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姓名 陳氏玲慈(TRAN THI LINH CHI)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 水文與海洋科學研究所
論文名稱 應用無人機及物件偵測於大園海灘的瓶裝海洋垃圾
(Automatic detection of bottle marine debris on Dayuan beaches using unmanned aerial vehicles and machine learning techniques)
★ 藻礁區的波浪頻譜消散特性★ 應用聲學及光學儀器在均勻及現場懸浮質濃度之量測率定及比較
★ 碎波帶紊流及剪應力之大尺度實驗觀測研究★ 不均勻珊瑚礁分佈對珊瑚礁冠層附近流場結構之影響
★ 藻礁區之波浪消散特性★ 利用影像處理技術辨識藻礁範圍
★ 桃園海岸近岸流之數值模擬★ 桃園海岸近岸流四季變化之研究
★ 無人機光達系統應用於沙岸與藻礁地區之波浪能量消散之研究★ 桃園海岸海漂垃圾現場調查分析之研究
★ 桃園新屋海岸波流受海工結構物設置之數值模擬研究★ 運用監督式分類技術辨識桃園藻礁露出範圍之研究初探
★ 以非結構性網格模式探討三接港對桃園海岸波流場之影響★ 利用ADCP估算地區藻礁潮間帶紊流特性
★ 潮間帶礁體懸浮漂沙濃度之現場研究★ 利用無人機影像之植物生長指數辨識潮間帶紅藻
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摘要(中) 在現今社會中人們的環保意識日益增強,然而,瓶裝海洋垃圾 (BMD) 仍然是世界上備受重視的環境問題之一。 傳統海灘垃圾研究中的監測方法因為人力資源的關係存在著許多局限性,因此本研究提出了一種利用無人機和物件辨識BMD的方法,在桃園市大園區的沙灘上進行了相關研究。
首先,本研究設計了三個實驗區域進行圖像收集用於模型訓練,且為了確保此方法在長期研究上的可行性,另外收集了兩處真實區域(非實驗區域)之圖像用於驗證模型強健性。接著,使用無人機於不同高度收集圖像,其解析度為 0.12 至 1.54 厘米/像素;物件辨識系統則採用You Only Look Once version 2 (YOLO v2) ,其使用無人機收集之圖像進行訓練 BMD辨識模型;此外本研究應用背景移除之影像處理技術來移除圖像中的雜訊、於訓練過程中應用數據增強(Data augmentation)之技術增加訓練數據量以提升模型可信性,並採用聯合交集(IoU)來評估訓練效率。
本研究發現在航測上使用 0.5 厘米/像素的解析度能得到最佳的結果,該解析度於實驗區域之準確率(precision)達到 0.94及召回率(recall rate)達到0.97 ,可得 0.95 的 F1-score;在真實區域上,檢測的平均準確率為 0.61,召回率為 0.86,F1-score為 0.72。 本研究顯示,數據增強之應用在訓練過程中起著至關重要的作用,其結果IoU 超過 0.68;而背景移除技術則大量節省整個檢測時間,也因為移除了大量雜訊,減少了於真實區域中檢測錯誤的情況,證實數據增強及背景移除技術可以更準確、快速和客觀地識別海灘上的垃圾。
摘要(英) Humans’ awareness of the environment is increasing nowadays; however, bottle marine debris (BMD) remains one of the most pressing global issues. Fields surveys of marine debris based on manpower is less efficient; therefore, this study proposes an automatic detection method on BMD using unmanned aerial vehicles and machine learning techniques.
The study sites are located on sandy beaches in Dayuan District, Taoyuan City. We first set three designed sites to create training datasets and test the detecting algorithm, and performances. Two real sites were then surveyed to evaluate our method in such a sandy complex beach that was intended to be used for long-term researches. The UAVs were operated at different fly heights to capture images with resolutions from 0.12 to 1.54 cm/pixel. The object detection algorithm You Only Look Once version 2 (YOLO v2) was trained to identify BMD and we added an image processing skill to remove image background noises. Data augmentation was used in training process to increase training data, and intersection over union (IoU) was adopted to evaluate the training efficiency. The results reveal that the skill of data augmentation helps IoU reaches over 0.68; and the skill of background removal has an advantage to reduce the processing time, as well as reducing noise resulting in much greater precision in real sites. From testing on both the designed and real sites with different image resolutions and processing skills, we found that approximately 0.5 cm/pixel could be the optimal resolution for aerial surveys on BMD. When operating the UAV with an image resolution of 0.5 cm/pixel, the performance indexes of mean precision, recall rate, and F1-score are respectively, 0.94, 0.97 and 0.95 at designed sites and are 0.61, 0.86, and 0.72 at real sites.
Our work contributes to advances in beach debris surveys, optimizes the automatic detection on machine learning approach, especially with the role of data augmentation step in training data and background removing procedure.
關鍵字(中) ★ 瓶裝海洋垃圾
★ 無人機
★ 背景去除
★ 機器學習
★ YOLO v2
★ 物件偵測
★ 數據增強
關鍵字(英) ★ bottle marine debris
★ data augmentation
★ machine learning
★ YOLO v2
★ object detection
★ background removal image
論文目次 English Abstract I
Acknowledgment . III
Table of Contents V
List of FiguresVII
List of Tables X
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations . XI
Chapter 1 Introduction . 1
1.1 Background. 1
1.2 Literature review 3
1.2.1 Visual census 4
1.2.2 UAV aerial surveys combined with the use of AI. 5
1.3 Motivation and objectives 15
1.4 Thesis organization 16
Chapter 2 Methodology 17
2.1 Field experiments 17
2.1.1 Study areas. 17
2.1.2 Experimental setup. 18
2.1.3 Aerial survey . 21
2.2 Process of training image . 25
2.2.1 Raw image accumulation 25
2.2.2 Image segmentation and anchor design 25
2.2.3 Machine learning for BMD detection 27
2.3 Background removal 32
2.4 Object detecting process 34
2.5 Evaluation of the detecting performance 36
2.5.1 Intersection over Union (IoU) 36
2.5.2 Precision 38
2.5.3 Recall 39
2.5.4 F1-score 40
2.5.5 Accuracy . 41
Chapter 3 Results of the designed experimental sites 42
3.1 Performance of augmentation phase 42
3.2 Effects of resolution on the performance of detecting 47
3.3 Evaluation of different designed sites. 51
3.3.1 Designed site 2 (25.0792°N 21.1524°E). 51
3.3.2 Designed site 3 (25.0791°N 121.1509°E) 54
3.4 Discussions 56
3.4.1 Effects of image types on training and detecting processes . 56
3.4.2 Effects of image resolutions and study regions’ landscape 57
Chapter 4 Applications on real field conditions 59
4.1 Real site 1 (25.0742°N 121.1291°E) 59
4.2 Real site 2 (25.0741°N 121.1292°E) 61
4.3 Discussion. 64
4.3.1 Effects of resolution on the performance of detecting. 64
4.3.2 Effects of image types on the performance of detecting 65
4.3.3 Possibility 66
Chapter 5 Conclusion and recommendation for future research . 68
5.1 Conclusion 68
5.2 Limitations 69
5.3 Recommendations for future study 70
References 72
Vita 77
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指導教授 黃志誠(Huang, Zhi-Cheng) 審核日期 2021-9-28
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