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姓名 游俊寶(Yew Chun Poh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木系營建管理碩士班
論文名稱 非正式化住居改造專案因應氣候變遷作爲之研究—以三個東南亞國家爲例
(Analyzing Informal Settlement Upgrading Projects for Climate Change in Three Southeast Asia Countries)
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摘要(中) 隨著世界六分之一的人口居住在非正式化住居且繼續增加,氣候變遷會使非正式化居民在應變時變得更脆弱,甚至對他們更具有破壞性。無論是開發中國家或是已開發國家,都會無一倖免地受到規模逐年增加的災害所影響。事實上,大多數環境問題的後果都與領導不力和城市管理不善有關。非正式化住居改造一直是國際組織或非政府組織最好的方法。其透過提供金錢援助、土地所有權、結構性房屋、清潔水資源和衛生系統,爲之進行改造。近代甚至有透過居民自主改造之方式。往年研究中,東南亞 (SEA) 的非正式化住區改造極少與氣候應對策略有關。因此,本研究的主要目的是透過分析五個分別來自印度尼西亞、泰國和菲律賓的模範專案(KIP、NSD、ProKlim、Baan Mankong 和 Post-Haiyan Self Recovery Housing Program),爲非正式化住居改造提供有效的災害應對策略和架構。本研究方法依序採用案例研究、內容分析、數據分析、專家諮詢和案例驗證,找出結果及其關係。
摘要(英) As one-sixth of the world population lives in informal settlements and continues to increase, the vulnerability of informal dwellers to climate change will persist, or even be destructive. Increasing magnitude seem to be more inevitable in any countries, regardless of developing or developed. In fact, the consequences of most environmental issues are undeniably associated with poor leadership and deficient urban management. Informal settlement upgrading has always been a proper approach for international organization or NGO by providing monetary aids, land ownership, structured house, clean water supply and sanitation system or community governance by inhabitants themselves. However, informal settlement upgrading in Southeast Asia (SEA) are rarely connected with climate-related strategies. Therefore, main objective of this research is to provide effective climate countermeasures and a framework for Informal Settlements Upgrading Project (ISUP) by adopting best practice from five scheme (KIP, NSD, ProKlim, Baan Mankong, and Post-Haiyan Self Recovery Housing Program). These schemes are originated from Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines. Subsequently, the methodology of case study, content analysis, data analysis, expert consultation, and case validation were done in order to find out results and its relationship.
The results appeared that “Barriers and protective” and “Public spaces and green infrastructure” is commonly implemented in five case studies, under adaptation strategies. While, for climate mitigation approach, waste management and transport energy reduction are the main focus during upgrading. Subsequently, a framework comprising countermeasures to cope with flood, drought, landslide, typhoon is then produced to enable stakeholders to design a sustainable ISUP. Through case validation, the framework is usable under some limitation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 非正式化住居改造專案
★ 貧民窟改造專案
★ 氣候變遷
★ 東南亞
★ 城市規劃
★ 調適
★ 減輕
關鍵字(英) ★ Informal Settlement Upgrading Projects
★ Slum Upgrading
★ Climate Change
★ Southeast Asia
★ Urban Management
★ Adaptation
★ Mitigation
論文目次 摘要 i
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Problems 3
1.3 Research Objectives 4
1.4 Scope and Limitation 4
1.5 Research Process 5
1.6 Thesis Structure 6
Chapter 2: Literature Review 7
2.1 Introduction of Informal Settlement/Slum 7
2.2 Informal Settlements/Slum Upgrading Projects 8
2.3 Indonesia Informal Settlement 10
2.4 Thailand Informal Settlement 11
2.5 Philippines Informal Settlement 12
2.6 Vulnerability to Climate Change 13
2.7 Approach to Address Climate Change in Informal Settlement Upgrading Projects 15
Chapter 3: Methodology 17
3.1 Selection of Case Studies 17
3.2 Content Analysis 19
3.2.1 Source of Literature 20
3.3 Classification of Measures 20
3.3.1 Adaptation 20
3.3.2 Mitigation 22
Chapter 4: Case studies 23
4.1 Case study 1: Kampung Improvement Program, Surabaya 23
4.1.1 Adaptation 24
4.1.2 Mitigation 26
4.2 Case study 2: Neighborhood Upgrading and Shelter Program, Jatiwangi 26
4.2.1 Adaptation 28
4.2.2 Mitigation 29
4.3 Case study 3: Project Kampung Iklim 30
4.3.1 Adaptation 31
4.3.2 Mitigation 32
4.4 Case study 4: Baan Mankong, Bang Bua Canal 32
4.4.1 Adaptation 33
4.4.2 Mitigation 35
4.5 Case study 5: Post Haiyan/Yolanda Self Recovery Housing Program, Leyte & Panay 36
4.5.1 Adaptation 37
4.5.2 Mitigation 38
Chapter 5: Results and Discussion 41
5.1 Data Analysis 41
5.1.1 Adaptation 41
5.1.2 Mitigation 45
5.1.3 Summary 47
5.2 Expert Verification 49
5.3 ISUP Initiatives 53
5.4 Case Validation 59
Chapter 6: Conclusion 65
6.1 Thesis contribution 65
6.2 Future research recommendation 66
Reference 67
Appendix 1 71
Appendix 2 80
Appendix 3 83
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指導教授 王翰翔(Han-Hsiang Wang) 審核日期 2021-7-27
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