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姓名 葉致廷(Chih-Ting Yeh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 使用快速狀態相關微分Riccati方程方案的衝擊角導引
(Impact Angle Guidance Using Fast State-Dependent Differential Riccati Equation Scheme)
★ 永磁同步馬達的實時硬體控制平台,使用基於觀測器之SDRE控制策略★ 使用快速觀測器的SDRE控制方案應用在電動車的馬達驅動系統
★ 財經系統與控制: 資本資產定價模型的明確最佳化★ 使用狀態相關Riccati方程式控制器設計實現雙輪機器人
★ 基於快速狀態相關微分形式黎卡迪方程式導控策略對於機動目標的攔截於預先規畫之方向
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摘要(中) 本研究使用了基於狀態相關微分 Riccati 方程 (SDDRE) 方案的最新
三維撞擊角的導引,並提出了一個有效且保證 SDDRE 的適用性並且利
經由證明所被認可的等效條件。另一方面,我們分析了這種 SDDRE 控
制器的計算複雜性,首先利用了受到大多數人都使用的 MATLAB® 框架
摘要(英) This study considers the latest three-dimensional impact angle guidance
based on the state-dependent differential Riccati equation (SDDRE) scheme,
and proposes a new theory that is effective and guarantees the applicability of
SDDRE and can greatly reduce the burden of online calculation by using prior
proofs. However, the applicability analysis is a complete classification and discussion
of the state space based on simple equivalence conditions. All inapplicable
situations, or it can be said that the situations encountered in the simulation
of failure points are newly discovered and effectively solved. Conditions almost
eliminate tedious online inspection procedures, which are equivalent conditions
recognized by complexity analysis and actual certification. On the other hand,
we analyzed the computational complexity of this SDDRE controller, first using
the library under the MATLAB® framework that most people use, and then using
the most advanced functions for comparison. The latter comes from extensive experimentation and comparison, and it is found to be sufficient to achieve the
best performance. Finally, the simulation enhances the confidence in the analysis
results, and at the same time enriches the value of robustness and versatility,
which is beneficial to the development of other guidance and control systems in
the field.
關鍵字(中) ★ 制導
★ 導航
★ 控制系統
關鍵字(英) ★ Guidance
★ Navigation
★ Control Systems
論文目次 目錄
Abstract iv
2.1 攔截器的動力方程式................................................... 8
2.2 SDDRE 導引法概述..................................................... 11
3.1 等價適用性保證......................................................... 16

3.2 SDDRE 的一般複雜性.................................................. 31
4.1 具有故障點的快速適用性保證之展示.............................. 42
4.2 Riccati 方程的有效求解................................................ 48
附錄A 附錄64
A.1 攔截器攔截靜止的目標物............................................. 64
A.2 仿真攔截器攔截等速前進之目標物................................. 69
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指導教授 林立岡 審核日期 2021-10-20
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