摘要(英) |
A fabless semiconductor company refers to an IC design house without its
own production facility. It carries out circuit design of IC chips, and outsources IC
manufacturing to third party IC foundries. The focus of this study is IC design house
S, which is a typical fabless semiconductor company. Company S is small in scale
and low in equity. Therefore, in order to obtain a better industrial competitive
advantage and secure stable supplies of IC foundries production capacity, it has to
provide the foundries with a product forecasts a year in advance. The production
plans are based on sales forecasts. As a result, accuracies of the forecasts indirectly
affects its supplies and sales orders.
In the past two years, the US-China trade war and the COVID-19 pandemic
have severely affected the operations of Company S. Since external environmental
factors are the determinants of sales, this results in serious forecast inaccuracies,
denting revenue and profit of Company S. The main purpose of this study is improve
the sales forecasting process, attempting to improve forecast accuracies, in order to
improve its competitive advantage in obtaining sales orders and stabilizing wafer
production capacity.
The foundation of the forecast operations is based on its ERP (enterprise
resource planning) system, which integrates various heterogeneous systems, with an
artificial intelligence inferencing component. This study proposes improvements to
the forecasting process, based on the bottlenecks identified. A feasibility analysis
supports that it is feasible and beneficial to the company. |
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網址:https://udn.com/news/story/6903/5177093。 |