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姓名 高靖(Ching Kao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球科學學系
論文名稱 ISNL:建立新的量化土壤非線性效應參數
(ISNL:A new parameter of soil nonlinearity)
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摘要(中) 本研究嘗試擷取前人建立的幾種非線性度評估方式之優點,建立ISNL(Index of Soil Nonlinearity)參數,嘗試以低頻區域之放大行為作為顯著頻率降低之依據,而高頻區域之頻譜降低則可反映頻譜之壓抑放大現象,除了計算傳統 DNL 之區域差異外,並將測試評估此新建之非線性度評估方式之效益。
本研究共使用6筆地震事件作為驗證ISNL之適用性,比較DNL及ISNL與PGV及PGV/Vs30後可發現2010 Darfield地震、2011 Christchurch地震及2018花蓮地震兩種非線性度皆呈現良好之正相關性,而2010甲仙地震、2016 Kaikoura地震與2016美濃地震ISNL則相對DNL呈現較好之正相關性,從上述結果我們可得出ISNL可以做為一良好之土壤非線性參數。
摘要(英) This study attempts to capture the advantages of several commonly used non-linearity evaluation methods,and try to establish an new index to identify soil nonlinearity (ISNL, Index of Soil Nonlinearity). The proposed method attempt to use the amplification behavior of the low frequency region as the basis for significant frequency reduction and the frequency spectrum reduction of the high frequency region can reflect the suppression of the spectrum. In addition to calculating the regional differences of traditional identification method (DNL, Degree of Nonlinearity), the benefits of this new non-linearity assessment method has been tested and evaluated.
In this study, a total of 6 seismic events were used to verify the applicability of ISNL. Comparing DNL and ISNL with seismic intensity and strain level from strain proxy (use PGV and PGV/Vs30 as an index), it was found that the 2010 Darfield earthquake, the 2011 Christchurch earthquake and the 2018 Hualien earthquake showed good positive correlations in both methods. However, ISNL have better proportional correlation than DNL from the 2010 Jiaxian Earthquake, the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake, and the 2016 Minong Earthquake. From these results, we can conclude that ISNL can be used as a good soil nonlinear identifier.
Meanwhile, results in New Zealand showed the need for additional consideration of the regional differences assessment, due to the difference between geological ground structures between regions, result in different shapes of the reference spectral shape of weak motions. Finally, nonlinear intensity should be considered first in future applications in different regions due to two groups of trend discovered by the Meinong earthquake against Jiaxian earthquake and from Darfield earthquake and Christchurch earthquake, respectively.
關鍵字(中) ★ 土壤非線性效應
★ 單站頻譜比法
★ 土壤非線性度
關鍵字(英) ★ DNL
論文目次 中文摘要 i
abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.3 本文內容 5
第二章 研究地震及區域概況 8
2.1 前言 8
2.2 研究地震概況 8
2.2.1 2018/02/06 ML6.2 花蓮地震 8
2.2.2 2016/02/06 ML6.6 美濃地震 10
2.2.3 2010/03/04 ML6.4 甲仙地震 11
2.2.4 2010/09/04 ML7.1 紐西蘭Darfield地震及其一較大之餘震2011/02/21 ML6.3 紐西蘭Christchurch地震 12
2.2.5 2016/11/13 ML7.5 紐西蘭Kaikoura地震 13
2.2.6 2016/04/16 ML7.1 日本熊本地震 14
2.2.7 2018/09/06 ML6.6 日本北海道地震 15
2.3 研究區域概況 15
2.3.1 花東縱谷地區(花蓮地震) 15
2.3.2 台灣西南部地區(美濃地震、甲仙地震) 16
2.3.3 紐西蘭南島基督城區域(Darfield地震、Christchurch地震) 18
2.3.4 紐西蘭南島凱庫拉地區(Kaikoura地震) 19
2.3.5 日本九州熊本區域(熊本地震) 20
2.3.6 日本北海道苫小牧地區(北海道地震) 21
第三章 研究原理及方法 37
3.1 土壤非線性效應 37
3.1.1 大地工程方面 37
3.1.2 地震觀測方面 38
3.2 單站頻譜比法(H/V ratio) 39
3.2.1 單站頻譜比法原理 40
3.3 定量非線性現象分析 41
3.3.1 DNL(Degree of Nonlinearity) 41
3.3.2 ISNL(Index of Soil Nonlinearity) 42
3.4 資料選取及處理步驟 43
第四章 結果與討論 51
4.1 非線性度比較結果 51
4.1.1 2018 花蓮地震 51
4.1.2 2016 美濃地震 52
4.1.3 2010 甲仙地震 53
4.1.4 2016 紐西蘭Kaikoura地震 53
4.1.5 2010 紐西蘭Darfield地震 54
4.1.6 2011 紐西蘭Christchurch地震 55
4.1.7 2016 日本熊本地震 55
4.1.8 2011 日本北海道地震 56
4.1.9 結果總結 56
4.2 討論 57
4.2.1 ISNL值與土壤非線性效應探討 57
4.2.2 2016美濃地震ISNL值探討 58
4.2.3 2010甲仙地震空間分布圖探討 59
第五章 結論與建議 92
參考文獻 96
附錄A 美濃地震受Pulse影響之測站強弱震頻譜圖 101
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指導教授 溫國樑 黃雋彥 審核日期 2020-7-28
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