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林本耀(Ben-Yao Lin)
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財務金融學系 |
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價格動能策略-以台灣市值前100大公司為例 (Price Momentum Strategy: Evidence from Top 100 Enterprises of Taiwan)
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摘要(中) |
本研究分為兩個部分,首先,以價格動能為基礎,分別透過固定百分比以及ATR的方式,從策略的本質,一步步篩選出合適的策略組合,再進一步找尋策略的參數,發現透過主動選股的方式確實可以獲得比大盤更佳的報酬,也證實了技術分析在台灣市場具有效果,再者,透過研究資金的使用方式,增加資金的使用效率,使獲利進一步提升,研究結果表示,透過此策略的報酬優於買進持有大盤。 |
摘要(英) |
Stocks have always been a very popular investment method in Taiwan. A single profit may make our retirement life come early. From the perspective of microeconomics, there are thousands of investment methods, whether it is fundamental or technical. There may also be conflicts between each other, and from the perspective of macroeconomics, when the market is good, young stock gods emerge in endlessly. Once there is a major impact such as the financial crisis or like covid-19, the situation of losing money is also heard from time to time. Therefore, it is necessary to create a strategy suitable for most investors to earn profits and stop losses in a timely manner.
This study is divided into two parts. Firstly, based on price momentum, through fixed percentage and ATR respectively. From the essence of the strategy, a suitable strategy combination is selected step by step, and then the parameters of the strategy are further searched for. It is found that through active selection The way of stocks can indeed get better rewards than the broader market. It also proves that technical analysis is effective in the Taiwan market. Furthermore, by studying the use of funds, the efficiency of the use of funds is increased, and profits are further improved. The research results indicate that, through this strategy the reward is better than buying and holding the market. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 動能策略 ★ 資金使用效率 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Momentum strategy ★ Capital using efficiency |
論文目次 |
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究架構 2
二、文獻回顧 4
2-1技術指標 4
2-1-1 移動平均線 4
2-1-2 隨機震盪指標 5
2-1-3 相對強弱指標 6
2-1-4 平滑異同移動平均線指標 6
2-1-5 布林通道 7
2-2 文獻回顧 8
三、研究方法 10
3-1 資料選取 10
3-2 研究方法 10
四、固定百分比研究結果 14
4-1固定百分比不進行替換策略本質 14
4-2 固定百分比每年替換策略本質 18
4-3固定百分比挑選參數 29
五、穩健性測試 36
5-1 ATR不進行替換策略本質 36
5-2 ATR每年替換策略本質 43
5-3 ATR挑選參數 54
六、資金使用 61
6-1 平均分配資金 61
6-2資金使用再探討 64
七、結論與建議 67
參考文獻 69 |
參考文獻 |
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審核日期 |
2021-8-16 |
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