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姓名 陳明萱(Ming-Hsuan Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 改進自注意力機制於神經機器翻譯之研究
★ 網路合作式協同教學設計平台-以國中九年一貫課程為例★ 內容管理機制於常用問答集(FAQ)之應用
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摘要(中) 神經機器翻譯任務之目的為透過深度學習模型將來源語言句子轉換為目標語言,同時得以保留來源句子語意及正確句法。近年來常用的模型之一為 Transformer,透過模型中的自注意力機制捕捉句子的全局資訊,在多項自然語言處理任務中表現良好。然而,有研究指出自注意力機制會學到重複資訊,且無法有效學習文本中的局部資訊。因此,本研究針對 Transformer 中的自注意力機制進行改善,分別加入 Gate 機制與 K-means 分群演算法,進而提出 Gated Attention 與 Clustered Attention,其中 Gated Attention 又涵蓋 Top-k % 方法及 Threshold 方法。透過將 Attention Map 集中化,加強模型捕捉局部資訊之能力,藉此學習到更多元的句子關係,提升其翻譯品質。
  本研究將 Gated Attention 的 Top-k % 方法與 Threshold 方法,以及 Clustered Attention 應用於中英翻譯任務上,以 BLEU 作為評估指標,分別達到 25.30、24.69 及 24.69。其次,同時採用兩種注意力機制的混合組合模型之最佳結果為 24.88,並未比僅採用單一種方法要來得優秀。在實驗中皆證實本研究提出的改進模型優於原始 Transformer,另外亦表明了只使用一種注意力機制更能夠幫助 Transformer 學習文本資訊,且達到 Attention Map 集中化之目的。
摘要(英) The purpose of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is to translate a source sentence to a target sentence by deep learning models and to be able to preserve the semantic meaning of the source sentence and have correct syntax as well. Recently, Transformer is one of the commonly used models. It can capture the global information of sentences through the Self-Attention Mechanism and performs well in lots of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. However, some studies have indicated that the Self-Attention Mechanism learns repetitive information and cannot learn local information of texts effectively. Therefore, we modify the Self-attention Mechanism in Transformer and propose Gated Attention and Clustered Attention, by adding Gated Mechanism and K-means clustering algorithm respectively. Moreover, Gated Attention includes Top-k% method and Threshold method. These approaches centralize the Attention Map to made model improve the ability to capture local information and learn more different relationship in sentences. Hence Transformer can provide a higher quality translation.
In this work, we apply Clustered Attention as well as Top-k% method and Threshold method of Gated Attention to Chinese-to-English translation tasks, and then the results are 24.69, 25.30 and 24.69 BLEU, respectively. Secondly, the best result of the hybrid combination model that uses both attention mechanisms at the same time is 24.88 BLEU, which is not better than using a single attention mechanism. In our experiments, we have found that the proposed model outperforms the vanilla Transformer. Furthermore, we have also observed that using only one attention mechanism can help Transformer learn text information better and achieve the goal of Attention Map centralization as well.
關鍵字(中) ★ 神經機器翻譯
★ Transformer
★ 自注意力機制
★ Gate機制
★ 分群演算法
關鍵字(英) ★ Neural Machine Translation
★ Transformer
★ Self-Attention Mechanism
★ Gate Mechanism
★ Clustering Algorithms
論文目次 摘要 ..................................................................................................................i
Abstract .........................................................................................................ii
誌謝 ................................................................................................................iii
目錄 ................................................................................................................iv
圖目錄 ............................................................................................................vi
表目錄 ...........................................................................................................vii
一、前言 .........................................................................................................1
1-1 研究背景 ................................................................................................1
1-2 研究動機 ................................................................................................2
1-3 研究目的 ................................................................................................3
1-4 文章架構 ................................................................................................4
二、文獻探討 .................................................................................................5
2-1 神經機器翻譯 ........................................................................................5
2-2 編解碼器架構 ........................................................................................6
2-2-1 RNN ...................................................................................................7
2-2-2 LSTM ..................................................................................................7
2-2-3 RNN Encoder-Decoder .................................................................9
2-3 Transformer .......................................................................................10
2-3-1 詞向量 ..............................................................................................11
2-3-2 殘差連結與層正規 ..........................................................................12
2-3-3 FFN ..................................................................................................13
2-3-4 線性層與 Softmax .........................................................................14
2-4 注意力機制 ..........................................................................................14
2-4-1 自注意力機制 ..................................................................................15
2-4-2 多向注意力機制 ..............................................................................17
2-4-3 自注意力機制相關研究 ..................................................................17
2-5 分群演算法 (Clustering Algorithm) ................................................20
2-5-1 K-means .........................................................................................20
2-5-2 K值選擇 ...........................................................................................21
三、研究方法 ..............................................................................................23
3-1 資料前處理 .........................................................................................24
3-2 模型訓練 .............................................................................................26
3-2-1 Attention Map .............................................................................26
3-2-2 Gated Attention ..........................................................................27
3-2-3 Clustered Attention ....................................................................29
3-2-4 多向注意力機制 ............................................................................31
3-3 結果評估 ............................................................................................32
3-3-1 產生翻譯句子 ................................................................................32
3-3-2 計算 BLEU .....................................................................................33
四、實驗 ....................................................................................................35
4-1 實驗設置 ...........................................................................................35
4-1-1 實驗環境與參數設置 ...................................................................35
4-1-2 資料集 ...........................................................................................36
4-2 實驗設計與結果 ...............................................................................37
4-2-1 實驗一:不同超參數設置下之模型表現 ...................................37
4-2-2 實驗二:Gated Attention 與 Clustered Attention 之效能 ..40
4-2-3 實驗三:不同 Attention Heads 組合下之模型表現 ...............41
4-3 討論與分析 ........................................................................................43
4-3-1 Attention Map 之分析 ................................................................43
4-3-2 最佳 K 值之分析 ............................................................................44
五、結論與未來方向 .................................................................................46
5-1 結論 ....................................................................................................46
5-2 研究限制 ............................................................................................46
5-3 未來研究方向 ....................................................................................46
參考文獻 .....................................................................................................48
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指導教授 林熙禎(Shi-Jen Lin) 審核日期 2021-8-2
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