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姓名 李嘉鑫(Jia-Sin Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
論文名稱 汙染稅與汙染防治技術授權
★ 存在中間財市場下的跨國廠商進入模式選擇★ 匯率與本國中間財廠商的直接投資決策
★ 網路外部性下的利潤廠商跟共營廠商競爭分析★ 寡占市場下的自動進口擴張政策分析
★ 寡占廠商成本歧異下之最適產業與貿易政策★ 雙邊貿易的最適關稅
★ 平行輸入、仿冒與服務品質★ 經濟成長、消費者信心與銀行風險
★ 網路外部性與最適民營化政策★ 經濟整合與關稅政策的福利分析
★ 最適民營化政策的相關議題分析★ 多功能產品跨業效果的經濟分析
★ 出口競爭與廠商的直接投資決策 -匯率的考量★ Drastic or Non-drastic Innovation When Encountering Rivals
★ 存在中間財下的仿冒行為分析★ 外人直接投資與政府的策略性汙染稅
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摘要(中) 許多產業的生產活動通常都會產生汙染,造成環境外部性的問題。政府通常會針對這些汙染訂定環境政策來將外部成本內部化,使追求利潤極大的廠商考慮減產或投入汙染防治以減少環境損害。一般而言,不同的廠商在技術上也會有所差異,使授權行為可能發生。因此,當廠商投入汙染防治時,廠商間也很有可能存在汙染防治技術差異,使汙染防治技術授權發生於不同技術的廠商之間。另外,汙染稅為解決外部性最簡單有效的方法,但是傳統汙染稅的制定,並無考慮稅額的設定是否會影響廠商間汙染防治的授權行為,因此本文欲探討具汙染防治技術差異的廠商,在面對汙染稅下可能的授權行為,以及政府的最適政策。

摘要(英) The production activities of many industries usually have pollution and cause environmental externality. The government usually use the environmental policy to solve this problem, so that firms may have incentive to reduce production or use abatement technology to reduce environmental damage. Generally, different firms will have different technology. Therefore, when a firm do pollution abatement technology , there is also a possibility that there will be different pollution abatement technology among firms, so that the abatement license occurs among firms with different technology. In addition, pollution tax is the simplest and most effective way to solve externality problem. However, the setting of traditional pollution tax does not consider whether the tax amount will affect the abatement license. Therefore, this study discusses government’s optimal policy and firms abatement license when they tax by government.

For that, we set the multi-stage game to study this thesis. In this game, we assume two firms produce homogeneous products with pollution, their marginal environmental damage is different, and they don’t have any production cost . In addition, considering that the government′s policy will not change frequently, we will use the fixed fee to analysis pollution taxes on the abatement license between firms in the long-term and short-term. We can find that when the pollution tax is exogenous variable, abatement license may get the better social welfare, but the abatement license is not happen between the firms, which causes market failure. If the pollution tax is endogenous variable, the government will set a lower pollution tax to allow the abatement license occur when the disadvantaged firm of pollution abatement technology gap is small. And the government will set a higher pollution tax to allow the abatement license occur when abatement technology gap is big. Therefore, if we can consider both the environmental damage caused by production and the abatement license between firms, the problem of market failure can be avoided.
關鍵字(中) ★ 汙染稅
★ 汙染防治技術
★ 產業內授權
關鍵字(英) ★ pollution tax
★ pollution control technology
★ abatement licensing
論文目次 第 1 章 前言 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究方法 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第 2 章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 汙染稅相關文獻 5
2.2 授權相關文獻 6
第 3 章 基本模型 9
第 4 章 授權與最適汙染稅 16
4.1 汙染稅外生 16
4.2 最適汙染稅 21
第 5 章 結論 27
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指導教授 邱俊榮(Jiunn-Rong Chiou) 審核日期 2021-8-25
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