摘要(英) |
In the recent year, sport betting industry is more popular nowadays, and the way of high risk with high return become a main way investment for more and more people. Especially NBA, it is the main target for professional gambler because it attracts audience from all the world and its business territory has been all over the world. So, there are uncountable researchers trying to analyze and predict the winning team for personal or business. Moreover, there are a lot of data of detailed contents of games on websites for people to research and analyze. And, the dataset in this paper is from www.kaggle.com.tw. In this paper, I collect data of NBA 30-team-games from 2012 to 2018, analyzing by 2 algorithms. As the result, I found out the rule of winning of home team by decision tree and test the level of importance by random forest, trying to figure out the formula of winning and the reason of losing, also, predicting the result of games. In sum, the result of research could be used in a variety of fields, like draft, games tactics, players trading, watching games, and betting. |
參考文獻 |
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