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姓名 徐崗鈺(Gang-Yu Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 員工滿意度對企業績效影響之研究—以社群媒體資料為例
(The impact of job satisfaction on corporate performance: a case study of social media data)
★ 在社群網站上作互動推薦及研究使用者行為對其效果之影響★ 以AHP法探討伺服器品牌大廠的供應商遴選指標的權重決定分析
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★ ERP專案成員組合對績效影響之研究★ 推薦期刊文章至適合學科類別之研究
★ 品牌故事分析與比較-以古早味美食產業為例★ 以方法目的鏈比較Starbucks與Cama吸引消費者購買因素
★ 探討創意店家創業價值之研究- 以赤峰街、民生社區為例★ 以領先指標預測企業長短期借款變化之研究
★ 應用層級分析法遴選電競筆記型電腦鍵盤供應商之關鍵因子探討★ 以互惠及利他行為探討信任關係對知識分享之影響
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摘要(中) 企業是否應重視員工滿意度,而滿意的員工是否能讓企業的競爭力提高,是值得深思的議題。本研究利用爬蟲抓取社群媒體 Ibeejobs 愛比網上 2009 年到 2020 年間使用者留下之員工滿意度,並且蒐集對應公司及年份的企業績效資料,透過建立假設員工滿意度與員工流動率為負相關、員工流動率對企業用人費用為正相關以及企業用人費用與企業績效為負相關之研究模型,檢驗社群媒體上的數值型員工滿意度對企業績效之影響。結果顯示公司前景、完善制度規範、公私生活平衡與員工流動率為負相關,表示當員工對於這些指標之滿意度越高,員工會更傾向留在公司內繼續任職;而員工流動率對企業用人費用為正相關,顯示當公司的員工流動率越低,企業用人費用
摘要(英) Whether enterprises should pay attention to employee satisfaction, and whether satisfied employees can improve the competitiveness of enterprises, is an issue worth pondering. This research uses crawlers to crawl the employee satisfaction left by users on the social media Ibeejobs between 2009 and 2020, and collects the corporate performance data of the corresponding companies and years. By establishing hypothetical employee satisfaction and
employee turnover rates negative correlation, positive correlation between employee turnover and corporate employment costs, and negative correlation between corporate employment costs and corporate performance, to test the impact of numerical employee satisfaction on social media on corporate performance. The results show that the company′s prospects, improvement of institutional norms, work-life balance and employee turnover rate are negatively correlated, indicating that when employees are more satisfied with these indicators, employees will be more inclined to stay in the company and continue to work; Expenses are positively correlated, indicating that when the company′s employee turnover rate is lower, the enterprise employment expense rate will be lower; the negative correlation between enterprise employment expenses and enterprise performance is established, indicating that when the enterprise employment expense rate is lower, the enterprise performance will be higher. Our initial hypothesis. Therefore, companies should pay attention to employee satisfaction, which will have a positive impact on corporate performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 社群媒體
★ 員工滿意度
★ 企業績效
關鍵字(英) ★ social media
★ employee satisfaction
★ corporate performance
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 研究目的 4
1-4 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2-1 員工滿意度 6
2-1-1 員工滿意度定義 6
2-1-2 員工滿意度構面 7
2-2 員工滿意度與企業績效 10
2-3 社群媒體與員工滿意度 12
第三章 研究假設與模型 14
3-1 研究假設 14
3-2 研究變數 17
3-3-1 員工滿意度指標 17
3-3-2 員工流動率 21
3-3-3 用人費用率 23
3-3-4 企業績效 23
3-3 研究模型 25
第四章 資料蒐集與分析結果 29
4-1 資料蒐集 29
4-2 資料處理 29
4-3 敘述統計分析 31
4-4 整體模型分析 32
4-5 分析結果討論 36
第五章 研究結論與建議 37
5-1 研究結論 37
5-2 研究限制與未來建議 39
參考文獻 40
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指導教授 許秉瑜(Ping-Yu Hsu) 審核日期 2022-1-21
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