感
★ 錯失恐懼
關鍵字(英) ★ Social Network Service
★ Dark Side
★ Social Comparison
★ Loneliness
★ Fear of Missing Out
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
Table of Contents IV
List of Figures VII
List of Tables VII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Research Purpose 6
1.3 Research Flow 7
Chapter 2 Literature Review 8
2.1 Loneliness 8
2.2 Social Network Services Fatigue (SNS Fatigue) 10
2.3 Fear of Missing Out 12
2.4 Social Anxiety 14
2.6 Social comparison 18
Chapter 3 Methodology 20
3.1 Research Design and Research Procedures 20
3.1.1 The first stage: Model construction using Meta Analysis - Structural Equation Modeling 20
3.1.2 The second stage: Empirical Research uses Structural Equation Modeling 22
3.1.3 Research Subjects and Data Collection 22
3.2 Research framework and hypotheses 23
3.2.1 The relationship between loneliness, SNS fatigue, and fear of missing out 24
3.2.2 The effect of information overload on SNS fatigue and social anxiety 26
3.2.3 The effect of social anxiety on fear of missing out 27
3.2.4 The relationship between social comparison and loneliness and social anxiety 28
3.3 Operational Definition and Questionnaire Design 28
Chapter 4 Analysis Results 31
4.1 StageⅠ:Meta-Structural Equation Modeling Data Analysis 31
4.2 Path Analysis and Discussion 32
4.2.1 Fear of missing out is the main cause of loneliness, instead of fatigue 33
4.2.2 The impact of fear of missing out and information overload on SNS fatigue 33
4.3 Discussion 34
4.4 Stage II: Structural Equation Modeling 35
4.4.1 Sample characteristics 35
4.4.2 Descriptive statistical analysis of research dimension 38
4.4.3 Reliability and validity analysis of measurement model 39
4.4.4 Structural Model Path Analysis 43
4.4.5 Implications of Test Results: The role of Social Comparison in Enhancing Loneliness and Social Anxiety in users 46
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestions 48
5.1 Research findings 48
5.2 Management Implications 49
5.2.1 Academic 49
5.2.2 Practical Aspect 50
5.3 Research limitations and Suggestions 51
5.3.1 Expand keyword search to include other background variables 51
5.3.2 Add different control measures and try to find a proper method for reducing the dark side under scientific evidence 51
5.3.3 SNS fatigue has no significant effect on loneliness 51
Appendix A Related Studies 73
Appendix B Questionnaire 90
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指導教授 洪秀婉(Shiu-Wan Hung) 審核日期 2022-5-10
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