博碩士論文 108453022 詳細資訊

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姓名 謝欣慈(Hsin-Tzu Hsieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 供應鏈整合導入交貨電子化之個案研究-以T公司為例
(Adopting Electronic Delivery for Supply Chain Integration: A Case Study of Company T)
★ 影響ERP導入過程及成效因素之研究 - 單一公司兩次導入SAP系統之比較分析★ 運用資料倉儲技術建置物力動員資訊系統之開發
★ 買方採用自有電子市集之個案研究─以台塑企業為例★ DEA模型評估經營效率之研究—以某綜合證券商為例
★ 尋求卓越:中小企業資訊部門的管理之個案研究★ 「證券商共同網路交易平台」之可行性分析
★ 產業競合模式策略探討-以自行車產業為例★ RFID導入航空貨運站出口作業流程應用之研究
★ 綠色供應鏈活動建構之個案研究-以筆記型電腦製造業為例★ 導入資訊科技服務管理之評估-以遠東銀行為例
★ 資訊系統導入歷程中專案團隊決策衝突之探討★ 應用資源基礎理論探討持久競爭優勢-以智慧型手機H公司為例
★ 服務導向架構為基礎的企業流程管理之探討 - 以瀚宇博德股份有限公司為例★ 沙賓法案實施與企業遵循個案研究--以K公司為例
★ 資訊服務委外之個案分析-以銀行簡訊為例★ 有線電視業者經營IPTV之競爭優勢分析—以個案公司為例
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摘要(中) 當公司經營發展到一定規模時,供應鏈流程整合和e化是趨勢,T公司經營理念是藉由垂直整合,有效控管供應鏈,降低營運的風險;透過集中管理,產生規模經濟,有效管控生產成本。一直以來T公司耗費時間、金錢、心力建置供應鏈電子商務平台,致力於採購商與供應商、物流商建立良好合作關係。
摘要(英) It is a trend to adopt electronic delivery for integrating supply chains when the operational scale of a company has reached a certain level. As a leading company in the traditional manufacturing industries, the business philosophy of Company T is to reduce operational risks and production costs with centralized management to generate economies of scale. This is partly achieved through vertical integration and effective supply chain monitoring and control. Company T continues to develop a supply chain e-commerce platform, and strives to establish tight business relationships between purchasers, suppliers and logistics providers.
As time passed by, Company T started encountering the manpower aging problem. Employee retirement has brought a temporary deficit in manpower as the company experienced the difficulty of recruiting sufficient laborers. Technological innovations, such as digitalization, electronic integration and automation, and artificial intelligence can make impressive strides in the supply chain for business growth. Therefore, adopting electronic delivery is a good choice to revamp Company T’s supply system and simplify operations for greater process integration.
This studied case is Company T (a leading manufacturing company in Taiwan), with a focus on its projects of adopting electronic delivery for supply chain integration. The study reviewed three streams of literature - digitalization, BPR (Business Process Reengineering), supply chain integration. The study collected primary and secondary data by participating in the projects. By analyzing the data, this study identified gaps between the practices of the case and those suggested by the literature.
Information technology is the key to integrate supply chains, enhance the quality of supply chain services, and introduce an efficient operation system to build a close business relationship with suppliers. After reviewing the actual operational performance of Company T, the research results demonstrate that adopting electronic delivery has indeed deepened the supply chain relationships, resulting in higher revenues for cooperative suppliers and a win-win situation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電子化
★ 企業流程再造
★ 供應鏈整合
關鍵字(英) ★ Digitalization
★ BPR (Business Process Reengineering)
★ Supply Chain Integration
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 電子化 5
2.2 流程改善 8
2.3 供應鏈 12
2.4 文獻小結 17
第三章 研究方法 18
3.1 方法基礎 18
3.2 採用方法 20
3.3 研究對象 21
3.4 資料蒐集來源與方式 22
第四章 個案分析 24
4.1 個案背景 24
4.2 個案問題 32
4.3 改善方案 34
4.4 個案發現 49
4.5 個案分析總結 54
第五章 結論 55
5.1 研究總結 55
5.2 研究管理意涵或建議 57
5.3 研究限制 58
5.4 未來研究方向 59
參考文獻 60
參考文獻 【中文文獻】
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指導教授 王存國(Tswen-Gwo Wang) 審核日期 2021-7-16
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