摘要(英) |
Detecting flaws on mirror materials such as metal, glass or glossy surface coating, due to its optical characteristics, it is easy to capture light sources and irrelevant objects such as cameras into the image, resulting in the burden of subsequent computer processing and prone to misjudgment, making the system reliability decrease. In addition, some defects are only obvious under certain incident light angles, so when designing lighting methods for this type of device under test, the adjustable range of the hardware will be more limited.One of the above solutions is the defect image enhancement method proposed by Paulo M.F. Forte. This method uses the screen as the light source, and changes the pattern on the screen, so that the illumination change can be achieved without moving the mechanism, and then multiple images are captured by the algorithm The images are merged to produce a final image with high defect contrast. In this study, a compensation light source scheme is proposed, which can further optimize the aforementioned defect image enhancement method. Experimental results show that this solution can effectively reduce the problem of background dark lines caused by the use of flawed image enhancement methods, and can reduce the number of images captured by the system.
參考文獻 |
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