博碩士論文 108322005 詳細資訊

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姓名 鄭湍銘(Tuan-Ming Zheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 三維離散多面塊體系統動力接觸分析之物件導向程式開發
(Development of an Object-Oriented Program for Dynamic Contact Analysis of 3D Discrete Polyhedron Systems)
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摘要(中) 本研究針對過去四面體元素接觸判斷的相關論文中接觸形態分類進行了歸納整理,新增了針對面對面與稜邊對面的接觸判斷方式,並將接觸形式判斷流程樹狀圖可清楚的展示判斷過程和知道不同的判斷過程所可以到達的分支結果。本研究中以C++程式語言編寫模擬程式,並以物件導向程式的設計方式去建立程式架構,釐清程式裡各個類別物件之間的關係,並為後續的程式擴增與修改增加了方便性,讓此架構可以成為之後離散元素接觸判斷的程式基礎架構。
摘要(英) This research summarizes the classification of contact morphology in related papers on the contact judgment of tetrahedral elements in the past, and added new judgment methods for face-to-face judgment and edge-to-face judgment. The entire judgment process is drawn as a tree diagram, so that people can clearly see the judgment process and know The branch results that can be reached by different judgment processes. In this study, the simulation program was written in C++ programming language, and the program structure was established by the design method of object-oriented program, to clarify the relationship between the various types of objects in the program, and to increase the convenience for subsequent program expansion and modification. This structure can become the program infrastructure for subsequent contact judgments of discrete elements.
In this paper, the contact and collision judgment between multiple polyhedrons is to discretize the polyhedron into tetrahedral elements. The contact judgment of two polyhedrons can be regarded as the contact judgment between two groups of tetrahedral element groups. In the tetrahedral element group, only the vertices, edges, and faces on the outer surface need to be judged by contact. Therefore, after filtering, the inscribed faces inside the polyhedron are excluded from the judgment process, simplifying the calculation process.
The contact between tetrahedral elements can be divided into six categories, vertex-to-face, vertex-to-edge, vertex-to-vertex, edge-to-face, edge-to-edge and face-to-face, and these categories can be divided into general cases and special cases. Two types, the general cases refer to more frequently occurring cases in natural collision, there are two cases of vertex-to-face and edge-to-edge, and thess cases are also basic judgments of the contact judgment theory in this research. Other special contact cases are only after special conditions are met.
關鍵字(中) ★ 多面體
★ 四面體化
★ 接觸判斷
★ 物件導向程式設計
關鍵字(英) ★ polyhedron
★ tetrahedron
★ contact detection
★ object-oriented programming(OOP)
論文目次 摘要 i
目錄 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 xi
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 論文架構 2
二、 文獻回顧 3
2-1 多面體接觸判斷法之發展 3
2-1-1 共用平面概念 3
2-1-2 多面塊體系統 3
2-2 離散元素法之發展 5
2-3 物件導向程式設計 6
三、 接觸判斷 7
3-1 多面體之內接面判斷 7
3-2 多面體系統之接觸型態 8
3-2-1 一般接觸情況 9
3-2-2 特殊接觸情況 10
3-2-3 接觸型態分類 21
3-3 面對面的接觸判斷法則 21
3-4 稜邊對面的接觸判斷法則 23
3-5 頂點對面的接觸判斷法則 25
3-6 稜邊對稜邊的接觸判斷法則 28
3-6-1 稜邊對稜邊的歪斜接觸 28
3-6-2 稜邊對稜邊的平行接觸 33
四、 接觸力計算 34
4-1 接觸塊體的入侵量計算 34
4-1-1 頂點對面接觸之型態分類 34
4-1-2 頂點對面接觸入侵之計算 34
4-1-3 稜邊對稜邊接觸入侵之計算 36
4-2 接觸塊體的接觸力計算 39
4-2-1 正向接觸力計算 39
4-2-2 切向接觸力計算 41
4-3 多面體運動方程式計算 42
4-3-1 多面體之平移加速度與旋轉加速度 42
4-3-2 多面體之平移與大旋轉角的旋轉 43
五、 物件導向程式設計 48
5-1 多面體類別關係 49
5-2 接觸類別關係 50
5-3 程式流程 52
六、 數值算例 54
6-1 立方體外表面判斷例題 54
6-2 立方體大旋轉驗證例題 56
6-3 四面體頂點對面正心碰撞例題 59
6-4 四面體稜邊對稜邊正心碰撞例題 62
6-5 四面體稜邊對面碰撞例題 65
6-6 四面體面對面碰撞例題 68
6-7 立方體頂點對面偏心碰撞例題 71
6-8 立方體稜邊對稜邊偏心碰撞例題 76
6-9 阻尼力測試 81
6-9-1 阻尼比為0 81
6-9-2 阻尼比為0.2 83
6-9-3 阻尼比差異比較 85
七、 結論與建議 86
7-1 結論 86
7-2 建議 87
參考文獻 88
附錄一 Simlex積分法 90
附錄二 中央差分法 94
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指導教授 王仲宇 王仁左(Chung-Yue Wang Ren-Zuo Wang) 審核日期 2022-1-24
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