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姓名 張銘瑋(Ming-Wei Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 燃油程序之PM₂.₅及PAHs排放特性研究
(Characteristics of PM₂.₅and PAHs Emitted from Oil-fired Processes)
★ 國內汽車業表面塗裝製程VOCs減量技術探討★ 光電廠溫室效應氣體排放量推估-以龍潭廠區為例
★ 受苯、甲苯與1,2-二氯乙烷污染場址之案例研究★ TFT-LCD產業揮發性有機物(VOCs)空氣污染之減量與防制之研究
★ 膠帶製造業VOCs排放與防制效率之探討★ 校園環境噪音對國三學生煩擾度及學習成就的影響-以桃園縣某國中為例
★ 醫療業從業人員職業災害分析探討-以某區域醫院為例★ 面板製程之有害物暴露評估-以A廠為例
★ 更換低噪音工具以改善廠房噪音之研究-以汽車製造A廠為例★ 以高溫熔融還原法回收不銹鋼集塵灰中鉻與鎳之效益探討
★ 以介電質放電技術轉化四氟甲烷及六氟乙烷之初步探討★ 垃圾焚化爐空氣污染控制設備影響戴奧辛排放特性之初步探討
★ 以活性碳吸附煙道排氣中戴奧辛之初步研究★ 以低溫電漿去除揮發性有機物之研究
★ 北台灣大氣環境中戴奧辛濃度之分布特性研究★ 介電質放電技術控制小型重油鍋爐氮氧化物排放之可行性研究
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摘要(中) 本研究針對國內某大型燃油電廠進行煙道排氣之採樣分析,並就FPM、FPM2.5、CPM及PAHs濃度及排放特性進行探討。研究燃油電廠與相同空氣污染防制設備(ESP)的兩個機組(A、B機組)之煙氣排放,另於B機組於鍋爐低負載(B1)及高負載(B2)條件進行排氣特性之比較。結果顯示A組及B1組鍋爐煙囪排放之FPM濃度分別為0.14及0.17 mg/Nm3,FPM2.5 排放濃度為0.11及0.09 mg/Nm3,而兩座燃油鍋爐之CPM排放濃度分別為24.0及60.2 mg/Nm3,皆遠高於FPM;B機組負載由3成提升至8成時,FPM及FPM2.5 濃度皆呈上升趨勢,濃度分別為1.10及0.60 mg/Nm3,FPM2.5為3成負載之6.5倍,而CPM濃度為65.0 mg/Nm3,與原負載條件相比並無明顯變化,顯示負載對FPM排放影響較CPM顯著。PAHs部分,A組及B1組之PAHs總濃度分別為3.10及2.30 μg/Nm3,而B2組之PAHs濃度為2.44 μg/Nm3,三組之氣固相分布均以氣相為主,PAHs物種分布方面, 以Nap、2-MN及Pyr為主要排放物種;毒性當量方面,A、B1及B2組之PAHs毒性當量濃度分別為48.4、5.0及13.5 ng-BaPeq/Nm3,其中BcFE及BaP為主要之貢獻物種。另外,排放係數計算結果顯示燃油電廠A組每燃燒1公升重油之FPM、FPM2.5、CPM及PAHs排放量分別為1.7、1.3、288及0.04 mg;而B1及B2組則分別為2.3、1.2、818、0.03 mg及14.1、7.7、834、0.03 mg。顯示CPM之排放係數皆遠高於FPM,而負載是影響FPM排放係數的重要因素,研究結果顯示鍋爐負載及溫度對PAHs及PM排放有一定之影響,值得進一步探討以降低污染物之排放。此外由於SCR 觸媒對PAHs具去除效力,本研究亦針對商用 SCR 觸媒於電廠操作條件下探討不同溫度對Ant之去除效率,結果顯示其去除效率為96-99%。
摘要(英) The flue gas emitted from an oil-fired power plant was sampled to analyze the concentrations and characteristics of FPM, FPM2.5, CPM and PAHs. Two boilers (A and B) with the same air pollution control device (APCD) were studied, and the flue gas characteristics of boiler B under different loads were discussed. The results show that the FPM concentrations emitted from the stacks of boilers A and B are 0.14 and 0.17 mg/Nm3, respectively, and the FPM2.5 concentrations are 0.11 and 0.09 mg/Nm3, respectively, while the CPM concentrations of the two boilers are 24.0 and 60.2 mg/Nm3, respectively. As the load of boiler B is increased from 30% to 80%, both FPM and FPM2.5 concentrations reveal upward trends, and the concentrations measured are 1.10 and 0.60 mg/Nm3, respectively, which are 6.5 times that of the 30% load. On the other hand, the CPM concentration is 65.0 mg/Nm3, which does not vary significantly compared with the original load condition, indicating that the effect of load on FPM emission is more significant than that of CPM. In the PAHs part, the total PAHs emitted from boiler A and boiler B are 3.10 and 2.30 μg/Nm3 respectively, while the PAHs concentration of boiler B at 80% load is 2.44 μg/Nm3, and the PAHs are mainly distributed in gas-phase. In terms of toxicity, the toxic equivalent concentrations of boiler A (A), boiler B 30% load (B1) and boiler B 80% load (B2) are 48.4, 5.0 and 13.5 ng-BaPeq/Nm3, respectively, with BcFE and BaP being the main contributing congeners. In addition, the emission factors calculated on the basis of fuel consumption indicate that the FPM, FPM2.5, CPM and PAHs emitted from boiler A of the oil-fired power plant are 1.7, 1.3, 288 and 0.04 mg/L; and the B1 and B2 are 2.3, 1.2, 818, 0.03 mg/L and 14.1, 7.7, 834, 0.03 mg/L, respectively. It shows that the emission factor of CPM is much higher than that of FPM, and the load is the main factor affecting the emission factor of FPM. The results show that boiler load and flue gas temperature have a certain influence on PAHs and PM emissions, and efforts are needed for further reduction of pollutant emissions. In addition, this study also investigates the removal efficiencies of PAHs achieved with commercial SCR catalyst at different temperatures (325°C - 400°C) and the results show that the efficiencies are within the range of 96–99%.
關鍵字(中) ★ 燃油程序
★ PM2.5
★ 可過濾性微粒
★ 可凝結性微粒
★ PAHs
★ SCR觸媒
關鍵字(英) ★ Oil-fired Processes
★ PM2.5
★ filterable particulate matter
★ condensable particulate matter
★ polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds
★ SCR catalyst
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
第一章 研究緣起 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 我國燃油發電之歷史 3
2-2 污染源之PM排放特性 4
2-3 PM控制技術 8
2-3-1 靜電集塵器(Electrostatic Precipitator, ESP) 9
2-3-2 ESP於燃油鍋爐之應用 10
2-3-3 煙氣調理 12
2-4 PAHs基本特性 13
2-5 PAHs之生成與去除 14
2-6 PM及PAHs之法規標準 18
2-6-1 PM之法規標準 18
2-6-2 PAHs之法規標準 21
2-7 觸媒基本特性 23
2-7-1 觸媒催化之原理與機制 23
2-7-2 觸媒成分 25
2-7-3 觸媒形狀結構 26
第三章 研究方法及流程 27
3-1 研究流程及架構 27
3-2 採樣對象 28
3-3 煙道氣採樣方法 30
3-4 水溶性離子分析及原理 32
3-5 觸媒去除PAHs之實驗 34
3-5-1 實驗系統設置 34
3-5-2 操作參數與條件 35
3-6 觸媒特性分析 35
3-7 材料、設備及試劑 36
3-7-1 實驗材料 36
3-7-2 實驗設備 37
3-7-3 實驗試劑 38
3-8 樣品前處理與分析方法 39
3-8-1 PAHs樣品萃取程序 40
3-8-2 PAHs樣品淨化程序 41
3-8-3 GC/MS分析 42
第四章 結果與討論 44
4-1 燃油電廠之排氣組成 44
4-2 燃油電廠之PM排放特性 45
4-2-1 PM排放濃度及特性 45
4-2-2 PM排放濃度與ESP比收集面積之關聯性 48
4-2-3 PM2.5之無機成分比率 50
4-3 燃油電廠之PAHs濃度及特性 52
4-3-1 PAHs 排放濃度 52
4-3-2 PAHs 氣固相分布 52
4-3-3 粒狀物之PAHs含量 55
4-3-4 PAHs同源物分布 55
4-3-5 PAHs毒性濃度 57
4-4 燃油電廠污染物排放係數推估 59
4-4-1 PM排放係數 59
4-4-2 PAHs 排放係數推估 62
4-5 商用SCR觸媒去除PAHs之效率探討 64
4-5-1 商用SCR觸媒之特性分析 64
4-5-2 去除效率探討 65
第五章 結論與建議 69
5-1 結論 69
5-2 建議 70
參考文獻 72
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指導教授 張木彬(Moo-Been Chang) 審核日期 2022-7-27
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