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姓名 張雨潔(Chang, Yu-Chieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 依附型態與心理所有權如何影響人際情感消費旅程
(How attachment styles and psychological ownership affect interpersonal emotional consumption journeys)
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摘要(中) 在人的一生中,人際情感的經驗是無可避免的。在市場上,與消 費者的人際情感相關的消費行為無以計數。然而,這些人際情感消費 背後的影響因子卻很少被討論。由於人際情感消費對於管理者,甚至 消費者本身的重要,在本研究中,我們強調了無論在理論或實務上, 人際情感消費的價值。其中,我們探討了消費者如何因為本身依附型 態以及心理所有權程度的不同而導致在消費過程中產生不同的反應。 本研究透過消費者過去的消費經驗,了解迴避型消費者(也就是依附 迴避高的消費者)對於人際情感商品較不易產生高程度的心理所有權, 進而在消費階段後期有較低購買意願。另一方面,高依附焦慮則對心 理所有權的產生造成正向影響,而導致後續高度的購賣意願。本研究 提出依附型態造成的消費者行為模式是源於依附迴避拒絕的態度以 及依附焦慮多疑的屬性。因此,迴避型消費者對於所有權的態度是拒 絕的,而依附焦慮高的消費者(如焦慮型消費者及混亂型銷費者)則 會因急於找到安全感,與人際情感連結產生心理所有權,一旦心理所 有權建立起來,他們也會因為害怕失去而進行後續購買行為。
摘要(英) The experience of interpersonal relationship is unavoidable in one’s life. Countless consumption behaviors are associated with consumers’ interpersonal relationship, yet the influencing factors behind interpersonal emotional consumption have been less discussed. In this research, we highlight the theoretical and practical richness of interpersonal emotional consumption as it being fundamentally and economically important to marketers and nearly every consumer. In particular, we investigate how consumers with different attachment styles may react differently during interpersonal emotional consumption with psychological ownership as a mediator. Through our study relying on the recall of consumers’ past behavior, we expect that avoidant attached consumers (i.e., consumers only high on attachment avoidance) are less likely to generate high level of psychological ownership towards interpersonal emotional goods, resulting in lower purchase intention in the later stage of interpersonal emotional consumption journey. On the other hand, high attachment anxiety impact positively on generating psychological ownership and increasing purchase intention. We propose that this pattern is driven by the paranoia feature from attachment anxiety such that once psychological ownership has been generated, the fear of loss can encourage further purchase behavior of consumers with high attachment anxiety score while the refusing feature of attachment avoidance drives consumers to rejection towards ownership.
關鍵字(中) ★ 依附型態
★ 心理所有權
★ 人際情感消費
關鍵字(英) ★ Attachment styles
★ Psychological ownership
★ Interpersonal emotional consumption
論文目次 摘要..................................................................... i
Abstract..................................................................... ii
Table of Contents..................................................................... iii
List of Figures..................................................................... iv
List of Tables..................................................................... v
1. Introduction ...................................................... 1
2. Theoretical background and hypothesis development ...... 3
2.1 Psychological ownership ....................................... 3
2.1.1 Attachment theory ............................................... 4
2.1.2 Secure attachment and psychological ownership ........... 6
2.1.3 Anxious attachment and psychological ownership ......... 6
2.2.4 Avoidant attachment and psychological ownership ........ 7
2.2 Fearful attachment and psychological ownership ........... 7
3. Method ............................................................ 8
3.1 Sample and procedure .......................................... 8
3.2 Measures ......................................................... 10
4. Results............................................................ 12
4.1 Reliability and validity ......................................... 12
4.2 Mediation analysis ............................................. 14
5. Discussion ....................................................... 16
5.1 Theoretical implication ........................................ 16
5.2 Managerial implication ........................................ 17
5.3 Limitations and future research .............................. 18
Reference..................................................................... 19
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指導教授 謝依靜(Hsieh, Yi-Ching) 審核日期 2021-7-6
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