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姓名 穆奕廷(Achmad Muhyidin Arifai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木系營建管理博士班
論文名稱 基於不安全行為規則防範營建工程專案意外發生之研究
(Unsafe behavior-based rules toward accident prevention for construction projects)
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摘要(中) 僱員採取的任何無視安全法規、標准或慣例的行動都被視為不安全行為。建築工地事故的主要原因之一是建築工人的不安全行為。由於可以減少事故的發生,對工人不安全行為的研究已經引起了很多人的關注。然而,由於來自建築工地的數據不足,很難評估不安全行為。因此,本研究的目標是調查基於不安全行為的預防建築事故的準則和潛在因素。通過訓練有素的調查員,從一個建築工地記錄了2.207個不安全行為。違反《職業安全與健康設備和措施條例》是80%的風險活動的原因。在設定的置信度大於90%的情況下,發現了13條主要規則來解釋基於不安全行為模式的建築事故預防。為了調查印度尼西亞建築工地發生不安全行為的可能性,進行了一項案例研究。印度尼西亞的專業建築工人完成了108份關於不安全行為的問卷調查。使用探索性因子分析提取了三個共同的變量,在列為問卷問題的23個不同的不安全行為中確定了模型的結構。研究結果不僅闡明了不安全行為、安全行為和安全氛圍之間的聯繫,而且還可以幫助安全從業人員針對每種不安全行為製定有效的策略。通過比較兩個國家和兩種方法的結果,還強調了重要的發現。
摘要(英) Any action taken by an employee that disregards safety regulations, standards, or practices is considered unsafe behavior. One of the main reasons for accidents on construction sites is unsafe construction worker behavior. Since it reduces the incidence of accidents, the study of unsafe worker behaviors has drawn a lot of attention. However, inadequate data from construction sites make it difficult to assess unsafe behavior. Therefore, the goal of this study is to investigate the guidelines and latent factors for preventing construction accidents based on unsafe behaviors. By trained surveyors, 2.207 unsafe behaviors were recorded from a construction site. The breach of the Regulation for the Occupational Safety and Health Equipment and Measure is to blame for 80% of risky activities. With the settings confidence value greater than 90%, 13 major rules are found to explain construction accident prevention based on unsafe behavior patterns. To investigate the likelihood of unsafe behavior occurring on construction sites in Indonesia, a case study was conducted. Professional construction workers in Indonesia completed 108 questionnaire questionnaires about unsafe behavior. Three common variables were extracted using exploratory factor analysis to pinpoint the model′s structure among 23 distinct unsafe behaviors listed as questionnaire questions. The results not only clarify the connection between unsafe behaviors, safety behavior, and safety climate but also can assist the safety practitioners to formulate an effective strategy for each type of unsafe behavior. Essential findings by comparing the results for both countries and both methodologies were also highlighted.
關鍵字(中) ★ 安全氛圍
★ 安全行為
★ 建築安全
★ 因素分析
★ 關聯規則
★ 不安全行為
★ 數據 挖掘
關鍵字(英) ★ safety climate
★ safety behavior
★ construction safety
★ factor analysis
★ association rules
★ unsafe behavior
★ data mining
摘要 ii
1.1. Research Background 1
1.2. Research Objectives 4
1.3. Research Scope and Limitation 4
1.4. Methodology 4
1.5. Research Organization 5
2.1. Safety Climate 7
2.2.1. Common Definitions 7
2.2.2. Safety Climate Dimension 8
2.2.3. Safety Climate for Workplace safety climate 9
2.2.4. Relationship between safety climate and safety behavior 10
2.2.5. The structure model of safety climate 12
2.2. Safety Behavior 13
2.3. Unsafe Behavior 14
2.3.1. Influencing Factor 14
2.3.2. Impact 16
2.3.3. Prevention 17
2.4. Accident Causation 17
2.4.1. Heinrich’s Domino Theory 19
2.4.2. Swiss Cheese Model from Reason 20
2.5. Occupational Safety and Health in Taiwan 21
2.5.1. The causes of occupational accidents in Taiwan′s construction sector 22
2.5.2. Construction Safety Success Factors in Taiwan 24
2.5.3. Construction Accident Causation and Influence Model in Taiwan 25
2.5.4. Taiwanese building construction sites′ safety climate and employee safety behavior 28
2.5.5. Taiwan′s Legal System for Occupational Safety and Health 29
2.6. Data Mining in Construction Health and Safety Research 30
2.7. Association Rules Mining 33
2.7.1. Basic Concept of Association Rules 33
2.7.2. Application of Association Rules 34
2.8. Factor Analysis 38
2.8.1. Conceptual Basis of Factor Analysis 38
2.8.2. Application of Factor Analysis 40
3.1. On-Site Data Collection 43
3.2. Data Analysis 45
3.2.1. Unsafe behaviors 45
3.2.2. Category 47
3.2.3. Regulations and Laws 48
4.1. Database 51
4.1.1. Simplification of the unsafe behaviors 51
4.1.2. Division of Unsafe Behaviors According to Regulations and Laws 52
4.2. Rule Mining Process 53
4.2.1. Data Set A 54
4.2.1. Data Set B 54
4.2.1. Data Set C 56
4.3. Discussion 57
5.1. Data Collection 61
5.2. Factor Analysis 67
5.3. Research Finding 78
5.3.1. Factor I Safety Operation 78
5.3.2. Factor II Safety Inspection 79
5.3.3. Factor III Safety Awareness 80
5.4. Comparison 81
6.1. Conclusions 85
6.2. Suggestions 87
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指導教授 陳介豪 蘇木春 王翰翔(Jieh-Haur Chen Mu-Chun Su Han-Hsiang Wang) 審核日期 2022-8-23
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