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(Voice-commerce(vCommerce) along customer journey)
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摘要(中) 語音商務(以下簡稱vCommerce)正在塑造一個全新的消費趨勢,以及為消費者帶來不同的消費環境。本研究結合了語音商務以及消費者旅程,提出了一個概念化的架構,來探討顧客在消費旅程中的體驗。我們描述了語音商務會提高消費者參與度與消費滿意度,因為語音商務具備了擬人化的特性以及擬社會化互動為消費者帶來快樂以及社會價值;此外,語音商務的聽覺能力能夠辨別聲音的特性,能夠讓消費者在與它互動中產生控制感;同時,擬人化的特性能夠協助消費者在做決定時減少不確定性;而透過演算法的口頭宣傳(以下簡稱awom),能夠刺激消費者有意願自動回購;此外,隨著消費者對語音商務的依賴度漸漸提升,行銷人員需要將語音商務的優勢最大化,如此可以維持以及提升與顧客的長遠關係。
摘要(英) VCommerce is shaping the new trend for customers to experience the brand-new channel and shopping environment. This study introduced vCommerce as a channel along the customer journey. Accordingly, we proposed the conceptual framework to conceptualize customer experience along customer journey. We depicted vCommerce would enhance customer engagement and satisfaction during the journey since it is characterized with hedonic and social values from anthropomorphic cues and parasocial interaction. Also, the auditory ability embedded to vCommerce motivates consumers to verbally interact with the devices and feel a sense of control over the auditory communication. Meanwhile, anthropomorphism helps individuals to reduce uncertainty and ambiguity while customers are making the decision. And Awom is capable of incorporating various contexts for providing personalized recommendation which in turn stimulate users to automate repurchase. Moreover, as consumers′ relationships with vCommerce shift from limited influence to steady reliance.. Marketers need to maximize the benefits of vCommerce and increase relevancy to retain long-term relationship with customers.
關鍵字(中) ★ 語音商務
★ 消費旅程
★ 擬社會化互動
★ 擬人化
★ 演算法口頭宣傳
關鍵字(英) ★ V-commerce
★ Customer journey
★ Parasocial interaction
★ Anthropomorphism
★ Awom
論文目次 Abstract i
摘要 ii
Acknowledgements iii
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature review 4
2.1 Customer journey 4
2.2 VCommerce 5
2.3 VCommerce along customer journey 8
3 Conceptual framework 9
3.1 AI and parasocial interaction in v-Commerce 9
3.1.1 Artificial intelligence 9
3.1.2 Parasocial interaction…………………………………………………………………..11
3.2 The crucial elements during the interaction of voice assistant 12
3.2.1 Auditory communication 12
3.2.2 Anthropomorphism 14
3.2.3 AWOM 14
3.2.4 Integrating customer journey in the vCommerce for customer satisfaction 15
4. Research implications 19
4.1 Theoretical implications 19
4.2 Managerial implications 20
5. Conclusions 22
6. Future research 23
References 25
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Kannan, P. K. (2017). Digital marketing: A framework, review and research agenda. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34(1), 22-45.
Kim, K., Boelling, L., Haesler, S., Bailenson, J., Bruder, G., & Welch, G. F. (2018). Does a digital assistant need a body? The influence of visual embodiment and social behavior on the perception of intelligent virtual agents in AR. In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 105-114. IEEE.
Kim, S. Y., Schmitt, B. H., & Thalmann, N. M. (2019). Eliza in the uncanny valley: Anthropomorphizing consumer robots increases their perceived warmth but decreases liking. Marketing letters, 30(1), 1-12.
Klaus, P. (2013). The case of Amazon. com: towards a conceptual framework of online customer service experience (OCSE) using the emerging consensus technique (ECT). Journal of Services Marketing, 27(6), 443-457.
Klaus, P., & Zaichkowsky, J. (2020). AI voice bots: a service marketing research agenda. Journal of Services Marketing, 34(3), 389-398.
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指導教授 鄭明松(Ming-Sung Cheng) 審核日期 2022-1-7
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